require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Puppet::Type.type(:exec) do include PuppetSpec::Files def exec_tester(command, exitstatus = 0, rest = {}) allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(true) output = rest.delete(:output) || '' output =, exitstatus) tries = rest[:tries] || 1 type_args = { :name => command, :path => @example_path, :logoutput => false, :loglevel => :err, :returns => 0 }.merge(rest) exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(type_args) expect(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute) do |cmd, options| expect(cmd).to eq(command) expect(options[:override_locale]).to eq(false) expect(options).to have_key(:custom_environment) output end.exactly(tries).times return exec end def exec_stub(options = {}) command = options.delete(:command) || @command #unless_val = options.delete(:unless) || :true type_args = { :name => command, #:unless => unless_val, }.merge(options) # Chicken, meet egg: # Provider methods have to be stubbed before resource init or checks fail # We have to set 'unless' in resource init or it can not be marked sensitive correctly. # So: we create a dummy ahead of time and use 'any_instance' to stub out provider methods. dummy = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command) allow_any_instance_of(dummy.provider.class).to receive(:validatecmd) allow_any_instance_of(dummy.provider.class).to receive(:checkexe).and_return(true) pass_status = double('status', :exitstatus => 0, :split => ["pass output"]) fail_status = double('status', :exitstatus => 1, :split => ["fail output"]) allow(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute).with(:true, anything).and_return(pass_status) allow(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute).with(:false, anything).and_return(fail_status) test = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(type_args) Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug return test end before do @command = make_absolute('/bin/true whatever') @executable = make_absolute('/bin/true') @bogus_cmd = make_absolute('/bogus/cmd') end describe "when not stubbing the provider" do before do path = tmpdir('path') ext = ? '.exe' : '' true_cmd = File.join(path, "true#{ext}") false_cmd = File.join(path, "false#{ext}") FileUtils.touch(true_cmd) FileUtils.touch(false_cmd) File.chmod(0755, true_cmd) File.chmod(0755, false_cmd) @example_path = [path] end it "should return :executed_command as its event" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => @command expect(resource.parameter(:returns) eq(:executed_command) end describe "when execing" do it "should use the 'execute' method to exec" do expect(exec_tester("true").refresh).to eq(:executed_command) end it "should report a failure" do expect { exec_tester('false', 1).refresh }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^'false' returned 1 instead of/) end it "should redact sensitive commands on failure" do expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :sensitive_parameters => [:command]).refresh }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^\[command redacted\] returned 1 instead of/) end it "should not report a failure if the exit status is specified in a returns array" do expect { exec_tester("false", 1, :returns => [0, 1]).refresh }.to_not raise_error end it "should report a failure if the exit status is not specified in a returns array" do expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :returns => [0, 100]).refresh }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^'false' returned 1 instead of/) end it "should report redact sensitive commands if the exit status is not specified in a returns array" do expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :returns => [0, 100], :sensitive_parameters => [:command]).refresh }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^\[command redacted\] returned 1 instead of/) end it "should log the output on success" do output = "output1\noutput2\n" exec_tester('false', 0, :output => output, :logoutput => true).refresh output.split("\n").each do |line| log = @logs.shift expect(log.level).to eq(:err) expect(log.message).to eq(line) end end it "should log the output on failure" do output = "output1\noutput2\n" expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :logoutput => true).refresh }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error) output.split("\n").each do |line| log = @logs.shift expect(log.level).to eq(:err) expect(log.message).to eq(line) end end end describe "when logoutput=>on_failure is set" do it "should log the output on failure" do output = "output1\noutput2\n" expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :logoutput => :on_failure).refresh }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^'false' returned 1 instead of/) output.split("\n").each do |line| log = @logs.shift expect(log.level).to eq(:err) expect(log.message).to eq(line) end end it "should redact the sensitive command on failure" do output = "output1\noutput2\n" expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :logoutput => :on_failure, :sensitive_parameters => [:command]).refresh }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^\[command redacted\] returned 1 instead of/) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :err, message: '[output redacted]')) expect(@logs).to_not include(an_object_having_attributes(message: /output1|output2/)) end it "should log the output on failure when returns is specified as an array" do output = "output1\noutput2\n" expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :returns => [0, 100], :logoutput => :on_failure).refresh }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^'false' returned 1 instead of/) output.split("\n").each do |line| log = @logs.shift expect(log.level).to eq(:err) expect(log.message).to eq(line) end end it "should redact the sensitive command on failure when returns is specified as an array" do output = "output1\noutput2\n" expect { exec_tester('false', 1, :output => output, :returns => [0, 100], :logoutput => :on_failure, :sensitive_parameters => [:command]).refresh }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /^\[command redacted\] returned 1 instead of/) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :err, message: '[output redacted]')) expect(@logs).to_not include(an_object_having_attributes(message: /output1|output2/)) end it "shouldn't log the output on success" do exec_tester('true', 0, :output => "a\nb\nc\n", :logoutput => :on_failure).refresh expect(@logs).to eq([]) end end it "shouldn't log the output on success when non-zero exit status is in a returns array" do exec_tester("true", 100, :output => "a\n", :logoutput => :on_failure, :returns => [1, 100]).refresh expect(@logs).to eq([]) end describe "when checks stop execution when debugging" do [[:unless, :true], [:onlyif, :false]].each do |check, result| it "should log a message with the command when #{check} is #{result}" do output = "'#{@command}' won't be executed because of failed check '#{check}'" test = exec_stub({:command => @command, check => result}) expect(test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: output)) end it "should log a message with a redacted command and check if #{check} is sensitive" do output1 = "Executing check '[redacted]'" output2 = "'[command redacted]' won't be executed because of failed check '#{check}'" test = exec_stub({:command => @command, check => result, :sensitive_parameters => [check]}) expect(test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: output1)) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: output2)) end end end describe " when multiple tries are set," do it "should repeat the command attempt 'tries' times on failure and produce an error" do tries = 5 resource = exec_tester("false", 1, :tries => tries, :try_sleep => 0) expect { resource.refresh }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end end it "should be able to autorequire files mentioned in the command" do foo = make_absolute('/bin/foo') catalog = tmp = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:name => foo) execer = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => foo) catalog.add_resource tmp catalog.add_resource execer dependencies = execer.autorequire(catalog) expect(dependencies.collect(&:to_s)).to eq([, execer).to_s]) end it "should be able to autorequire files mentioned in the array command" do foo = make_absolute('/bin/foo') catalog = tmp = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:name => foo) execer = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => 'test array', :command => [foo, 'bar']) catalog.add_resource tmp catalog.add_resource execer dependencies = execer.autorequire(catalog) expect(dependencies.collect(&:to_s)).to eq([, execer).to_s]) end it "skips autorequire for deferred commands" do foo = make_absolute('/bin/foo') catalog = tmp = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:name => foo) execer = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => 'test array', :command => catalog.add_resource tmp catalog.add_resource execer dependencies = execer.autorequire(catalog) expect(dependencies.collect(&:to_s)).to eq([]) end describe "when handling the path parameter" do expect = %w{one two three four} { "an array" => expect, "a path-separator delimited list" => expect.