/* ndloop.c Numerical Array Extension for Ruby (C) Copyright 1999-2017 by Masahiro TANAKA */ #include #include "numo/narray.h" #if 0 #define DBG(x) x #else #define DBG(x) #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES #include #define va_init_list(a,b) va_start(a,b) #else #include #define va_init_list(a,b) va_start(a) #endif typedef struct NA_BUFFER_COPY { int ndim; size_t elmsz; size_t *n; char *src_ptr; char *buf_ptr; na_loop_iter_t *src_iter; na_loop_iter_t *buf_iter; } na_buffer_copy_t; typedef struct NA_LOOP_XARGS { na_loop_iter_t *iter; // moved from na_loop_t na_buffer_copy_t *bufcp; // copy data to buffer int flag; // NDL_READ NDL_WRITE bool free_user_iter; // alloc LARG(lp,j).iter=lp->xargs[j].iter } na_loop_xargs_t; typedef struct NA_MD_LOOP { int narg; int nin; int ndim; // n of total dimention unsigned int copy_flag; // set i-th bit if i-th arg is cast size_t *n_ptr; // memory for n na_loop_iter_t *iter_ptr; // memory for iter size_t *n; // n of elements for each dim na_loop_t user; // loop in user function na_loop_xargs_t *xargs; // extra data for each arg int writeback; // write back result to i-th arg int init_aidx; // index of initializer argument int reduce_dim; int *trans_map; VALUE vargs; VALUE reduce; VALUE loop_opt; ndfunc_t *ndfunc; void (*loop_func)(); } na_md_loop_t; #define LARG(lp,iarg) ((lp)->user.args[iarg]) #define LITER(lp,idim,iarg) ((lp)->xargs[iarg].iter[idim]) #define LITER_SRC(lp,idim) ((lp)->src_iter[idim]) #define LBUFCP(lp,j) ((lp)->xargs[j].bufcp) #define CASTABLE(t) (RTEST(t) && (t)!=OVERWRITE) #define NDL_READ 1 #define NDL_WRITE 2 #define NDL_READ_WRITE (NDL_READ|NDL_WRITE) static ID id_cast; static ID id_extract; static inline VALUE nary_type_s_cast(VALUE type, VALUE obj) { return rb_funcall(type,id_cast,1,obj); } static void print_ndfunc(ndfunc_t *nf) { volatile VALUE t; int i, k; printf("ndfunc_t = 0x%"SZF"x {\n",(size_t)nf); printf(" func = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)nf->func); printf(" flag = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)nf->flag); printf(" nin = %d\n", nf->nin); printf(" nout = %d\n", nf->nout); printf(" ain = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)nf->ain); for (i=0; inin; i++) { t = rb_inspect(nf->ain[i].type); printf(" ain[%d].type = %s\n", i, StringValuePtr(t)); printf(" ain[%d].dim = %d\n", i, nf->ain[i].dim); } printf(" aout = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)nf->aout); for (i=0; inout; i++) { t = rb_inspect(nf->aout[i].type); printf(" aout[%d].type = %s\n", i, StringValuePtr(t)); printf(" aout[%d].dim = %d\n", i, nf->aout[i].dim); for (k=0; kaout[i].dim; k++) { printf(" aout[%d].shape[%d] = %"SZF"u\n", i, k, nf->aout[i].shape[k]); } } printf("}\n"); } static void print_ndloop(na_md_loop_t *lp) { int i,j,nd; printf("na_md_loop_t = 0x%"SZF"x {\n",(size_t)lp); printf(" narg = %d\n", lp->narg); printf(" nin = %d\n", lp->nin); printf(" ndim = %d\n", lp->ndim); printf(" copy_flag = %x\n", lp->copy_flag); printf(" writeback = %d\n", lp->writeback); printf(" init_aidx = %d\n", lp->init_aidx); printf(" reduce_dim = %d\n", lp->reduce_dim); printf(" trans_map = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)lp->trans_map); nd = lp->ndim + lp->user.ndim; for (i=0; itrans_map[i]); } printf(" n = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)lp->n); nd = lp->ndim + lp->user.ndim; for (i=0; i<=lp->ndim; i++) { printf(" n[%d] = %"SZF"u\n", i, lp->n[i]); } printf(" user.n = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)lp->user.n); if (lp->user.n) { for (i=0; i<=lp->user.ndim; i++) { printf(" user.n[%d] = %"SZF"u\n", i, lp->user.n[i]); } } printf(" xargs = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)lp->xargs); printf(" iter_ptr = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)lp->iter_ptr); printf(" user.narg = %d\n", lp->user.narg); printf(" user.ndim = %d\n", lp->user.ndim); printf(" user.args = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)lp->user.args); for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { } printf(" user.opt_ptr = 0x%"SZF"x\n", (size_t)lp->user.opt_ptr); if (lp->reduce==Qnil) { printf(" reduce = nil\n"); } else { printf(" reduce = 0x%x\n", NUM2INT(lp->reduce)); } for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { printf("--user.args[%d]--\n", j); printf(" user.args[%d].ptr = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)LARG(lp,j).ptr); printf(" user.args[%d].elmsz = %"SZF"d\n", j, LARG(lp,j).elmsz); printf(" user.args[%d].value = 0x%"PRI_VALUE_PREFIX"x\n", j, LARG(lp,j).value); printf(" user.args[%d].ndim = %d\n", j, LARG(lp,j).ndim); printf(" user.args[%d].shape = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)LARG(lp,j).shape); if (LARG(lp,j).shape) { for (i=0; iuser.args[j].iter); if (lp->user.args[j].iter) { for (i=0; iuser.ndim; i++) { printf(" &user.args[%d].iter[%d] = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j,i, (size_t)&lp->user.args[j].iter[i]); printf(" user.args[%d].iter[%d].pos = %"SZF"u\n", j,i, lp->user.args[j].iter[i].pos); printf(" user.args[%d].iter[%d].step = %"SZF"u\n", j,i, lp->user.args[j].iter[i].step); printf(" user.args[%d].iter[%d].idx = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j,i, (size_t)lp->user.args[j].iter[i].idx); } } // printf(" xargs[%d].flag = %d\n", j, lp->xargs[j].flag); printf(" xargs[%d].free_user_iter = %d\n", j, lp->xargs[j].free_user_iter); for (i=0; i<=nd; i++) { printf(" &xargs[%d].iter[%d] = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j,i, (size_t)&LITER(lp,i,j)); printf(" xargs[%d].iter[%d].pos = %"SZF"u\n", j,i, LITER(lp,i,j).pos); printf(" xargs[%d].iter[%d].step = %"SZF"u\n", j,i, LITER(lp,i,j).step); printf(" xargs[%d].iter[%d].idx = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j,i, (size_t)LITER(lp,i,j).idx); } printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)lp->xargs[j].bufcp); if (lp->xargs[j].bufcp) { printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp->ndim = %d\n", j, lp->xargs[j].bufcp->ndim); printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp->elmsz = %"SZF"d\n", j, lp->xargs[j].bufcp->elmsz); printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp->n = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)lp->xargs[j].bufcp->n); printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp->src_ptr = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)lp->xargs[j].bufcp->src_ptr); printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp->buf_ptr = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)lp->xargs[j].bufcp->buf_ptr); printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp->src_iter = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)lp->xargs[j].bufcp->src_iter); printf(" xargs[%d].bufcp->buf_iter = 0x%"SZF"x\n", j, (size_t)lp->xargs[j].bufcp->buf_iter); } } printf("}\n"); } static unsigned int ndloop_func_loop_spec(ndfunc_t *nf, int user_ndim) { unsigned int f=0; // If user function supports LOOP if (user_ndim > 0 || NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_HAS_LOOP)) { if (!NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_STRIDE_LOOP)) { f |= 1; } if (!NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_INDEX_LOOP)) { f |= 2; } } return f; } static int ndloop_cast_required(VALUE type, VALUE value) { return CASTABLE(type) && type != CLASS_OF(value); } static int ndloop_castable_type(VALUE type) { return rb_obj_is_kind_of(type, rb_cClass) && RTEST(rb_class_inherited_p(type, cNArray)); } static void ndloop_cast_error(VALUE type, VALUE value) { VALUE x = rb_inspect(type); char* s = StringValueCStr(x); rb_bug("fail cast from %s to %s", rb_obj_classname(value),s); rb_raise(rb_eTypeError,"fail cast from %s to %s", rb_obj_classname(value), s); } // convert input argeuments given by RARRAY_PTR(args)[j] // to type specified by nf->args[j].type // returns copy_flag where nth-bit is set if nth argument is converted. static unsigned int ndloop_cast_args(ndfunc_t *nf, VALUE args) { int j; unsigned int copy_flag=0; VALUE type, value; for (j=0; jnin; j++) { type = nf->ain[j].type; if (TYPE(type)==T_SYMBOL) continue; value = RARRAY_AREF(args,j); if (!ndloop_cast_required(type, value)) continue; if (ndloop_castable_type(type)) { RARRAY_ASET(args,j,nary_type_s_cast(type, value)); copy_flag |= 1<reduce = value; } else if (type==sym_option) { lp->user.option = value; } else if (type==sym_loop_opt) { lp->loop_opt = value; } else if (type==sym_init) { lp->init_aidx = at; } else { rb_bug("ndloop parse_options: unknown type"); } } static inline int max2(int x, int y) { return x > y ? x : y; } static void ndloop_find_max_dimension(na_md_loop_t *lp, ndfunc_t *nf, VALUE args) { int j; int nin=0; // number of input objects (except for symbols) int user_nd=0; // max dimension of user function int loop_nd=0; // max dimension of md-loop for (j=0; jain[j].type; VALUE v = RARRAY_AREF(args,j); if (TYPE(t)==T_SYMBOL) { ndloop_handle_symbol_in_ain(t, v, j, lp); } else { nin++; user_nd = max2(user_nd, nf->ain[j].dim); if (IsNArray(v)) loop_nd = max2(loop_nd, RNARRAY_NDIM(v) - nf->ain[j].dim); } } lp->narg = lp->user.narg = nin + nf->nout; lp->nin = nin; lp->ndim = loop_nd; lp->user.ndim = user_nd; } /* user-dimension: user_nd = MAX( nf->args[j].dim ) user-support dimension: loop dimension: loop_nd */ static void ndloop_alloc(na_md_loop_t *lp, ndfunc_t *nf, VALUE args, void *opt_ptr, unsigned int copy_flag, void (*loop_func)(ndfunc_t*, na_md_loop_t*)) { int i,j; int narg; int max_nd; long args_len; na_loop_iter_t *iter; int trans_dim; unsigned int f; args_len = RARRAY_LEN(args); if (args_len != nf->nin) { rb_bug("wrong number of arguments for ndfunc (%lu for %d)", args_len, nf->nin); } lp->vargs = args; lp->ndfunc = nf; lp->loop_func = loop_func; lp->copy_flag = copy_flag; lp->reduce = Qnil; lp->user.option = Qnil; lp->user.opt_ptr = opt_ptr; lp->user.err_type = Qfalse; lp->loop_opt = Qnil; lp->writeback = -1; lp->init_aidx = -1; lp->n = NULL; lp->n_ptr = NULL; lp->xargs = NULL; lp->user.args = NULL; lp->user.n = NULL; lp->iter_ptr = NULL; lp->trans_map = NULL; ndloop_find_max_dimension(lp, nf, args); narg = lp->nin + nf->nout; max_nd = lp->ndim + lp->user.ndim; lp->n = lp->n_ptr = ALLOC_N(size_t, max_nd+1); lp->xargs = ALLOC_N(na_loop_xargs_t, narg); lp->user.args = ALLOC_N(na_loop_args_t, narg); iter = ALLOC_N(na_loop_iter_t, narg*(max_nd+1)); lp->iter_ptr = iter; for (j=0; jxargs[j].iter = &(iter[(max_nd+1)*j]); lp->xargs[j].bufcp = NULL; lp->xargs[j].flag = (jnin) ? NDL_READ : NDL_WRITE; lp->xargs[j].free_user_iter = 0; } for (i=0; i<=max_nd; i++) { lp->n[i] = 1; for (j=0; j [*,*,*,+,+] // trans_map=[0,3,1,4,2] <= [0,1,2,3,4] lp->trans_map = ALLOC_N(int, max_nd+1); if (NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_FLAT_REDUCE) && RTEST(lp->reduce)) { trans_dim = 0; for (i=0; ireduce, i)) { lp->trans_map[i] = -1; } else { lp->trans_map[i] = trans_dim++; } } j = trans_dim; for (i=0; itrans_map[i] == -1) { lp->trans_map[i] = j++; } } lp->reduce_dim = max_nd - trans_dim; f = 0; for (i=trans_dim; ireduce = INT2FIX(f); } else { for (i=0; itrans_map[i] = i; } lp->reduce_dim = 0; } } static VALUE ndloop_release(VALUE vlp) { int j; VALUE v; na_md_loop_t *lp = (na_md_loop_t*)(vlp); for (j=0; j < lp->narg; j++) { v = LARG(lp,j).value; if (IsNArray(v)) { na_release_lock(v); } } //xfree(lp); for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { //printf("lp->xargs[%d].bufcp=%lx\n",j,(size_t)(lp->xargs[j].bufcp)); if (lp->xargs[j].bufcp) { xfree(lp->xargs[j].bufcp->buf_iter); xfree(lp->xargs[j].bufcp->buf_ptr); xfree(lp->xargs[j].bufcp->n); xfree(lp->xargs[j].bufcp); if (lp->xargs[j].free_user_iter) { xfree(LARG(lp,j).iter); } } } if (lp->trans_map) xfree(lp->trans_map); xfree(lp->xargs); xfree(lp->iter_ptr); xfree(lp->user.args); xfree(lp->n_ptr); //rb_gc_force_recycle(vlp); return Qnil; } /* set lp->n[i] (shape of n-d iteration) here */ static void ndloop_check_shape(na_md_loop_t *lp, int nf_dim, narray_t *na) { int i, k; size_t n; int dim_beg; dim_beg = lp->ndim + nf_dim - na->ndim; for (k = na->ndim - nf_dim - 1; k>=0; k--) { i = lp->trans_map[k + dim_beg]; n = na->shape[k]; // if n==1 then repeat this dimension if (n != 1) { if (lp->n[i] == 1) { lp->n[i] = n; } else if (lp->n[i] != n) { // inconsistent array shape rb_raise(nary_eShapeError,"shape1[%d](=%"SZF"u) != shape2[%d](=%"SZF"u)", i, lp->n[i], k, n); } } } } /* na->shape[i] == lp->n[ dim_map[i] ] */ static void ndloop_set_stepidx(na_md_loop_t *lp, int j, VALUE vna, int *dim_map, int rwflag) { size_t n, s; int i, k; stridx_t sdx; narray_t *na; LARG(lp,j).value = vna; LARG(lp,j).elmsz = nary_element_stride(vna); if (rwflag == NDL_READ) { LARG(lp,j).ptr = na_get_pointer_for_read(vna); } else if (rwflag == NDL_WRITE) { LARG(lp,j).ptr = na_get_pointer_for_write(vna); } else if (rwflag == NDL_READ_WRITE) { LARG(lp,j).ptr = na_get_pointer_for_read_write(vna); } else { rb_bug("invalid value for read-write flag"); } GetNArray(vna,na); switch(NA_TYPE(na)) { case NARRAY_DATA_T: if (NA_DATA_PTR(na)==NULL && NA_SIZE(na)>0) { rb_bug("cannot read no-data NArray"); rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError,"cannot read no-data NArray"); } // through case NARRAY_FILEMAP_T: s = LARG(lp,j).elmsz; for (k=na->ndim; k--;) { n = na->shape[k]; if (n > 1) { i = dim_map[k]; //printf("n=%d k=%d i=%d\n",n,k,i); LITER(lp,i,j).step = s; LITER(lp,i,j).idx = NULL; } s *= n; } LITER(lp,0,j).pos = 0; break; case NARRAY_VIEW_T: LITER(lp,0,j).pos = NA_VIEW_OFFSET(na); for (k=0; kndim; k++) { n = na->shape[k]; sdx = NA_VIEW_STRIDX(na)[k]; if (n > 1) { i = dim_map[k]; if (SDX_IS_INDEX(sdx)) { LITER(lp,i,j).step = 0; LITER(lp,i,j).idx = SDX_GET_INDEX(sdx); } else { LITER(lp,i,j).step = SDX_GET_STRIDE(sdx); LITER(lp,i,j).idx = NULL; } } else if (n==1) { if (SDX_IS_INDEX(sdx)) { LITER(lp,0,j).pos += SDX_GET_INDEX(sdx)[0]; } } } break; default: rb_bug("invalid narray internal type"); } } static void ndloop_init_args(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp, VALUE args) { int i, j; VALUE v; narray_t *na; int nf_dim; int dim_beg; int *dim_map; int max_nd = lp->ndim + lp->user.ndim; int flag; size_t s; /* na->shape[i] == lp->n[ dim_map[i] ] */ dim_map = ALLOCA_N(int, max_nd); // input arguments for (j=0; jnin; j++) { if (TYPE(nf->ain[j].type)==T_SYMBOL) { continue; } v = RARRAY_AREF(args,j); if (IsNArray(v)) { // set LARG(lp,j) with v GetNArray(v,na); nf_dim = nf->ain[j].dim; if (nf_dim > na->ndim) { rb_raise(nary_eDimensionError,"requires >= %d-dimensioal array " "while %d-dimensional array is given",nf_dim,na->ndim); } ndloop_check_shape(lp, nf_dim, na); dim_beg = lp->ndim + nf->ain[j].dim - na->ndim; for (i=0; indim; i++) { dim_map[i] = lp->trans_map[i+dim_beg]; //printf("dim_map[%d]=%d na->shape[%d]=%d\n",i,dim_map[i],i,na->shape[i]); } if (nf->ain[j].type==OVERWRITE) { lp->xargs[j].flag = flag = NDL_WRITE; } else { lp->xargs[j].flag = flag = NDL_READ; } ndloop_set_stepidx(lp, j, v, dim_map, flag); LARG(lp,j).ndim = nf_dim; if (nf_dim > 0) { LARG(lp,j).shape = na->shape + (na->ndim - nf_dim); } } else if (TYPE(v)==T_ARRAY) { LARG(lp,j).value = v; LARG(lp,j).elmsz = sizeof(VALUE); LARG(lp,j).ptr = NULL; for (i=0; i<=max_nd; i++) { LITER(lp,i,j).step = 1; } } } // check whether # of element is zero for (s=1,i=0; i<=max_nd; i++) { s *= lp->n[i]; } if (s==0) { for (i=0; i<=max_nd; i++) { lp->n[i] = 0; } } } static int ndloop_check_inplace(VALUE type, int na_ndim, size_t *na_shape, VALUE v) { int i; narray_t *na; // type check if (type != CLASS_OF(v)) { return 0; } GetNArray(v,na); // shape check if (na->ndim != na_ndim) { return 0; } for (i=0; ishape[i]) { return 0; } } // v is selected as output return 1; } static VALUE ndloop_find_inplace(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp, VALUE type, int na_ndim, size_t *na_shape, VALUE args) { int j; VALUE v; // find inplace for (j=0; jnin; j++) { v = RARRAY_AREF(args,j); if (IsNArray(v)) { if (TEST_INPLACE(v)) { if (ndloop_check_inplace(type,na_ndim,na_shape,v)) { // if already copied, create outary and write-back if (lp->copy_flag & (1<writeback = j; } return v; } } } } // find casted or copied input array for (j=0; jnin; j++) { if (lp->copy_flag & (1<=nf->nin) { rb_bug("invalid type: index (%d) out of # of args",i); } t = nf->ain[i].type; // if i-th type is Qnil, get the type of i-th input value if (!CASTABLE(t)) { t = CLASS_OF(RARRAY_AREF(args,i)); } } return t; } static VALUE ndloop_set_output_narray(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp, int k, VALUE type, VALUE args) { int i, j; int na_ndim; int lp_dim; volatile VALUE v=Qnil; size_t *na_shape; int *dim_map; int flag = NDL_READ_WRITE; int nd; int max_nd = lp->ndim + nf->aout[k].dim; na_shape = ALLOCA_N(size_t, max_nd); dim_map = ALLOCA_N(int, max_nd); //printf("max_nd=%d lp->ndim=%d\n",max_nd,lp->ndim); // md-loop shape na_ndim = 0; for (i=0; indim; i++) { // na_shape[i] == lp->n[lp->trans_map[i]] lp_dim = lp->trans_map[i]; //printf("i=%d lp_dim=%d\n",i,lp_dim); if (NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_CUM)) { // cumulate with shape kept na_shape[na_ndim] = lp->n[lp_dim]; } else if (na_test_reduce(lp->reduce,lp_dim)) { // accumulate dimension if (NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_KEEP_DIM)) { na_shape[na_ndim] = 1; // leave it } else { continue; // delete dimension } } else { na_shape[na_ndim] = lp->n[lp_dim]; } //printf("i=%d lp_dim=%d na_shape[%d]=%ld\n",i,lp_dim,i,na_shape[i]); dim_map[na_ndim++] = lp_dim; //dim_map[lp_dim] = na_ndim++; } // user-specified shape for (i=0; iaout[k].dim; i++) { na_shape[na_ndim] = nf->aout[k].shape[i]; dim_map[na_ndim++] = i + lp->ndim; } // find inplace from input arrays if (k==0 && NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_INPLACE)) { v = ndloop_find_inplace(nf,lp,type,na_ndim,na_shape,args); } if (!RTEST(v)) { // new object v = nary_new(type, na_ndim, na_shape); flag = NDL_WRITE; } j = lp->nin + k; ndloop_set_stepidx(lp, j, v, dim_map, flag); LARG(lp,j).ndim = nd = nf->aout[k].dim; if (nd > 0) { LARG(lp,j).shape = nf->aout[k].shape; } return v; } static VALUE ndloop_set_output(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp, VALUE args) { int i, j, k, idx; volatile VALUE v, t, results; VALUE init; int max_nd = lp->ndim + lp->user.ndim; // output results results = rb_ary_new2(nf->nout); for (k=0; knout; k++) { t = nf->aout[k].type; t = ndloop_get_arg_type(nf,args,t); if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(t, rb_cClass)) { if (RTEST(rb_class_inherited_p(t, cNArray))) { // NArray v = ndloop_set_output_narray(nf,lp,k,t,args); rb_ary_push(results, v); } else if (RTEST(rb_class_inherited_p(t, rb_cArray))) { // Ruby Array j = lp->nin + k; for (i=0; i<=max_nd; i++) { LITER(lp,i,j).step = sizeof(VALUE); } LARG(lp,j).value = t; LARG(lp,j).elmsz = sizeof(VALUE); } else { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError,"ndloop_set_output: invalid for type"); } } } // initialilzer k = lp->init_aidx; if (k > -1) { idx = nf->ain[k].dim; v = RARRAY_AREF(results,idx); init = RARRAY_AREF(args,k); na_store(v,init); } return results; } static void ndfunc_contract_loop(na_md_loop_t *lp) { int i,j,k,success,cnt=0; int red0, redi; redi = na_test_reduce(lp->reduce,0); //for (i=0; indim; i++) { // printf("lp->n[%d]=%lu\n",i,lp->n[i]); //} for (i=1; indim; i++) { red0 = redi; redi = na_test_reduce(lp->reduce,i); //printf("contract i=%d reduce_cond=%d %d\n",i,red0,redi); if (red0 != redi) { continue; } success = 1; for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { if (!(LITER(lp,i,j).idx == NULL && LITER(lp,i-1,j).idx == NULL && LITER(lp,i-1,j).step == LITER(lp,i,j).step*(ssize_t)(lp->n[i]))) { success = 0; break; } } if (success) { //printf("contract i=%d-th and %d-th, lp->n[%d]=%"SZF"d, lp->n[%d]=%"SZF"d\n", // i-1,i, i,lp->n[i], i-1,lp->n[i-1]); // contract (i-1)-th and i-th dimension lp->n[i] *= lp->n[i-1]; // shift dimensions for (k=i-1; k>cnt; k--) { lp->n[k] = lp->n[k-1]; } //printf("k=%d\n",k); for (; k>=0; k--) { lp->n[k] = 1; } for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { for (k=i-1; k>cnt; k--) { LITER(lp,k,j) = LITER(lp,k-1,j); } } if (redi) { lp->reduce_dim--; } cnt++; } } //printf("contract cnt=%d\n",cnt); if (cnt>0) { for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { LITER(lp,cnt,j).pos = LITER(lp,0,j).pos; lp->xargs[j].iter = &LITER(lp,cnt,j); } lp->n = &(lp->n[cnt]); lp->ndim -= cnt; //for (i=0; indim; i++) {printf("lp->n[%d]=%lu\n",i,lp->n[i]);} } } static void ndfunc_set_user_loop(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp) { int j, ud=0; if (lp->reduce_dim > 0) { ud = lp->reduce_dim; } else if (lp->ndim > 0 && NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_HAS_LOOP)) { ud = 1; } else { goto skip_ud; } if (ud > lp->ndim) { rb_bug("Reduce-dimension is larger than loop-dimension"); } // increase user dimension lp->user.ndim += ud; lp->ndim -= ud; for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { if (LARG(lp,j).shape) { rb_bug("HAS_LOOP or reduce-dimension=%d conflicts with user-dimension",lp->reduce_dim); } LARG(lp,j).ndim += ud; LARG(lp,j).shape = &(lp->n[lp->ndim]); //printf("LARG(lp,j).ndim=%d,LARG(lp,j).shape=%lx\n",LARG(lp,j).ndim,(size_t)LARG(lp,j).shape); } //printf("lp->reduce_dim=%d lp->user.ndim=%d lp->ndim=%d\n",lp->reduce_dim,lp->user.ndim,lp->ndim); skip_ud: lp->user.n = &(lp->n[lp->ndim]); for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { LARG(lp,j).iter = &LITER(lp,lp->ndim,j); //printf("in ndfunc_set_user_loop: lp->user.args[%d].iter=%lx\n",j,(size_t)(LARG(lp,j).iter)); } } static void ndfunc_set_bufcp(na_md_loop_t *lp, unsigned int loop_spec) { unsigned int f; int i, j; int nd, ndim; bool zero_step; ssize_t n, sz, elmsz, stride, n_total; //, last_step; size_t *buf_shape; na_loop_iter_t *buf_iter=NULL, *src_iter; //if (loop_spec==0) return; n_total = lp->user.n[0]; for (i=1; iuser.ndim; i++) { n_total *= lp->user.n[i]; } //for (j=0; jnin; j++) { for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { //ndim = nd = lp->user.ndim; ndim = nd = LARG(lp,j).ndim; sz = elmsz = LARG(lp,j).elmsz; src_iter = LARG(lp,j).iter; //last_step = src_iter[ndim-1].step; f = 0; zero_step = 1; for (i=ndim; i>0; ) { i--; if (LARG(lp,j).shape) { n = LARG(lp,j).shape[i]; } else { printf("shape is