require 'erb' require 'fileutils' require 'ostruct' require 'chefspec' require_relative 'api_map' module ChefSpec class Bootstrap def initialize(recipe, template_file, spec_helper_file, output_file, cookbook_path) @template_file = template_file @recipe = recipe @spec_helper_file = spec_helper_file || 'spec/spec_helper.rb' @output_file = output_file @cookbook_path = cookbook_path || 'cookbooks' end def setup unless File.exist?(@recipe) abort "Unable to locate recipe file (#{@recipe})" end unless @template_file @template_file = root.join('templates', 'default.erb') end unless File.exist?(@template_file) abort "Unable to locate template file (#{@template_file})" end @api_map = begin require File.expand_path(@spec_helper_file) @spec_helper = true rescue LoadError @spec_helper = false ::RSpec.configure do |config| config.cookbook_path = [@cookbook_path] end end end def generate setup abort 'Output file already exists. Refusing to override.' if @output_file && File.exist?(@output_file) erb = path, recipe_file = File.split(@recipe) recipe = recipe_file.split('.')[0] cookbook = path.split(File::SEPARATOR)[-2] chef_run = get_chef_run(cookbook, recipe) resources = get_resources(chef_run, cookbook, recipe) test_cases = generate_test_cases(resources) spec_helper = @spec_helper spec_output = erb.result(binding) if @output_file generate_spec_file(spec_output) else puts spec_output end end def root @root ||='../../', __FILE__)) end def generate_spec_file(output) output_path = @output_file.split(File::SEPARATOR) output_path.pop FileUtils.mkpath(output_path.join(File::SEPARATOR)) if output_path, 'w') do |spec_file| spec_file.write(output) end end def get_chef_run(cookbook, recipe) return"#{cookbook}::#{recipe}") rescue StandardError return nil end def get_resource_name(resource) || resource.identity end def get_all_resources(chef_run) chef_run.resource_collection.all_resources end def get_resources(chef_run, cookbook, recipe) if chef_run return get_all_resources(chef_run).select do |resource| resource.cookbook_name == cookbook.to_sym && resource.recipe_name == recipe end else return [] end end def generate_test_cases(resources) test_cases = [] resources.each do |resource| verbs = resource.instance_variable_get(:@performed_actions) if verbs.empty? if resource.action != [:nothing] verbs = { resource.action.to_s => {} } else verbs = { nothing: {} } end end noun = resource.resource_name adjective = guarded = resource.performed_actions.empty? verbs.each do |verb, time| test_cases.push( it: get_it_block(noun, verb, adjective), expect: get_expect_block(noun, verb), name: adjective, guarded: guarded, nothing: verb == :nothing, noun: noun, adjective: adjective, compile_time: time[:compile_time] ) end end test_cases end def get_it_block(noun, verb, adjective) verb = 'ignore' if verb == :nothing it = '%{verb}s the %{adjective} %{noun}' noun_readable = noun.to_s.gsub('_', ' ') verb_readable = verb.to_s.gsub('_', ' ') string_variables = { noun: noun_readable, verb: verb_readable, adjective: adjective } if @api_map[noun] && @api_map[noun][:it] if @api_map[noun][:it][verb] it = @api_map[noun][:it][verb] elsif @api_map[noun][:it][:default] it = @api_map[noun][:it][:default] end end escape_string(it % string_variables) end def get_expect_block(noun, verb) expect = '%{verb}_%{noun}' string_variables = { noun: noun, verb: verb } if @api_map[noun] && @api_map[noun][:expect] if @api_map[noun][:expect][verb] expect = @api_map[noun][:expect][verb] elsif @api_map[noun][:expect][:default] expect = @api_map[noun][:expect][:default] end end escape_string(expect % string_variables) end def escape_string(string) string.gsub('\\', '\\\\').gsub("\"", "\\\"") end end end