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR), "both array and path-separator delimited lists" => ["one", "two#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}three", "four"], }.each do |test, input| it "should accept #{test}" do type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command, :path => input) expect(type[:path]).to eq(expect) end end describe "on platforms where path separator is not :" do before :each do @old_verbosity = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil @old_separator = File::PATH_SEPARATOR File::PATH_SEPARATOR = 'q' end after :each do File::PATH_SEPARATOR = @old_separator $VERBOSE = @old_verbosity end it "should use the path separator of the current platform" do type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command, :path => "fooqbarqbaz") expect(type[:path]).to eq(%w[foo bar baz]) end end end describe "when setting user" do describe "on POSIX systems", :if => Puppet.features.posix? do it "should fail if we are not root" do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(false) expect { Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/bin/true whatever', :user => 'input') }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Parameter user failed/ end it "accepts the current user" do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(false) allow(Etc).to receive(:getpwuid).and_return('input')) type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/bin/true whatever', :user => 'input') expect(type[:user]).to eq('input') end ['one', 2, 'root', 4294967295, 4294967296].each do |value| it "should accept '#{value}' as user if we are root" do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(true) type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/bin/true whatever', :user => value) expect(type[:user]).to eq(value) end end end describe "on Windows systems", :if => do before :each do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(true) end it "should reject user parameter" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => 'c:\windows\notepad.exe', :user => 'input') }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Unable to execute commands as other users on Windows/ end end end describe "when setting group" do shared_examples_for "exec[:group]" do ['one', 2, 'wheel', 4294967295, 4294967296].each do |value| it "should accept '#{value}' without error or judgement" do type = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @command, :group => value) expect(type[:group]).to eq(value) end end end describe "when running as root" do before(:each) do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(true) end it_behaves_like "exec[:group]" end describe "when not running as root" do before(:each) do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(false) end it_behaves_like "exec[:group]" end end describe "when setting cwd" do it_should_behave_like "all path parameters", :cwd, :array => false do def instance(path) # Specify shell provider so we don't have to care about command validation Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @executable, :cwd => path, :provider => :shell) end end end shared_examples_for "all exec command parameters" do |param| array_cmd = ["/bin/example", "*"] array_cmd = [["/bin/example", "*"]] if [:onlyif, :unless].include?(param) commands = { "relative" => "example", "absolute" => "/bin/example" } commands["array"] = array_cmd commands.sort.each do |name, command| describe "if command is #{name}" do before :each do @param = param end def test(command, valid) if @param == :name then instance = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new() else instance = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @executable) end if valid then expect(instance.provider).to receive(:validatecmd).and_return(true) else expect(instance.provider).to receive(:validatecmd).and_raise(Puppet::Error, "from a stub") end instance[@param] = command end it "should work if the provider calls the command valid" do expect { test(command, true) }.to_not raise_error end it "should fail if the provider calls the command invalid" do expect { test(command, false) }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Parameter #{@param} failed on Exec\[.*\]: from a stub/ end end end end shared_examples_for "all exec command parameters that take arrays" do |param| [ %w{one two three}, [%w{one -a}, %w{two, -b}, 'three'] ].each do |input| context "when given #{input.inspect} as input" do let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @executable) } it "accepts the array when all commands return valid" do input = %w{one two three} allow(resource.provider).to receive(:validatecmd).exactly(input.length).times.and_return(true) resource[param] = input expect(resource[param]).to eq(input) end it "rejects the array when any commands return invalid" do input = %w{one two three} allow(resource.provider).to receive(:validatecmd).with(input[0]).and_return(true) allow(resource.provider).to receive(:validatecmd).with(input[1]).and_raise(Puppet::Error) expect { resource[param] = input }.to raise_error(Puppet::ResourceError, /Parameter #{param} failed/) end it "stops at the first invalid command" do input = %w{one two three} allow(resource.provider).to receive(:validatecmd).with(input[0]).and_raise(Puppet::Error) expect(resource.provider).not_to receive(:validatecmd).with(input[1]) expect(resource.provider).not_to receive(:validatecmd).with(input[2]) expect { resource[param] = input }.to raise_error(Puppet::ResourceError, /Parameter #{param} failed/) end end end end describe "when setting command" do subject { => @command) } it "fails when passed a Hash" do expect { subject[:command] = {} }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Command must be a String or Array/ end end describe "when setting