module Geometry class Transformation class Composition attr_reader :transformations def initialize(*args) raise TypeError unless args.all? {|a| a.is_a? Transformation } @transformations = *args end def +(other) case other when Transformation*transformations, other) when Composition*transformations, *other.transformations) end end # @group Accessors # !@attribute [r] has_rotation? # @return [Bool] true if the transformation has any rotation components def has_rotation? transformations.any? {|t| t.is_a?(Rotation) || t.has_rotation? } end # !@attribute [r] size # @return [Number] the number of composed {Transformation}s def size transformations.size end # @endgroup def transform(point) transformations.reverse.reduce(point) {|_point, transformation| transformation.transform(_point) } end end end end