require 'uri' require 'open-uri' require 'pathname' require 'bigdecimal' require 'digest/sha1' module JSON class ValidationError < Exception attr_reader :fragments, :schema def initialize(message, fragments, schema) @fragments = fragments @schema = schema message = "#{message} in schema #{schema.uri}" super(message) end end class SchemaError < Exception end class Validator @@schemas = {} @@cache_schemas = false @@default_opts = { :list => false } ValidationMethods = [ "type", "disallow", "minimum", "maximum", "minItems", "maxItems", "uniqueItems", "pattern", "minLength", "maxLength", "divisibleBy", "enum", "properties", "patternProperties", "additionalProperties", "items", "additionalItems", "dependencies", "extends", "$ref" ] def initialize(schema_data, data, opts={}) @options = @@default_opts.clone.merge(opts) @base_schema = initialize_schema(schema_data) @data = initialize_data(data) build_schemas(@base_schema) end # Run a simple true/false validation of data against a schema def validate() begin validate_schema(@base_schema, @data, []) Validator.clear_cache return true rescue ValidationError Validator.clear_cache return false end end # Validate data against a schema, returning nil if the data is valid. If the data is invalid, # a ValidationError will be raised with links to the specific location that the first error # occurred during validation def validate2() begin validate_schema(@base_schema, @data, []) Validator.clear_cache rescue ValidationError Validator.clear_cache raise $! end nil end # Validate the current schema def validate_schema(current_schema, data, fragments) ValidationMethods.each do |method| if !current_schema.schema[method].nil? self.send(("validate_" + method.sub('$','')).to_sym, current_schema, data, fragments) end end data end # Validate the type def validate_type(current_schema, data, fragments, disallow=false) union = true if disallow types = current_schema.schema['disallow'] else types = current_schema.schema['type'] end if !types.is_a?(Array) types = [types] union = false end valid = false types.each do |type| if type.is_a?(String) case type when "string" valid = data.is_a?(String) when "number" valid = data.is_a?(Numeric) when "integer" valid = data.is_a?(Integer) when "boolean" valid = (data.is_a?(TrueClass) || data.is_a?(FalseClass)) when "object" valid = data.is_a?(Hash) when "array" valid = data.is_a?(Array) when "null" valid = data.is_a?(NilClass) when "any" valid = true else valid = true end elsif type.is_a?(Hash) && union # Validate as a schema schema =,current_schema.uri) begin validate_schema(schema,data,fragments) valid = true rescue ValidationError # We don't care that these schemas don't validate - we only care that one validated end end break if valid end if (disallow) if valid message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' matched one or more of the following types:" types.each {|type| message += type.is_a?(String) ? " #{type}," : " (schema)," } message.chop! raise, fragments, current_schema) end elsif !valid message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not match one or more of the following types:" types.each {|type| message += type.is_a?(String) ? " #{type}," : " (schema)," } message.chop! raise, fragments, current_schema) end end # Validate the disallowed types def validate_disallow(current_schema, data, fragments) validate_type(current_schema, data, fragments, true) end # Validate the minimum value of a number def validate_minimum(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Numeric) if (current_schema.schema['exclusiveMinimum'] ? data <= current_schema.schema['minimum'] : data < current_schema.schema['minimum']) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not have a minimum value of #{current_schema.schema['minimum']}, " message += current_schema.schema['exclusiveMinimum'] ? 'exclusively' : 'inclusively' raise, fragments, current_schema) end end end # Validate the maximum value of a number def validate_maximum(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Numeric) if (current_schema.schema['exclusiveMaximum'] ? data >= current_schema.schema['maximum'] : data > current_schema.schema['maximum']) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not have a maximum value of #{current_schema.schema['maximum']}, " message += current_schema.schema['exclusiveMaximum'] ? 'exclusively' : 'inclusively' raise, fragments, current_schema) end end end # Validate the minimum number of items in an array def validate_minItems(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Array) && (data.compact.size < current_schema.schema['minItems']) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not contain a minimum number of items #{current_schema.schema['minItems']}" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end # Validate the maximum number of items in an array def validate_maxItems(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Array) && (data.compact.size > current_schema.schema['maxItems']) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not contain a minimum number of items #{current_schema.schema['minItems']}" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end # Validate the uniqueness of elements in an array def validate_uniqueItems(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Array) d = data.clone dupes = d.uniq! if dupes message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' contained duplicated array values" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end end # Validate a string matches a regex pattern def validate_pattern(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(String) r =['pattern']) if (r.match(data)).nil? message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not match the regex '#{current_schema.schema['pattern']}'" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end end # Validate a string is at least of a certain length def