module ActiveRecord module MassAssignmentSecurity module Inheritance extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods private # Detect the subclass from the inheritance column of attrs. If the inheritance column value # is not self or a valid subclass, raises ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound def subclass_from_attributes(attrs) active_authorizer[:default].deny?(inheritance_column) ? nil : super end end end end end module ActiveRecord module Inheritance module ClassMethods undef :new def new(attributes = nil, options = {}, &block) if abstract_class? || self == Base raise NotImplementedError, "#{self} is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated." end if has_attribute?(inheritance_column) subclass = subclass_from_attributes(attributes) if respond_to?(:column_defaults) && subclass.nil? && base_class == self subclass = subclass_from_attributes(column_defaults) end end if subclass && subclass != self, options, &block) else super end end end end end