// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same Q$ */ // .......................................................... // createLayer() // module("SC.View#createLayer"); test("returns the receiver", function() { var v= SC.View.create(); equals(v.createLayer(), v, 'returns receiver'); }); test("calls prepareContext() and sets layer to resulting element", function() { var v= SC.View.create({ tagName: 'span', prepareContext: function(context, firstTime) { context.push("foo"); } }); equals(v.get('layer'), null, 'precondition - has no layer'); v.createLayer(); var elem = v.get('layer'); ok(!!elem, 'has element now'); equals(elem.innerHTML, 'foo', 'has innerHTML from context'); equals(elem.tagName.toString().toLowerCase(), 'span', 'has tagName from view'); elem = null ; }); test("invokes didCreateLayer() on receiver and all child views", function() { var callCount = 0, mixinCount = 0; var v= SC.View.create({ didCreateLayer: function() { callCount++; }, didCreateLayerMixin: function() { mixinCount++; }, childViews: [SC.View.extend({ didCreateLayer: function() { callCount++; }, childViews: [SC.View.extend({ didCreateLayer: function() { callCount++; }, didCreateLayerMixin: function() { mixinCount++; } }), SC.View.extend({ /* no didCreateLayer */ })] })] }); // verify setup... ok(v.didCreateLayer, 'precondition - has root'); ok(v.childViews[0].didCreateLayer, 'precondition - has firstChild'); ok(v.childViews[0].childViews[0].didCreateLayer, 'precondition - has nested child'); ok(!v.get('layer'), 'has no layer'); v.createLayer(); equals(callCount, 3, 'did invoke all methods'); equals(mixinCount, 2, 'did invoke all mixin methods'); }); test("generated layer include HTML from child views as well", function() { var v = SC.View.create({ childViews: [ SC.View.extend({ layerId: "foo" })] }); v.createLayer(); ok(Q$('#foo', v.get('layer')).get(0), 'has element with child layerId'); }); test("does NOT assign layer to child views immediately", function() { var v = SC.View.create({ childViews: [ SC.View.extend({ layerId: "foo" })] }); v.createLayer(); ok(!v.childViews[0]._view_layer, 'has no layer yet'); }); // .......................................................... // USE CASES // // when view is first created, createLayer is NOT called // when view is added to parent view, and parent view is already visible in // window, layer is created just before adding it to the DOM // when a pane is added to the window, the pane layer is created. // when a pane with an exiting layer is removed from the DOM, the layer is removed from the DOM, but it is not destroyed. // what if we move a view from a parentView that has a layer to a parentView that does NOT have a layer. Delete layer. // what if a move a view from a parentView that does NOT have a layer to a parentView that DOES have a layer.