refresh" do it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters", :refresh end describe "for simple parameters" do before :each do @exec = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @executable) end describe "when setting environment" do { "single values" => "foo=bar", "multiple values" => ["foo=bar", "baz=quux"], }.each do |name, data| it "should accept #{name}" do @exec[:environment] = data expect(@exec[:environment]).to eq(data) end end { "single values" => "foo", "only values" => ["foo", "bar"], "any values" => ["foo=bar", "baz"] }.each do |name, data| it "should reject #{name} without assignment" do expect { @exec[:environment] = data }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Invalid environment setting/ end end end describe "when setting timeout" do [0, 0.1, 1, 10, 4294967295].each do |valid| it "should accept '#{valid}' as valid" do @exec[:timeout] = valid expect(@exec[:timeout]).to eq(valid) end it "should accept '#{valid}' in an array as valid" do @exec[:timeout] = [valid] expect(@exec[:timeout]).to eq(valid) end end ['1/2', '', 'foo', '5foo'].each do |invalid| it "should reject '#{invalid}' as invalid" do expect { @exec[:timeout] = invalid }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /The timeout must be a number/ end it "should reject '#{invalid}' in an array as invalid" do expect { @exec[:timeout] = [invalid] }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /The timeout must be a number/ end end describe 'when timeout is exceeded' do subject do ruby_path = Puppet::Util::Execution.ruby_path() Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => "#{ruby_path} -e 'sleep 1'", :timeout => '0.1') end context 'on POSIX', :unless => || RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do it 'sends a SIGTERM and raises a Puppet::Error' do expect(Process).to receive(:kill).at_least(:once) expect { subject.refresh }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, "Command exceeded timeout" end end context 'on Windows', :if => do it 'raises a Puppet::Error' do expect { subject.refresh }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, "Command exceeded timeout" end end end it "should convert timeout to a float" do command = make_absolute('/bin/false') resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => command, :timeout => "12" expect(resource[:timeout]).to be_a(Float) expect(resource[:timeout]).to eq(12.0) end it "should munge negative timeouts to 0.0" do command = make_absolute('/bin/false') resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => command, :timeout => "-12.0" expect(resource.parameter(:timeout).value).to be_a(Float) expect(resource.parameter(:timeout).value).to eq(0.0) end end describe "when setting tries" do [1, 10, 4294967295].each do |valid| it "should accept '#{valid}' as valid" do @exec[:tries] = valid expect(@exec[:tries]).to eq(valid) end if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then it "should accept '#{valid}' in an array as valid" do pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" @exec[:tries] = [valid] expect(@exec[:tries]).to eq(valid) end end end [-3.5, -1, 0, 0.2, '1/2', '1_000_000', '+12', '', 'foo'].each do |invalid| it "should reject '#{invalid}' as invalid" do expect { @exec[:tries] = invalid }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Tries must be an integer/ end if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then it "should reject '#{invalid}' in an array as invalid" do pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" expect { @exec[:tries] = [invalid] }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /Tries must be an integer/ end end end end describe "when setting try_sleep" do [0, 0.2, 1, 10, 4294967295].each do |valid| it "should accept '#{valid}' as valid" do @exec[:try_sleep] = valid expect(@exec[:try_sleep]).to eq(valid) end if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then it "should accept '#{valid}' in an array as valid" do pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" @exec[:try_sleep] = [valid] expect(@exec[:try_sleep]).to eq(valid) end end end { -3.5 => "cannot be a negative number", -1 => "cannot be a negative number", '1/2' => 'must be a number', '1_000_000' => 'must be a number', '+12' => 'must be a number', '' => 'must be a number', 'foo' => 'must be a number', }.each do |invalid, error| it "should reject '#{invalid}' as invalid" do expect { @exec[:try_sleep] = invalid }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /try_sleep #{error}/ end if "REVISIT: too much test log spam" == "a good thing" then it "should reject '#{invalid}' in an array as invalid" do pending "inconsistent, but this is not supporting arrays, unlike timeout" expect { @exec[:try_sleep] = [invalid] }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /try_sleep #{error}/ end end end end describe "when setting refreshonly" do [:true, :false].each do |value| it "should accept '#{value}'" do @exec[:refreshonly] = value expect(@exec[:refreshonly]).to eq(value) end end [1, 0, "1", "0", "yes", "y", "no", "n"].each