validate_minLength(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(String) if data.length < current_schema.schema['minLength'] message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' was not of a minimum string length of #{current_schema.schema['minLength']}" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end end # Validate a string is at maximum of a certain length def validate_maxLength(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(String) if data.length > current_schema.schema['maxLength'] message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' was not of a maximum string length of #{current_schema.schema['maxLength']}" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end end # Validate a numeric is divisible by another numeric def validate_divisibleBy(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Numeric) if current_schema.schema['divisibleBy'] == 0 || current_schema.schema['divisibleBy'] == 0.0 || ( %['divisibleBy'].to_s)).to_f != 0 message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' was not divisible by #{current_schema.schema['divisibleBy']}" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end end # Validate an item matches at least one of an array of values def validate_enum(current_schema, data, fragments) if !current_schema.schema['enum'].include?(data) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not match one of the following values:" current_schema.schema['enum'].each {|val| if val.is_a?(NilClass) message += " null," elsif val.is_a?(Array) message += " (array)," elsif val.is_a?(Hash) message += " (object)," else message += " #{val.to_s}," end } message.chop! raise, fragments, current_schema) end end # Validate a set of properties of an object def validate_properties(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Hash) current_schema.schema['properties'].each do |property,property_schema| if (property_schema['required'] && !data.has_key?(property)) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' did not contain a required property of '#{property}'" raise, fragments, current_schema) end if data.has_key?(property) schema =,current_schema.uri) fragments << property validate_schema(schema, data[property], fragments) fragments.pop end end end end # Validate properties of an object against a schema when the property name matches a specific regex def validate_patternProperties(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Hash) current_schema.schema['patternProperties'].each do |property,property_schema| r = # Check each key in the data hash to see if it matches the regex data.each do |key,value| if r.match(key) schema =,current_schema.uri) fragments << key validate_schema(schema, data[key], fragments) fragments.pop end end end end end # Validate properties of an object that are not defined in the schema at least validate against a set of rules def validate_additionalProperties(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Hash) extra_properties = data.keys if current_schema.schema['properties'] extra_properties = extra_properties - current_schema.schema['properties'].keys end if current_schema.schema['patternProperties'] current_schema.schema['patternProperties'].each_key do |key| r = extras_clone = extra_properties.clone extras_clone.each do |prop| if r.match(prop) extra_properties = extra_properties - [prop] end end end end if current_schema.schema['additionalProperties'] == false && !extra_properties.empty? message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' contains additional properties outside of the schema when none are allowed" raise, fragments, current_schema) elsif current_schema.schema['additionalProperties'].is_a?(Hash) extra_properties.each do |key| schema =['additionalProperties'],current_schema.uri) fragments << key validate_schema(schema, data[key], fragments) fragments.pop end end end end # Validate items in an array match a schema or a set of schemas def validate_items(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Array) if current_schema.schema['items'].is_a?(Hash) data.each_with_index do |item,i| schema =['items'],current_schema.uri) fragments << i.to_s validate_schema(schema,item,fragments) fragments.pop end elsif current_schema.schema['items'].is_a?(Array) current_schema.schema['items'].each_with_index do |item_schema,i| schema =,current_schema.uri) fragments << i.to_s validate_schema(schema,data[i],fragments) fragments.pop end end end end # Validate items in an array that are not part of the schema at least match a set of rules def validate_additionalItems(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Array) && current_schema.schema['items'].is_a?(Array) if current_schema.schema['additionalItems'] == false && current_schema.schema['items'].length != data.length message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' contains additional array elements outside of the schema when none are allowed" raise, fragments, current_schema) elsif current_schema.schema['additionalItems'].is_a?(Hash) schema =['additionalItems'],current_schema.uri) data.each_with_index do |item,i| if i >= current_schema.schema['items'].length fragments << i.to_s validate_schema(schema, item, fragments) fragments.pop end end end end end # Validate the dependencies of a property def validate_dependencies(current_schema, data, fragments) if data.is_a?(Hash) current_schema.schema['dependencies'].each do |property,dependency_value| if data.has_key?(property) if dependency_value.is_a?(String) && !data.has_key?(dependency_value) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' has a property '#{property}' that depends on a missing property '#{dependency_value}'" raise, fragments, current_schema) elsif dependency_value.is_a?(Array) dependency_value.each do |value| if !data.has_key?