NULL\n"); n = lp->user.n[i]; } stride = sz * n; //printf("{j=%d,i=%d,ndim=%d,nd=%d,idx=%lx,step=%ld,n=%ld,sz=%ld,stride=%ld}\n",j,i,ndim,nd,(size_t)src_iter[i].idx,src_iter[i].step,n,sz,stride); if (src_iter[i].idx) { f |= 2; // INDEX LOOP zero_step = 0; } else { if (src_iter[i].step != sz) { f |= 1; // NON_CONTIGUOUS LOOP } else { // CONTIGUOUS LOOP if (i==ndim-1) { // contract if last dimension ndim = i; elmsz = stride; } } if (src_iter[i].step != 0) { zero_step = 0; } } sz = stride; } //printf("[j=%d f=%d loop_spec=%d zero_step=%d]\n",j,f,loop_spec,zero_step); if (zero_step) { // no buffer needed continue; } // should check flatten-able loop to avoid buffering // over loop_spec or reduce_loop is not contiguous if (f & loop_spec || (lp->reduce_dim > 1 && ndim > 0)) { //printf("(buf,nd=%d)",nd); buf_iter = ALLOC_N(na_loop_iter_t,nd+3); buf_shape = ALLOC_N(size_t,nd); buf_iter[nd].pos = 0; buf_iter[nd].step = 0; buf_iter[nd].idx = NULL; sz = LARG(lp,j).elmsz; //last_step = sz; for (i=nd; i>0; ) { i--; buf_iter[i].pos = 0; buf_iter[i].step = sz; buf_iter[i].idx = NULL; //n = lp->user.n[i]; n = LARG(lp,j).shape[i]; buf_shape[i] = n; sz *= n; } LBUFCP(lp,j) = ALLOC(na_buffer_copy_t); LBUFCP(lp,j)->ndim = ndim; LBUFCP(lp,j)->elmsz = elmsz; LBUFCP(lp,j)->n = buf_shape; LBUFCP(lp,j)->src_iter = src_iter; LBUFCP(lp,j)->buf_iter = buf_iter; LARG(lp,j).iter = buf_iter; //printf("in ndfunc_set_bufcp(1): lp->user.args[%d].iter=%lx\n",j,(size_t)(LARG(lp,j).iter)); LBUFCP(lp,j)->src_ptr = LARG(lp,j).ptr; LARG(lp,j).ptr = LBUFCP(lp,j)->buf_ptr = xmalloc(sz); //printf("(LBUFCP(lp,%d)->buf_ptr=%lx)\n",j,(size_t)(LBUFCP(lp,j)->buf_ptr)); } } #if 0 for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { ndim = lp->user.ndim; src_iter = LARG(lp,j).iter; last_step = src_iter[ndim-1].step; if (lp->reduce_dim>1) { //printf("(reduce_dim=%d,ndim=%d,nd=%d,n=%ld,lst=%ld)\n",lp->reduce_dim,ndim,nd,n_total,last_step); buf_iter = ALLOC_N(na_loop_iter_t,2); buf_iter[0].pos = LARG(lp,j).iter[0].pos; buf_iter[0].step = last_step; buf_iter[0].idx = NULL; buf_iter[1].pos = 0; buf_iter[1].step = 0; buf_iter[1].idx = NULL; LARG(lp,j).iter = buf_iter; //printf("in ndfunc_set_bufcp(2): lp->user.args[%d].iter=%lx\n",j,(size_t)(LARG(lp,j).iter)); lp->xargs[j].free_user_iter = 1; } } #endif // flatten reduce dimensions if (lp->reduce_dim > 1) { #if 1 for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { ndim = lp->user.ndim; LARG(lp,j).iter[0].step = LARG(lp,j).iter[ndim-1].step; LARG(lp,j).iter[0].idx = NULL; } #endif lp->user.n[0] = n_total; lp->user.ndim = 1; } } static void ndloop_copy_to_buffer(na_buffer_copy_t *lp) { size_t *c; char *src, *buf; int i; int nd = lp->ndim; size_t elmsz = lp->elmsz; size_t buf_pos = 0; DBG(size_t j); //printf("\nto_buf nd=%d elmsz=%ld\n",nd,elmsz); DBG(printf(" [")); // zero-dimension if (nd==0) { src = lp->src_ptr + LITER_SRC(lp,0).pos; buf = lp->buf_ptr; memcpy(buf,src,elmsz); DBG(for (j=0; jsrc_ptr + LITER_SRC(lp,nd).pos; buf = lp->buf_ptr + buf_pos; memcpy(buf,src,elmsz); DBG(for (j=0; jn[i]) break; c[i] = 0; } } loop_end: ; DBG(printf("]\n")); } static void ndloop_copy_from_buffer(na_buffer_copy_t *lp) { size_t *c; char *src, *buf; int i; int nd = lp->ndim; size_t elmsz = lp->elmsz; size_t buf_pos = 0; DBG(size_t j); //printf("\nfrom_buf nd=%d elmsz=%ld\n",nd,elmsz); DBG(printf(" [")); // zero-dimension if (nd==0) { src = lp->src_ptr + LITER_SRC(lp,0).pos; buf = lp->buf_ptr; memcpy(src,buf,elmsz); DBG(for (j=0; jsrc_ptr + LITER_SRC(lp,nd).pos; buf = lp->buf_ptr + buf_pos; memcpy(src,buf,elmsz); DBG(for (j=0; jn[i]) break; c[i] = 0; } } loop_end: DBG(printf("]\n")); } static void ndfunc_write_back(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp, VALUE orig_args, VALUE results) { VALUE src, dst; if (lp->writeback >= 0) { dst = RARRAY_AREF(orig_args,lp->writeback); src = RARRAY_AREF(results,0); na_store(dst,src); RARRAY_ASET(results,0,dst); } } static VALUE ndloop_extract(VALUE results, ndfunc_t *nf) { long n, i; VALUE x, y; narray_t *na; // extract result objects switch(nf->nout) { case 0: return Qnil; case 1: x = RARRAY_AREF(results,0); if (NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_EXTRACT)) { if (IsNArray(x)){ GetNArray(x,na); if (NA_NDIM(na)==0) { x = rb_funcall(x, id_extract, 0); } } } return x; } if (NDF_TEST(nf,NDF_EXTRACT)) { n = RARRAY_LEN(results); for (i=0; ivargs; nf = lp->ndfunc; args = rb_obj_dup(orig_args); // setup ndloop iterator with arguments