do |value| it "should reject '#{value}'" do expect { @exec[:refreshonly] = value }. to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Invalid value #{value.inspect}\. Valid values are true, false/ ) end end end end describe "when setting creates" do it_should_behave_like "all path parameters", :creates, :array => true do def instance(path) # Specify shell provider so we don't have to care about command validation Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @executable, :creates => path, :provider => :shell) end end end describe "when setting unless" do it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters", :unless it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters that take arrays", :unless end describe "when setting onlyif" do it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters", :onlyif it_should_behave_like "all exec command parameters that take arrays", :onlyif end describe "#check" do before :each do @test = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @executable) end describe ":refreshonly" do { :true => false, :false => true }.each do |input, result| it "should return '#{result}' when given '#{input}'" do @test[:refreshonly] = input expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(result) end end end describe ":creates" do before :each do @exist = tmpfile('exist') FileUtils.touch(@exist) @unexist = tmpfile('unexist') end context "with a single item" do it "should run when the item does not exist" do @test[:creates] = @unexist expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) end it "should not run when the item exists" do @test[:creates] = @exist expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end end context "with an array with one item" do it "should run when the item does not exist" do @test[:creates] = [@unexist] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) end it "should not run when the item exists" do @test[:creates] = [@exist] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end end context "with an array with multiple items" do it "should run when all items do not exist" do @test[:creates] = [@unexist] * 3 expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) end it "should not run when one item exists" do @test[:creates] = [@unexist, @exist, @unexist] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end it "should not run when all items exist" do @test[:creates] = [@exist] * 3 end end context "when creates is being checked" do it "should be logged to debug when the path does exist" do Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug @test[:creates] = @exist expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "Checking that 'creates' path '#{@exist}' exists")) end it "should be logged to debug when the path does not exist" do Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug @test[:creates] = @unexist expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "Checking that 'creates' path '#{@unexist}' exists")) end end end { :onlyif => { :pass => false, :fail => true }, :unless => { :pass => true, :fail => false }, }.each do |param, sense| describe ":#{param}" do before :each do @pass = make_absolute("/magic/pass") @fail = make_absolute("/magic/fail") @pass_status = double('status', :exitstatus => sense[:pass] ? 0 : 1) @fail_status = double('status', :exitstatus => sense[:fail] ? 0 : 1) allow(@test.provider).to receive(:checkexe).and_return(true) [true, false].each do |check| allow(@test.provider).to receive(:run).with(@pass, check). and_return(['test output', @pass_status]) allow(@test.provider).to receive(:run).with(@fail, check). and_return(['test output', @fail_status]) end end context "with a single item" do it "should run if the command exits non-zero" do @test[param] = @fail expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) end it "should not run if the command exits zero" do @test[param] = @pass expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end end context "with an array with a single item" do it "should run if the command exits non-zero" do @test[param] = [@fail] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) end it "should not run if the command exits zero" do @test[param] = [@pass] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end end context "with an array with multiple items" do it "should run if all the commands exits non-zero" do @test[param] = [@fail] * 3 expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) end it "should not run if one command exits zero" do @test[param] = [@pass, @fail, @pass] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end it "should not run if all command exits zero" do @test[param] = [@pass] * 3 expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end end context 'with an array of arrays with multiple items' do before do [true, false].each do |check| allow(@test.provider).to receive(:run).with([@pass, '--flag'], check). and_return(['test output', @pass_status]) allow(@test.provider).to receive(:run).with([@fail, '--flag'], check). and_return(['test output', @fail_status]) allow(@test.provider).to