class TokyoMetro::App::Renderer::SideMenu::NowDeveloping < TokyoMetro::Factory::Decorate::MetaClass def render h.render inline: <<-HAML , type: :haml , locals: h_locals %div{ id: :now_developing } = request ).render %div{ class: :info_text } %div{ class: :text_ja } - contents_ja.each do | row | %p< = row %div{ class: :text_en } %p< = contents_en HAML end private def h_locals super().merge({ contents_ja: contents_ja , contents_en: contents_en }) end def contents_ja [ "ただいま開発中につき" , "間違っている情報が" , "含まれている場合があります" ] end def contents_en "The library 'Rails on Ruby' and this web-application is now under development. Please note that some contents in this app may be wrong." end end