ndloop_init_args(nf, lp, args); results = ndloop_set_output(nf, lp, args); //if (na_debug_flag) { // printf("-- ndloop_set_output --\n"); // print_ndloop(lp); //} // contract loop if (lp->loop_func == loop_narray) { ndfunc_contract_loop(lp); //if (na_debug_flag) { // printf("-- ndfunc_contract_loop --\n"); // print_ndloop(lp); //} } // setup objects in which resuts are stored ndfunc_set_user_loop(nf, lp); // setup buffering during loop if (lp->loop_func == loop_narray) { loop_spec = ndloop_func_loop_spec(nf, lp->user.ndim); ndfunc_set_bufcp(lp, loop_spec); if (na_debug_flag) { printf("-- ndfunc_set_bufcp --\n"); print_ndloop(lp); } } // loop (*(lp->loop_func))(nf, lp); //if (na_debug_flag) { // printf("-- after loop --\n"); // print_ndloop(lp); //} if (RTEST(lp->user.err_type)) { rb_raise(lp->user.err_type, "error in NArray operation"); } // write-back will be placed here ndfunc_write_back(nf, lp, orig_args, results); // extract result objects return ndloop_extract(results, nf); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void loop_narray(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp) { size_t *c; int i, j; int nd = lp->ndim; if (nd<0) { rb_bug("bug? lp->ndim = %d\n", lp->ndim); } if (nd==0) { for (j=0; jnin; j++) { if (lp->xargs[j].bufcp) { //printf("copy_to_buffer j=%d\n",j); ndloop_copy_to_buffer(lp->xargs[j].bufcp); } } (*(nf->func))(&(lp->user)); for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { if (lp->xargs[j].bufcp && (lp->xargs[j].flag & NDL_WRITE)) { //printf("copy_from_buffer j=%d\n",j); // copy data to work buffer ndloop_copy_from_buffer(lp->xargs[j].bufcp); } } return; } // initialize loop counter c = ALLOCA_N(size_t, nd+1); for (i=0; i<=nd; i++) c[i]=0; // loop body for (i=0;;) { // i-th dimension for (; inarg; j++) { if (LITER(lp,i,j).idx) { LITER(lp,i+1,j).pos = LITER(lp,i,j).pos + LITER(lp,i,j).idx[c[i]]; } else { LITER(lp,i+1,j).pos = LITER(lp,i,j).pos + LITER(lp,i,j).step*c[i]; } //printf("j=%d c[i=%d]=%lu pos=%lu\n",j,i,c[i],LITER(lp,i+1,j).pos); } } for (j=0; jnin; j++) { if (lp->xargs[j].bufcp) { // copy data to work buffer // cp lp->iter[j][nd..*] to lp->user.args[j].iter[0..*] //printf("copy_to_buffer j=%d\n",j); ndloop_copy_to_buffer(lp->xargs[j].bufcp); } } (*(nf->func))(&(lp->user)); for (j=0; jnarg; j++) { if (lp->xargs[j].bufcp && (lp->xargs[j].flag & NDL_WRITE)) { // copy data to work buffer //printf("copy_from_buffer j=%d\n",j); ndloop_copy_from_buffer(lp->xargs[j].bufcp); } } if (RTEST(lp->user.err_type)) {return;} for (;;) { if (i<=0) goto loop_end; i--; if (++c[i] < lp->n[i]) break; c[i] = 0; } } loop_end: ; } VALUE na_ndloop_main(ndfunc_t *nf, VALUE args, void *opt_ptr) { unsigned int copy_flag; na_md_loop_t lp; if (na_debug_flag) print_ndfunc(nf); // cast arguments to NArray copy_flag = ndloop_cast_args(nf, args); // allocate ndloop struct ndloop_alloc(&lp, nf, args, opt_ptr, copy_flag, loop_narray); return rb_ensure(ndloop_run, (VALUE)&lp, ndloop_release, (VALUE)&lp); } VALUE #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES na_ndloop(ndfunc_t *nf, int argc, ...) #else na_ndloop(nf, argc, va_alist) ndfunc_t *nf; int argc; va_dcl #endif { va_list ar; int i; VALUE *argv; volatile VALUE args; argv = ALLOCA_N(VALUE,argc); va_init_list(ar, argc); for (i=0; indim; buf = rb_str_new2(rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(ary))); if (NA_TYPE(na) == NARRAY_VIEW_T) { rb_str_cat(buf,"(view)",6); } rb_str_cat(buf,"#shape=[",8); if (nd>0) { for (i=0;;) { sprintf(tmp,"%"SZF"u",na->shape[i]); rb_str_cat2(buf,tmp); if (++i==nd) break; rb_str_cat(buf,",",1); } } rb_str_cat(buf,"]",1); return buf; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ncol numo_na_inspect_cols #define nrow numo_na_inspect_rows extern int ncol, nrow; static void loop_inspect(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp) { int nd, i, ii; size_t *c; int col=0, row=0; long len; VALUE str; na_text_func_t func = (na_text_func_t)(nf->func); VALUE buf, opt; nd = lp->ndim; buf = lp->loop_opt; //opt = *(VALUE*)(lp->user.opt_ptr); opt = lp->user.option; for (i=0; in[i] == 0) { rb_str_cat(buf,"[]",2); return; } } rb_str_cat(buf,"\n",1); c = ALLOCA_N(size_t, nd+1); for (i=0; i<=nd; i++) c[i]=0; if (nd>0) { rb_str_cat(buf,"[",1); } else { rb_str_cat(buf,"",0); } col = nd*2; for (i=0;;) { if (i0 && col+len > ncol-3) { rb_str_cat(buf,"...",3); c[i-1] = lp->n[i-1]; } else { rb_str_append(buf, str); col += len; } for (;;) { if (i==0) goto