receive(:run).with([@pass], check). and_return(['test output', @pass_status]) allow(@test.provider).to receive(:run).with([@fail], check). and_return(['test output', @fail_status]) end end it "runs if all the commands exits non-zero" do @test[param] = [[@fail, '--flag'], [@fail], [@fail, '--flag']] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) end it "does not run if one command exits zero" do @test[param] = [[@pass, '--flag'], [@pass], [@fail, '--flag']] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end it "does not run if all command exits zero" do @test[param] = [[@pass, '--flag'], [@pass], [@pass, '--flag']] expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(false) end end it "should emit output to debug" do Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug @test[param] = @fail expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) expect(@logs.shift.message).to eq("test output") end it "should not emit output to debug if sensitive is true" do Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug @test[param] = @fail allow(@test.parameters[param]).to receive(:sensitive).and_return(true) expect(@test.check_all_attributes).to eq(true) expect(@logs).not_to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "test output")) expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "[output redacted]")) end end end end describe "#retrieve" do before :each do @exec_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @bogus_cmd) end it "should return :notrun when check_all_attributes returns true" do allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:check_all_attributes).and_return(true) expect(@exec_resource.retrieve[:returns]).to eq(:notrun) end it "should return default exit code 0 when check_all_attributes returns false" do allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:check_all_attributes).and_return(false) expect(@exec_resource.retrieve[:returns]).to eq(['0']) end it "should return the specified exit code when check_all_attributes returns false" do allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:check_all_attributes).and_return(false) @exec_resource[:returns] = 42 expect(@exec_resource.retrieve[:returns]).to eq(["42"]) end end describe "#output" do before :each do @exec_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @bogus_cmd) end it "should return the provider's run output" do provider = double('provider') status = double('process_status') allow(status).to receive(:exitstatus).and_return("0") expect(provider).to receive(:run).and_return(["silly output", status]) allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:provider).and_return(provider) @exec_resource.refresh expect(@exec_resource.output).to eq('silly output') end end describe "#refresh" do before :each do @exec_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => @bogus_cmd) end it "should call provider run with the refresh parameter if it is set" do myother_bogus_cmd = make_absolute('/myother/bogus/cmd') provider = double('provider') allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:provider).and_return(provider) allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:[]).with(:refresh).and_return(myother_bogus_cmd) expect(provider).to receive(:run).with(myother_bogus_cmd) @exec_resource.refresh end it "should call provider run with the specified command if the refresh parameter is not set" do provider = double('provider') status = double('process_status') allow(status).to receive(:exitstatus).and_return("0") expect(provider).to receive(:run).with(@bogus_cmd).and_return(["silly output", status]) allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:provider).and_return(provider) @exec_resource.refresh end it "should not run the provider if check_all_attributes is false" do allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:check_all_attributes).and_return(false) provider = double('provider') expect(provider).not_to receive(:run) allow(@exec_resource).to receive(:provider).and_return(provider) @exec_resource.refresh end end describe "relative and absolute commands vs path" do let :type do Puppet::Type.type(:exec) end let :rel do 'echo' end let :abs do make_absolute('/bin/echo') end let :path do make_absolute('/bin') end it "should fail with relative command and no path" do expect { => rel) }. to raise_error Puppet::Error, /no path was specified/ end it "should accept a relative command with a path" do expect( => rel, :path => path)).to be end it "should accept an absolute command with no path" do expect( => abs)).to be end it "should accept an absolute command with a path" do expect( => abs, :path => path)).to be end end describe "when providing a umask" do it "should fail if an invalid umask is used" do resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new :command => @command expect { resource[:umask] = '0028'}.to raise_error(Puppet::ResourceError, /umask specification is invalid/) expect { resource[:umask] = '28' }.to raise_error(Puppet::ResourceError, /umask specification is invalid/) end end end