Given /^a project called "([^\"]*)" is created and frozen$/ do |project_name| @project_name = project_name Given 'cucumber-nagios is installed' When "I create a new project called \"#{@project_name}\"" And 'I freeze in dependencies' Then 'my gems directory should be populated' end When /^I generate a new feature called "([^\"]*)" for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |feature, site| silent_system("cd /tmp/#{@project_name} ; bin/cucumber-nagios-gen feature #{site} #{feature}") end Then /^a feature file should exist for "([^\"]*)" on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |feature, site| File.exists?("/tmp/#{@project_name}/features/#{site}/#{feature}.feature").should be_true end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" feature on "([^\"]*)" should exit cleanly$/ do |feature, site| silent_system("cd /tmp/#{@project_name} ; bin/cucumber-nagios features/#{site}/#{feature}.feature").should be_true end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" feature on "([^\"]*)" should not exit cleanly$/ do |feature, site| silent_system("cd /tmp/#{@project_name} ; bin/cucumber-nagios features/#{site}/#{feature}.feature").should be_false end When /^the "([^\"]*)" feature on "([^\"]*)" checks for something preposterous$/ do |feature, site| file_name = "/tmp/#{@project_name}/features/#{site}/#{feature}.feature",'a') do |file| file << " Then I should see \"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious\"" end end