require "spec_helper" def opts_to_s(opts) opts_strs = { |k,v| ":#{k}=>#{v}" if v }.compact opts_strs.size > 0 ? ", " + opts_strs * ", " : "" end def fix_EOF_problem(s) # <<-EOF isn't working like its meant to :( whitespace = s.split("\n")[-1][/^[ ]+/] indentation = whitespace ? whitespace.size : 0 s.gsub("\n#{" " * indentation}", "\n").strip end describe "DiffMatcher::difference(expected, actual, opts)" do subject { DiffMatcher::difference(expected, actual, opts) } shared_examples_for "a diff matcher" do |expected, same, different, difference, opts| opts ||= {} context "with #{opts.size > 0 ? opts_to_s(opts) : "no opts"}" do describe "difference(#{expected.inspect}, #{same.inspect}#{opts_to_s(opts)})" do let(:expected) { expected } let(:actual ) { same } let(:opts ) { opts } it { should be_nil } end describe "difference(#{expected.inspect}, #{different.inspect}#{opts_to_s(opts)})" do let(:expected) { expected } let(:actual ) { different } let(:opts ) { opts } it { should_not be_nil } unless RUBY_1_9 it { difference.is_a?(Regexp) ? should =~ difference : should == fix_EOF_problem(difference) } if RUBY_1_9 end end end describe "when expected is an instance," do context "of Fixnum," do expected, same, different = 1, 1, 2 it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, {} - 1+ 2 Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end context "of String," do expected, same, different = "a", "a", "b" it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, {} - "a"+ "b" Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF context "when actual is of a different class" do different = 0 it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, {} - "a"+ 0 Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end context "when actual is nil" do different = nil it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, {} - "a"+ nil Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end end context "of nil," do expected, same, different = nil, nil, false it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, {} - nil+ false Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end context "of Array," do expected, same, different = [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ] it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, {} [ - 1+ 2 ] Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF context "where actual has additional items" do expected, same, different = [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 2, 3 ] it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, :ignore_additional=>true [ - 1+ 0, 2, + 3 ] Where, - 1 missing, + 2 additional EOF it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, :ignore_additional=>true, :quiet=>true [ - 1+ 0 ] Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end context "where actual has missing items" do expected, same, different = [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2 ] it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, { :quiet => true } [ - 3 ] Where, - 1 missing EOF it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF [ 1, 2, - 3 ] Where, - 1 missing EOF end end context "of Hash," do expected, same, different = { "a"=>1 }, { "a"=>1 }, { "a"=>2 } it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF { "a"=>- 1+ 2 } Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF context "with keys of differing classes" do expected, same, different = { "a"=>{ "b"=>1 } }, { "a"=>{ "b"=>1 } }, { "a"=>[ "b", 1 ] } it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF { "a"=>- {"b"=>1}+ ["b", 1] } Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end context "with matching hash descendents" do expected, same, different = { "a"=>{ "b"=>{ "c"=>1 } } }, { "a"=>{ "b"=>{ "c"=>1 } } }, { "b"=>{ "c"=>1 } } describe "it won't match the descendents" do it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF { - "a"=>{"b"=>{"c"=>1}}, + "b"=>{"c"=>1} } Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end end end end describe "when expected is," do context "a class," do expected, same, different = String, "a", 1 it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF - String+ 1 Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end end describe "when expected is," do context "a Regex," do expected, same, different = /[a-z]/, "a", "A" it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF - /[a-z]/+ "A" Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF context "and when actual is not a String," do different = :a it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF - /[a-z]/+ :a Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end end end describe "when expected is," do context "a proc," do expected, same, different = lambda { |x| [FalseClass, TrueClass].include? x.class }, true, "true" it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, /- #\+ \"true\"\nWhere, - 1 missing, \+ 1 additional/ end end context "when expected has multiple items," do expected, same, different = [ 1, 2, /\d/, Fixnum, lambda { |x| (4..6).include? x } ], [ 1, 2, "3" , 4 , 5 ], [ 0, 2, "3" , 4 , 5 ] describe "it shows regex, class, proc matches and matches" do it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF [ - 1+ 0, 2, ~ (3), : 4, { 5 ] Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional, ~ 1 match_regexp, : 1 match_class, { 1 match_proc EOF end describe "it doesn't show matches" do it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF, :quiet=>true [ - 1+ 0 ] Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional EOF end describe "it shows all matches" do it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF [ - 1+ 0, 2, ~ (3), : 4, { 5 ] Where, - 1 missing, + 1 additional, ~ 1 match_regexp, : 1 match_class, { 1 match_proc EOF end describe "it shows matches in color" do it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF , :color_scheme=>:default \e[0m[ \e[0m \e[31m- \e[1m1\e[0m\e[33m+ \e[1m0\e[0m, \e[0m 2, \e[0m \e[32m~ \e[0m\e[32m(\e[1m3\e[0m\e[32m)\e[0m\e[0m, \e[0m \e[34m: \e[1m4\e[0m, \e[0m \e[36m{ \e[1m5\e[0m \e[0m] Where, \e[31m- \e[1m1 missing\e[0m, \e[33m+ \e[1m1 additional\e[0m, \e[32m~ \e[1m1 match_regexp\e[0m, \e[34m: \e[1m1 match_class\e[0m, \e[36m{ \e[1m1 match_proc\e[0m EOF context "on a white background" do it_behaves_like "a diff matcher", expected, same, different, <<-EOF , :color_scheme=>:white_background \e[0m[ \e[0m \e[31m- \e[1m1\e[0m\e[35m+ \e[1m0\e[0m, \e[0m 2, \e[0m \e[32m~ \e[0m\e[32m(\e[1m3\e[0m\e[32m)\e[0m\e[0m, \e[0m \e[34m: \e[1m4\e[0m, \e[0m \e[36m{ \e[1m5\e[0m \e[0m] Where, \e[31m- \e[1m1 missing\e[0m, \e[35m+ \e[1m1 additional\e[0m, \e[32m~ \e[1m1 match_regexp\e[0m, \e[34m: \e[1m1 match_class\e[0m, \e[36m{ \e[1m1 match_proc\e[0m EOF end end end end