# encoding: UTF-8 # this file sets up the basic framework. # Using pathname extentions for setting public folder require 'pathname' #set up root object, it might be used by the environment and\or the plezi extension gems. Root ||= Pathname.new(File.dirname(__FILE__)).expand_path # make sure all file access and file loading is relative to the application's root folder Dir.chdir Root.to_s # ensure development mode? (comment before production, environment dependent) ENV['ENV'] ||= ENV["RACK_ENV"] ||= "development" # save the process id (pid) to file - notice Heroku doesn't allow to write files. (IO.write File.expand_path(File.join 'tmp','pid'), Process.pid unless ENV["DYNO"]) rescue true # using bundler to load gems (including the plezi gem) require 'bundler' Bundler.require(:default, ENV['ENV'].to_s.to_sym) # require tilt/sass in a thread safe way (before multi-threading cycle begins) require 'tilt/sass' if defined?(::Slim) && defined?(::Sass) # # set up Plezi's logs to a log file? # Iodine.logger = Logger.new(File.expand_path(File.join 'logs','server.log')) unless ENV["DYNO"] # set the session token name? Iodine::Http.session_token = 'appname_uui' ## Allow forking? ONLY if your code is fully scalable across processes. # Iodine.processes = 4 # load all config files Dir[File.join "{initialize}", "**" , "*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file)} # load all library files Dir[File.join "{lib}", "**" , "*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file)} # load all application files Dir[File.join "{app}", "**" , "*.rb"].each {|file| load File.expand_path(file)} # change some of the default settings here. host host: :default, public: Root.join('public').to_s, assets: Root.join('assets').to_s, assets_public: '/assets', templates: Root.join('app','views').to_s