loop_end; i--; if (++c[i] < lp->n[i]) break; rb_str_cat(buf,"]",1); c[i] = 0; } //line_break: rb_str_cat(buf,", ",2); if (indim; int i, j; narray_t *na; int *dim_map; VALUE a_type; a_type = CLASS_OF(LARG(lp,0).value); if (CLASS_OF(a) != a_type) { a = rb_funcall(a_type, id_cast, 1, a); } GetNArray(a,na); if (na->ndim != nd-i0+1) { rb_raise(nary_eShapeError, "mismatched dimension of sub-narray: " "nd_src=%d, nd_dst=%d", na->ndim, nd-i0+1); } dim_map = ALLOCA_N(int, na->ndim); for (i=0; indim; i++) { dim_map[i] = lp->trans_map[i+i0]; //printf("dim_map[i=%d] = %d, i0=%d\n", i, dim_map[i], i0); } ndloop_set_stepidx(lp, 1, a, dim_map, NDL_READ); LARG(lp,1).shape = &(na->shape[na->ndim-1]); // loop body for (i=i0;;) { LARG(lp,1).value = Qtrue; for (; i= na->shape[i-i0]) { LARG(lp,1).value = Qfalse; } } (*(nf->func))(&(lp->user)); for (;;) { if (i<=i0) goto loop_end; i--; c[i]++; if (c[i] < lp->n[i]) break; c[i] = 0; } } loop_end: LARG(lp,1).ptr = NULL; } static void loop_store_rarray(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp) { size_t *c; int i; VALUE *a; int nd = lp->ndim; // counter c = ALLOCA_N(size_t, nd+1); for (i=0; i<=nd; i++) c[i]=0; // array at each dimension a = ALLOCA_N(VALUE, nd+1); a[0] = LARG(lp,1).value; //print_ndloop(lp); // loop body for (i=0;;) { for (; ifunc))(&(lp->user)); } loop_next: for (;;) { if (i<=0) goto loop_end; i--; c[i]++; if (c[i] < lp->n[i]) break; c[i] = 0; } } loop_end: ; } VALUE na_ndloop_store_rarray(ndfunc_t *nf, VALUE nary, VALUE rary) { na_md_loop_t lp; VALUE args; //rb_p(args); if (na_debug_flag) print_ndfunc(nf); args = rb_assoc_new(nary,rary); // cast arguments to NArray //ndloop_cast_args(nf, args); // allocate ndloop struct ndloop_alloc(&lp, nf, args, NULL, 0, loop_store_rarray); return rb_ensure(ndloop_run, (VALUE)&lp, ndloop_release, (VALUE)&lp); } VALUE na_ndloop_store_rarray2(ndfunc_t *nf, VALUE nary, VALUE rary, VALUE opt) { na_md_loop_t lp; VALUE args; //rb_p(args); if (na_debug_flag) print_ndfunc(nf); //args = rb_assoc_new(rary,nary); args = rb_ary_new3(3,nary,rary,opt); // cast arguments to NArray //ndloop_cast_args(nf, args); // allocate ndloop struct ndloop_alloc(&lp, nf, args, NULL, 0, loop_store_rarray); return rb_ensure(ndloop_run, (VALUE)&lp, ndloop_release, (VALUE)&lp); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static void loop_narray_to_rarray(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp) { size_t *c; int i; //int nargs = nf->narg + nf->nres; int nd = lp->ndim; VALUE *a; volatile VALUE a0; // alloc counter c = ALLOCA_N(size_t, nd+1); for (i=0; i<=nd; i++) c[i]=0; //c[i]=1; // for zero-dim //fprintf(stderr,"in loop_narray_to_rarray, nd=%d\n",nd); a = ALLOCA_N(VALUE, nd+1); a[0] = a0 = lp->loop_opt; // loop body for (i=0;;) { for (; in[i]); rb_ary_push(a[i],a[i+1]); } } //lp->user.info = a[i]; LARG(lp,1).value = a[i]; (*(nf->func))(&(lp->user)); for (;;) { if (i<=0) goto loop_end; i--; if (++c[i] < lp->n[i]) break; c[i] = 0; } } loop_end: ; } VALUE na_ndloop_cast_narray_to_rarray(ndfunc_t *nf, VALUE nary, VALUE fmt) { na_md_loop_t lp; VALUE args, a0; //rb_p(args); if (na_debug_flag) print_ndfunc(nf); a0 = rb_ary_new(); args = rb_ary_new3(3,nary,a0,fmt); // cast arguments to NArray //ndloop_cast_args(nf, args); // allocate ndloop struct ndloop_alloc(&lp, nf, args, NULL, 0, loop_narray_to_rarray); rb_ensure(ndloop_run, (VALUE)&lp, ndloop_release, (VALUE)&lp); return RARRAY_AREF(a0,0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static void loop_narray_with_index(ndfunc_t *nf, na_md_loop_t *lp) { size_t *c; int i,j; int nd = lp->ndim; // pass total ndim to iterator lp->user.ndim += nd; // alloc counter lp->user.opt_ptr = c = ALLOCA_N(size_t, nd+1); for (i=0; i<=nd; i++) c[i]=0; // loop body for (i=0;;) { for (; inarg; j++) { if (LITER(lp,i,j).idx) { LITER(lp,i+1,j).pos = LITER(lp,i,j).pos + LITER(lp,i,j).idx[c[i]]; } else { LITER(lp,i+1,j).pos = LITER(lp,i,j).pos + LITER(lp,i,j).step*c[i]; } //printf("j=%d c[i=%d]=%lu pos=%lu\n",j,i,c[i],LITER(lp,i+1,j).pos); } } (*(nf->func))(&(lp->user)); for (;;) { if (i<=0) goto loop_end; i--; if (++c[i] < lp->n[i]) break; c[i] = 0; } } loop_end: ; } VALUE #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES na_ndloop_with_index(ndfunc_t *nf, int argc, ...) #else na_ndloop(nf, argc, va_alist) ndfunc_t *nf; int argc; va_dcl #endif { va_list ar; int i; VALUE *argv; volatile VALUE args; na_md_loop_t lp; argv = ALLOCA_N(VALUE,argc); va_init_list(ar, argc); for (i=0; i