#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/ssl/certificate_authority' shared_examples_for "a normal interface method" do it "should call the method on the CA for each host specified if an array was provided" do @ca.expects(@method).with("host1") @ca.expects(@method).with("host2") @applier = Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority::Interface.new(@method, :to => %w{host1 host2}) @applier.apply(@ca) end it "should call the method on the CA for all existing certificates if :all was provided" do @ca.expects(:list).returns %w{host1 host2} @ca.expects(@method).with("host1") @ca.expects(@method).with("host2") @applier = Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority::Interface.new(@method, :to => :all) @applier.apply(@ca) end end describe Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority::Interface do before do @class = Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority::Interface end describe "when initializing" do it "should set its method using its settor" do instance = @class.new(:generate, :to => :all) instance.method.should == :generate end it "should set its subjects using the settor" do instance = @class.new(:generate, :to => :all) instance.subjects.should == :all end it "should set the digest if given" do interface = @class.new(:generate, :to => :all, :digest => :digest) interface.digest.should == :digest end end describe "when setting the method" do it "should set the method" do instance = @class.new(:generate, :to => :all) instance.method = :list instance.method.should == :list end it "should fail if the method isn't a member of the INTERFACE_METHODS array" do lambda { @class.new(:thing, :to => :all) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /Invalid method thing to apply/) end end describe "when setting the subjects" do it "should set the subjects" do instance = @class.new(:generate, :to => :all) instance.subjects = :signed instance.subjects.should == :signed end it "should fail if the subjects setting isn't :all or an array" do lambda { @class.new(:generate, :to => "other") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /Subjects must be an array or :all; not other/) end end it "should have a method for triggering the application" do @class.new(:generate, :to => :all).should respond_to(:apply) end describe "when applying" do before do # We use a real object here, because :verify can't be stubbed, apparently. @ca = Object.new end describe "with an empty array specified and the method is not list" do it "should fail" do @applier = @class.new(:sign, :to => []) lambda { @applier.apply(@ca) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe ":generate" do it "should fail if :all was specified" do @applier = @class.new(:generate, :to => :all) lambda { @applier.apply(@ca) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should call :generate on the CA for each host specified" do @applier = @class.new(:generate, :to => %w{host1 host2}) @ca.expects(:generate).with("host1", {}) @ca.expects(:generate).with("host2", {}) @applier.apply(@ca) end end describe ":verify" do before { @method = :verify } #it_should_behave_like "a normal interface method" it "should call the method on the CA for each host specified if an array was provided" do # LAK:NOTE Mocha apparently doesn't allow you to mock :verify, but I'm confident this works in real life. end it "should call the method on the CA for all existing certificates if :all was provided" do # LAK:NOTE Mocha apparently doesn't allow you to mock :verify, but I'm confident this works in real life. end end describe ":destroy" do before { @method = :destroy } it_should_behave_like "a normal interface method" end describe ":revoke" do before { @method = :revoke } it_should_behave_like "a normal interface method" end describe ":sign" do describe "and an array of names was provided" do let(:applier) { @class.new(:sign, @options.merge(:to => %w{host1 host2})) } it "should sign the specified waiting certificate requests" do @options = {:allow_dns_alt_names => false} @ca.expects(:sign).with("host1", false) @ca.expects(:sign).with("host2", false) applier.apply(@ca) end it "should sign the certificate requests with alt names if specified" do @options = {:allow_dns_alt_names => true} @ca.expects(:sign).with("host1", true) @ca.expects(:sign).with("host2", true) applier.apply(@ca) end end describe "and :all was provided" do it "should sign all waiting certificate requests" do @ca.stubs(:waiting?).returns(%w{cert1 cert2}) @ca.expects(:sign).with("cert1", nil) @ca.expects(:sign).with("cert2", nil) @applier = @class.new(:sign, :to => :all) @applier.apply(@ca) end it "should fail if there are no waiting certificate requests" do @ca.stubs(:waiting?).returns([]) @applier = @class.new(:sign, :to => :all) lambda { @applier.apply(@ca) }.should raise_error(Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority::Interface::InterfaceError) end end end describe ":list" do before :each do @cert = Puppet::SSL::Certificate.new 'foo' @csr = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.new 'bar' @cert.stubs(:subject_alt_names).returns [] @csr.stubs(:subject_alt_names).returns [] Puppet::SSL::Certificate.indirection.stubs(:find).returns @cert Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.indirection.stubs(:find).returns @csr @digest = mock("digest") @digest.stubs(:to_s).returns("(fingerprint)") @ca.expects(:waiting?).returns %w{host1 host2 host3} @ca.expects(:list).returns %w{host4 host5 host6} @csr.stubs(:digest).returns @digest @cert.stubs(:digest).returns @digest @ca.stubs(:verify) end describe "and an empty array was provided" do it "should print all certificate requests" do applier = @class.new(:list, :to => []) applier.expects(:puts).with(<<-OUTPUT.chomp) "host1" (fingerprint) "host2" (fingerprint) "host3" (fingerprint) OUTPUT applier.apply(@ca) end end describe "and :all was provided" do it "should print a string containing all certificate requests and certificates" do @ca.stubs(:verify).with("host4").raises(Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority::CertificateVerificationError.new(23), "certificate revoked") applier = @class.new(:list, :to => :all) applier.expects(:puts).with(<<-OUTPUT.chomp) "host1" (fingerprint) "host2" (fingerprint) "host3" (fingerprint) + "host5" (fingerprint) + "host6" (fingerprint) - "host4" (fingerprint) (certificate revoked) OUTPUT applier.apply(@ca) end end describe "and :signed was provided" do it "should print a string containing all signed certificate requests and certificates" do applier = @class.new(:list, :to => :signed) applier.expects(:puts).with(<<-OUTPUT.chomp) + "host4" (fingerprint) + "host5" (fingerprint) + "host6" (fingerprint) OUTPUT applier.apply(@ca) end it "should include subject alt names if they are on the certificate request" do @csr.stubs(:subject_alt_names).returns ["DNS:foo", "DNS:bar"] applier = @class.new(:list, :to => ['host1']) applier.expects(:puts).with(<<-OUTPUT.chomp) "host1" (fingerprint) (alt names: "DNS:foo", "DNS:bar") OUTPUT applier.apply(@ca) end end describe "and an array of names was provided" do it "should print all named hosts" do applier = @class.new(:list, :to => %w{host1 host2 host4 host5}) applier.expects(:puts).with(<<-OUTPUT.chomp) "host1" (fingerprint) "host2" (fingerprint) + "host4" (fingerprint) + "host5" (fingerprint) OUTPUT applier.apply(@ca) end end end describe ":print" do describe "and :all was provided" do it "should print all certificates" do @ca.expects(:list).returns %w{host1 host2} @applier = @class.new(:print, :to => :all) @ca.expects(:print).with("host1").returns "h1" @applier.expects(:puts).with "h1" @ca.expects(:print).with("host2").returns "h2" @applier.expects(:puts).with "h2" @applier.apply(@ca) end end describe "and an array of names was provided" do it "should print each named certificate if found" do @applier = @class.new(:print, :to => %w{host1 host2}) @ca.expects(:print).with("host1").returns "h1" @applier.expects(:puts).with "h1" @ca.expects(:print).with("host2").returns "h2" @applier.expects(:puts).with "h2" @applier.apply(@ca) end it "should log any named but not found certificates" do @applier = @class.new(:print, :to => %w{host1 host2}) @ca.expects(:print).with("host1").returns "h1" @applier.expects(:puts).with "h1" @ca.expects(:print).with("host2").returns nil Puppet.expects(:err).with { |msg| msg.include?("host2") } @applier.apply(@ca) end end end describe ":fingerprint" do before(:each) do @cert = Puppet::SSL::Certificate.new 'foo' @csr = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.new 'bar' Puppet::SSL::Certificate.indirection.stubs(:find) Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.indirection.stubs(:find) Puppet::SSL::Certificate.indirection.stubs(:find).with('host1').returns(@cert) Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.indirection.stubs(:find).with('host2').returns(@csr) end it "should fingerprint with the set digest algorithm" do @applier = @class.new(:fingerprint, :to => %w{host1}, :digest => :shaonemillion) @cert.expects(:digest).with(:shaonemillion).returns("fingerprint1") @applier.expects(:puts).with "host1 fingerprint1" @applier.apply(@ca) end describe "and :all was provided" do it "should fingerprint all certificates (including waiting ones)" do @ca.expects(:list).returns %w{host1} @ca.expects(:waiting?).returns %w{host2} @applier = @class.new(:fingerprint, :to => :all) @cert.expects(:digest).returns("fingerprint1") @applier.expects(:puts).with "host1 fingerprint1" @csr.expects(:digest).returns("fingerprint2") @applier.expects(:puts).with "host2 fingerprint2" @applier.apply(@ca) end end describe "and an array of names was provided" do it "should print each named certificate if found" do @applier = @class.new(:fingerprint, :to => %w{host1 host2}) @cert.expects(:digest).returns("fingerprint1") @applier.expects(:puts).with "host1 fingerprint1" @csr.expects(:digest).returns("fingerprint2") @applier.expects(:puts).with "host2 fingerprint2" @applier.apply(@ca) end end end end end