# frozen_string_literal: true module Commonmeta module Readers module SchemaOrgReader SO_TO_DC_RELATION_TYPES = { 'citation' => 'References', 'isBasedOn' => 'IsSupplementedBy', 'sameAs' => 'IsIdenticalTo', 'isPartOf' => 'IsPartOf', 'hasPart' => 'HasPart', 'isPredecessor' => 'IsPreviousVersionOf', 'isSuccessor' => 'IsNewVersionOf' }.freeze SO_TO_DC_REVERSE_RELATION_TYPES = { 'citation' => 'IsReferencedBy', 'isBasedOn' => 'IsSupplementTo', 'sameAs' => 'IsIdenticalTo', 'isPartOf' => 'HasPart', 'hasPart' => 'IsPartOf', 'isPredecessor' => 'IsNewVersionOf', 'isSuccessor' => 'IsPreviousVersionOf' }.freeze def get_schema_org(id: nil, **_options) return { 'string' => nil, 'state' => 'not_found' } unless id.present? url = normalize_id(id) # follow redirects response = HTTP.follow.get(url) return { 'string' => nil, 'state' => 'not_found' } unless response.status.success? doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body.to_s) # workaround for xhtml documents nodeset = doc.at("script[type='application/ld+json']") hsh = JSON.parse(nodeset || '{}') # workaround for doi as canonical_url but not included with schema.org link = doc.css("link[rel='canonical']") hsh['@id'] = link[0]['href'] if link.present? # workaround if license not included with schema.org license = doc.at("meta[name='dc.rights']") hsh['license'] = license['content'] if license.present? # workaround for html language attribute if no language is set via schema.org lang = doc.at("meta[name='dc.language']") || doc.at("meta[name='citation_language']") lang = lang['content'] if lang.present? lang = doc.at('html')['lang'] if lang.blank? hsh['inLanguage'] = lang if hsh['inLanguage'].blank? # workaround if issn not included with schema.org name = doc.at("meta[property='og:site_name']") issn = doc.at("meta[name='citation_issn']") hsh['isPartOf'] = { 'name' => name ? name['content'] : nil, 'issn' => issn ? issn['content'] : nil }.compact # workaround if not all authors are included with schema.org (e.g. in Ghost metadata) authors = doc.css("meta[name='citation_author']").map do |author| { '@type' => 'Person', 'name' => author['content'] } end hsh['author'] = hsh['creator'] if hsh['author'].blank? && hsh['creator'].present? hsh['author'] = authors if authors.length > Array.wrap(hsh['author']).length # workaround if publisher not included with schema.org (e.g. Zenodo) if hsh['publisher'].blank? publisher = doc.at("meta[property='og:site_name']") publisher = publisher['content'] if publisher.present? hsh['publisher'] = { 'name' => publisher } end { 'string' => hsh.to_json } end def read_schema_org(string: nil, **options) if string.present? errors = jsonlint(string) return { 'errors' => errors } if errors.present? end read_options = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(options.except(:doi, :id, :url, :sandbox, :validate, :ra)) meta = string.present? ? JSON.parse(string) : {} alternate_identifiers = Array.wrap(meta.fetch('identifier', nil)).map do |r| r = normalize_id(r) if r.is_a?(String) if r.is_a?(String) && URI(r).host != 'doi.org' { 'alternateIdentifierType' => 'URL', 'alternateIdentifier' => r } elsif r.is_a?(Hash) && r['propertyID'] != 'doi' { 'alternateIdentifierType' => get_identifier_type(r['propertyID']), 'alternateIdentifier' => r['value'] } end end.compact.uniq id = options[:doi] id = meta.fetch('@id', nil) if id.blank? && URI(meta.fetch('@id', '')).host == 'doi.org' id = meta.fetch('identifier', nil) if id.blank? id = normalize_id(id) schema_org = meta.fetch('@type', nil) && meta.fetch('@type').camelcase type = Commonmeta::Utils::SO_TO_CM_TRANSLATIONS[schema_org] additional_type = meta.fetch('additionalType', nil) authors = meta.fetch('author', nil) || meta.fetch('creator', nil) # Authors should be an object, if it's just a plain string don't try and parse it. creators = get_authors(from_schema_org(Array.wrap(authors))) unless authors.is_a?(String) contributors = get_authors(from_schema_org(Array.wrap(meta.fetch('editor', nil)))) publisher = parse_attributes(meta.fetch('publisher', nil), content: 'name', first: true) ct = schema_org == 'Dataset' ? 'includedInDataCatalog' : 'Periodical' container = if meta.fetch(ct, nil).present? url = parse_attributes(from_schema_org(meta.fetch(ct, nil)), content: 'url', first: true) { 'type' => schema_org == 'Dataset' ? 'DataRepository' : 'Periodical', 'title' => parse_attributes(from_schema_org(meta.fetch(ct, nil)), content: 'name', first: true), 'identifier' => url, 'identifierType' => url.present? ? 'URL' : nil, 'volume' => meta.fetch('volumeNumber', nil), 'issue' => meta.fetch('issueNumber', nil), 'firstPage' => meta.fetch('pageStart', nil), 'lastPage' => meta.fetch('pageEnd', nil) }.compact elsif %w[BlogPosting Article].include?(schema_org) issn = meta.dig('isPartOf', 'issn') url = meta.dig('publisher', 'url') { 'type' => 'Periodical', 'title' => meta.dig('isPartOf', 'name'), 'identifier' => issn.presence || url.presence, 'identifierType' => issn.present? ? 