module Zena module Remote module Mock class Http def initialize(options) @options = options end def request(raw_request) # body should contain xml data for post and put (@raw_request.body ?) method = raw_request.method.downcase path = raw_request.path body = raw_request.body response = $test_connection.test_request(method, path, body, @options[:headers], false) transform_response(response) end # Transform an ActionController::Response into a Net::HTTP response. # Based on code from fakeweb (thanks Chrisk !) def transform_response(ac_res) code, msg = 200, 'OK' response = Net::HTTPResponse.send(:response_class, code.to_s).new("1.0", code.to_s, msg) response.instance_variable_set(:@body, ac_res.body) ac_res.headers.each do |name, value| if value.respond_to?(:each) value.each { |v| response.add_field(name, v) } else response[name] = value end end response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) class << response def read_body(*args, &block) yield @body if block_given? @body end end response end end # Redirect actual request to the integration test. class Request < HTTParty::Request def http end end # Include this module to mock the connection and use the integration test to execute # the actual request operations. module Connection def self.included(base) def base.perform_request(http_method, path, options) #:nodoc: options = default_options.dup.merge(options) process_cookies(options) request =, path, options).perform end end end # Connection end # Mock end # Remote end # Zena