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Normally, there is only one divider after the third pedal.$dl4hH@ pX(H H h  \   P t  ( D   <PH(L* * * * * * * "   `7A`7`7`7X `78" E EEE      !E  |>JqXXX  p*8"8"<$$pExMX Uk( z /XXp%X @8$8?$t&t P   8  8  h j h ``d4  ""'++""'++""'++   0  (048 H \ ` tx  ,;,>-;,5LB*H4ywyY \!* / $4,x,f),, wSh wh,[w  , w-%,  h,w $$Ptp  418 A h tZ,jXp`process-pedalbox-x-dimensionsbox-y-dimensionsdivider-stencilharp-pedals-parse-stringharp-pedal-infocheckharp-pedal-checkclosurenameboxargmoduleproctailvalrestunspecifiedlayoutpropsdefinition-stringsizeharp-pedal-detailsthicknesspedal-listdetailsdyline-widthbox-widthbox-hheightspacebeforedividerspaceafterdividercircle-thicknesscircle-x-paddingcircle-y-paddingfalsebox-y-dimensionsnfreeidxdivider-stencilprocess-pedalresultfinal-xstencilsremainingprev-xcircledspacekeypstencilpedal-stencilnew-prev-xxposcpedalspedalcountdividerpositionsinfonilvals(definition-string) Make a harp pedal diagram. Possible elements in @var{definition-string}: @table @code @item ^ pedal is up @item - pedal is neutral @item v pedal is down @item | vertical divider line @item o the following pedal should be circled (indicating a change) @end table The function also checks if the string has the typical form of three pedals, then the divider and then the remaining four pedals. If not it prints out a warning. However, in any case, it will also print each symbol in the order as given. This means you can place the divider (even multiple dividers) anywhere you want, but you'll have to live with the warnings. The appearance of the diagram can be tweaked inter alia using the size property of the TextScript grob (@code{\override Voice.TextScript.size = #0.3}) for the overall, the thickness property (@code{\override Voice.TextScript.thickness = #3}) for the line thickness of the horizontal line and the divider. The remaining configuration (box sizes, offsets and spaces) is done by the harp-pedal-details list of properties (@code{\override Voice.TextScript.harp-pedal-details.box-width = #1}). It contains the following settings: @code{box-offset} (vertical shift of the box center for up/down pedals), @code{box-width}, @code{box-height}, @code{space-before-divider} (the spacing between two boxes before the divider) and @code{space-after-divider} (box spacing after the divider). @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \markup \harp-pedal #"^-v|--ov^" @end lilypond Parse a harp pedals diagram string and return a list containing 1, 0, -1, #\o or #\|Perform some sanity checks for harp pedals (7 pedals, divider after third).guile.procprops.rodata.data.rtl-text.guile.frame-maps.dynamic.strtab.symtab.guile.arities.strtab.guile.arities.guile.docstrs.strtab.guile.docstrs.debug_info.debug_abbrev.debug_str.debug_loc.debug_line.shstrtab