/*! * Stylus - stack - Frame * Copyright(c) 2010 LearnBoost * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Scope = require('./scope') , blocks = require('../nodes'); /** * Initialize a new `Frame` with the given `block`. * * @param {Block} block * @api private */ var Frame = module.exports = function Frame(block) { this._scope = false === block.scope ? null : new Scope; this.block = block; }; /** * Return this frame's scope or the parent scope * for scope-less blocks. * * @return {Scope} * @api public */ Frame.prototype.__defineGetter__('scope', function(){ return this._scope || this.parent.scope; }); /** * Lookup the given local variable `name`. * * @param {String} name * @return {Node} * @api private */ Frame.prototype.lookup = function(name){ return this.scope.lookup(name) }; /** * Custom inspect. * * @return {String} * @api public */ Frame.prototype.inspect = function(){ return '[Frame ' + (false === this.block.scope ? 'scope-less' : this.scope.inspect()) + ']'; };