h1. css_sprite A rails plugin/gem to generate css sprite images automatically. ************************************************************************** h2. Install install rmagick gem first:
sudo gem install rmagick
if you have any problems with the rmagick gem, install imagemagick via macports first:
sudo port install libxml2
sudo port install ImageMagick
or via installer: http://github.com/maddox/magick-installer/tree/master
install it as a gem:
sudo gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org
sudo gem install css_sprite
or install it as a plugin:
script/plugin install git://github.com/flyerhzm/css_sprite.git
h2. Configuration
add config/css_sprite.yml
, define about compositing what images.
forum_icon_vertical.gif: # destination image file
sources: # source image file list
- good_topic.gif
- mid_topic.gif
- unread_topic.gif
- sticky_topic.gif
orient: vertical # composite gravity, vertical or horizontal
span: 5 # span of space between two images
first line defines the destination image filename.
is a list of source image filenames what want to composite. They are parsed by Dir.glob
defines the composite gravity type, horizontal or vertical. Default is 'vertical'.
defines the span between two images. Default is 0.
you can define any number of destination image files.
h2. Usage
if you use it as a gem, add a task lib/tasks/css_sprite.rake
require 'css_sprite'
if you use it as a plugin, ignore the step above.
then just run rake task:
rake css_sprite:build
the result css is generated at public/stylesheets/css_sprite.css
.good_topic {
background: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 0px;
width: 20px;
height: 19px;
.mid_topic {
background: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 24px
width: 20px;
height: 19px;
.unread_topic {
background: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 48px;
width: 19px;
height: 18px;
.sticky_topic {
background: url('/images/forum_icon_vertical.gif') no-repeat 0px 71px;
width: 19px;
height: 18px;
h2. Contributor
josedelcorral - fix the style of generated css
Copyright (c) 2009 [Richard Huang (flyerhzm@gmail.com)], released under the MIT license