'ISSN' : 'URL' }.compact else {} end # treat these relationships as references references = (Array.wrap(meta.fetch('citation', nil)) + Array.wrap(meta.fetch('isBasedOn', nil))).map do |r| schema_org_reference(r) end rights_uri = parse_attributes(meta.dig('license'), content: 'id') || meta.dig('license') license = hsh_to_spdx('rightsURI' => rights_uri) funding_references = Array.wrap(meta.fetch('funder', nil)).compact.map do |fr| if fr['@id'].present? { 'funderName' => fr['name'], 'funderIdentifier' => fr['@id'], 'funderIdentifierType' => fr['@id'].to_s.start_with?('https://doi.org/10.13039') ? 'Crossref Funder ID' : 'Other' }.compact else { 'funderName' => fr['name'] }.compact end end # strip milliseconds from iso8601, as edtf library doesn't handle them date = {} if Date.edtf(strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch('datePublished', nil))).present? date['published'] = strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch('datePublished')) end if Date.edtf(strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch('dateCreated', nil))).present? date['created'] = strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch('dateCreated')) end if Date.edtf(strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch('dateModified', nil))).present? date['updated'] = strip_milliseconds(meta.fetch('dateModified')) end language = case meta.fetch('inLanguage', nil) when String meta.fetch('inLanguage') when Array meta.fetch('inLanguage').first when Object meta.dig('inLanguage', 'alternateName') || meta.dig('inLanguage', 'name') end state = meta.present? || read_options.present? ? 'findable' : 'not_found' geo_locations = Array.wrap(meta.fetch('spatialCoverage', nil)).map do |gl| if gl.dig('geo', 'box') s, w, n, e = gl.dig('geo', 'box').split(' ', 4) geo_location_box = { 'westBoundLongitude' => w, 'eastBoundLongitude' => e, 'southBoundLatitude' => s, 'northBoundLatitude' => n }.compact.presence else geo_location_box = nil end geo_location_point = { 'pointLongitude' => gl.dig('geo', 'longitude'), 'pointLatitude' => gl.dig('geo', 'latitude') }.compact.presence { 'geoLocationPlace' => gl.dig('geo', 'address'), 'geoLocationPoint' => geo_location_point, 'geoLocationBox' => geo_location_box }.compact end # handle keywords as array and as comma-separated string subjects = meta.fetch('keywords', nil) subjects = subjects.to_s.split(', ') if subjects.is_a?(String) subjects = Array.wrap(subjects).reduce([]) do |sum, subject| sum += name_to_fos(subject) sum end schema_version = meta.fetch('schemaVersion', nil).to_s.presence || 'http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4' { 'id' => id, 'type' => type, 'additional_type' => additional_type, 'alternate_identifiers' => alternate_identifiers.presence, 'url' => normalize_id(meta.fetch('url', nil)), 'content_url' => Array.wrap(meta.fetch('contentUrl', nil)), 'sizes' => Array.wrap(meta.fetch('contenSize', nil)), 'formats' => Array.wrap(meta.fetch('encodingFormat', nil) || meta.fetch('fileFormat', nil)), 'titles' => if meta.fetch('name', nil).present? [{ 'title' => meta.fetch('name', nil) }] else [{ 'title' => meta.fetch('headline', nil) }] end, 'creators' => creators, 'contributors' => contributors, 'publisher' => { 'name' => publisher }, 'provider' => parse_attributes(meta.fetch('provider', nil), content: 'name', first: true), 'container' => container, 'references' => references, 'date' => date, 'descriptions' => if meta.fetch('description', nil).present? [{ 'description' => sanitize(meta.fetch('description')), 'descriptionType' => 'Abstract' }] end, 'license' => license.presence, 'version' => meta.fetch('version', nil).to_s.presence, 'subjects' => subjects, 'language' => language, 'state' => state, 'schema_version' => schema_version, 'funding_references' => funding_references, 'geo_locations' => geo_locations }.compact.merge(read_options) end # use separate fields for doi and url. Auto-generate key from doi or url def schema_org_reference(reference) id = normalize_id(reference.fetch('@id', nil)) doi = doi_from_url(id) url = doi ? nil : normalize_url(id) { 'key' => id, 'doi' => doi, 'url' => url }.compact end def schema_org_is_identical_to(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'sameAs') end def schema_org_is_part_of(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'isPartOf') end def schema_org_has_part(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'hasPart') end def schema_org_is_previous_version_of(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'PredecessorOf') end def schema_org_is_new_version_of(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'SuccessorOf') end def schema_org_references(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'citation') end def schema_org_is_referenced_by(meta) schema_org_reverse_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'citation') end def schema_org_is_supplement_to(meta) schema_org_reverse_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'isBasedOn') end def schema_org_is_supplemented_by(meta) schema_org_related_identifier(meta, relation_type: 'isBasedOn') end end end end