(value) message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' has a property '#{property}' that depends on a missing property '#{value}'" raise, fragments, current_schema) end end else schema =,current_schema.uri) validate_schema(schema, data, fragments) end end end end end # Validate extensions of other schemas def validate_extends(current_schema, data, fragments) schemas = current_schema.schema['extends'] schemas = [schemas] if !schemas.is_a?(Array) schemas.each do |s| schema =,current_schema.uri) validate_schema(schema, data, fragments) end end # Validate schema references def validate_ref(current_schema, data, fragments) temp_uri = URI.parse(current_schema.schema['$ref']) if temp_uri.relative? temp_uri = current_schema.uri.clone # Check for absolute path path = current_schema.schema['$ref'].split("#")[0] if path.nil? || path == '' temp_uri.path = current_schema.uri.path elsif path[0,1] == "/" temp_uri.path = else temp_uri.path = ( + path).cleanpath.to_s end temp_uri.fragment = current_schema.schema['$ref'].split("#")[1] end temp_uri.fragment = "" if temp_uri.fragment.nil? # Grab the parent schema from the schema list schema_key = temp_uri.to_s.split("#")[0] ref_schema = Validator.schemas[schema_key] if ref_schema # Perform fragment resolution to retrieve the appropriate level for the schema target_schema = ref_schema.schema fragments = temp_uri.fragment.split("/") fragment_path = '' fragments.each do |fragment| if fragment && fragment != '' if target_schema.is_a?(Array) target_schema = target_schema[fragment.to_i] else target_schema = target_schema[fragment] end fragment_path = fragment_path + "/#{fragment}" if target_schema.nil? raise"The fragment '#{fragment_path}' does not exist on schema #{ref_schema.uri.to_s}") end end end # We have the schema finally, build it and validate! schema =,temp_uri) validate_schema(schema, data, fragments) else raise"The referenced schema '#{temp_uri.to_s}' cannot be found", fragments, current_schema) end end def build_fragment(fragments) "#/#{fragments.join('/')}" end def load_ref_schema(parent_schema,ref) uri = URI.parse(ref) if uri.relative? uri = parent_schema.uri.clone # Check for absolute path path = ref.split("#")[0] # This is a self reference and thus the schema does not need to be re-loaded if path.nil? || path == '' return end if path && path[0,1] == '/' uri.path = else uri.path = ( + path).cleanpath.to_s end uri.fragment = nil end if Validator.schemas[uri.to_s].nil? begin schema =, uri) Validator.add_schema(schema) build_schemas(schema) rescue JSON::ParserError # Don't rescue this error, we want JSON formatting issues to bubble up raise $! rescue # Failures will occur when this URI cannot be referenced yet. Don't worry about it, # the proper error will fall out if the ref isn't ever defined end end end # Build all schemas with IDs, mapping out the namespace def build_schemas(parent_schema) # Check for schemas in union types ["type", "disallow"].each do |key| if parent_schema.schema[key] && parent_schema.schema[key].is_a?(Array) parent_schema.schema[key].each_with_index do |type,i| if type.is_a?(Hash) handle_schema(parent_schema, type) end end end end # All properties are schemas if parent_schema.schema["properties"] parent_schema.schema["properties"].each do |k,v| handle_schema(parent_schema, v) end end # Items are always schemas if parent_schema.schema["items"] items = parent_schema.schema["items"].clone single = false if !items.is_a?(Array) items = [items] single = true end items.each_with_index do |item,i| handle_schema(parent_schema, item) end end # Each of these might be schemas ["additionalProperties", "additionalItems", "dependencies", "extends"].each do |key| if parent_schema.schema[key].is_a?(Hash) handle_schema(parent_schema, parent_schema.schema[key]) end end end # Either load a reference schema or create a new schema def handle_schema(parent_schema, obj) if obj['$ref'] load_ref_schema(parent_schema, obj['$ref']) else schema_uri = parent_schema.uri.clone schema =,schema_uri) if obj['id'] Validator.add_schema(schema) end build_schemas(schema) end end class << self def validate(schema, data,opts={}) validator =, data, opts) validator.validate end def validate2(schema, data,opts={}) validator =, data, opts) validator.validate2 end def clear_cache @@schemas = {} if @@cache_schemas == false end def schemas @@schemas end def add_schema(schema) @@schemas[schema.uri.to_s] = schema if @@schemas[schema.uri.to_s].nil? end def cache_schemas=(val) @@cache_schemas = val == true ? true : false end end private def initialize_schema(schema) if schema.is_a?(String) begin # Build a fake URI for this schema_uri = URI.parse("file://#{Dir.pwd}/#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(schema)}") schema =,schema_uri) Validator.add_schema(schema) rescue # Build a uri for it schema_uri = URI.parse(schema) if schema_uri.relative? # Check for absolute path if schema[0,1] == '/' schema_uri = URI.parse("file://#{schema}") else schema_uri = URI.parse("file://#{Dir.pwd}/#{schema}") end end if Validator.schemas[schema_uri.to_s].nil? schema =,schema_uri) Validator.add_schema(schema) else schema = Validator.schemas[schema_uri.to_s] end end elsif schema.is_a?(Hash) schema = schema.to_json schema_uri = URI.parse("file://#{Dir.pwd}/#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(schema)}") schema =,schema_uri) Validator.add_schema(schema) else raise "Invalid schema - must be either a string or a hash" end if @options[:list] inter_json = {:type => "array", :items => { "$ref" => schema.uri.to_s }}.to_json wrapper_schema =,URI.parse("file://#{Dir.pwd}/#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(inter_json)}")) build_schemas(schema) schema = wrapper_schema end schema end def initialize_data(data) # Parse the data, if any if data.is_a?(String) begin data = JSON.parse(data) rescue json_uri = URI.parse(data) if json_uri.relative? if data[0,1] == '/' schema_uri = URI.parse("file://#{data}") else schema_uri = URI.parse("file://#{Dir.pwd}/#{data}") end end data = JSON.parse(open(json_uri.to_s).read) end end data end end end