require_relative "test_helper" class MojoMagickOptBuilderTest < MiniTest::Test # These tests make the assumption that if we call #raw_command with the # correct strings, ImageMagick itself will operate correctly. We're only # verifying that the option builder produces the correct strings def setup @builder = end def test_annotate @builder.annotate "blah" assert_equal %w[-annotate 0 blah], @builder.to_a end def test_annotate_with_escapeable_string @builder.annotate "it's" assert_equal %w[-annotate 0 it's], @builder.to_a end def test_annotate_with_multiple_args @builder.annotate "5 it's" assert_equal ["-annotate", "0", "5 it's"], @builder.to_a end def test_annotate_with_geometry_args @builder.annotate "this thing", geometry: 3 assert_equal ["-annotate", "3", "this thing"], @builder.to_a end def test_annotate_with_full_array_args @builder.annotate "this", "thing", geometry: 3 assert_equal ["-annotate", "3", "thisthing"], @builder.to_a end def test_option_builder_with_blocks # Passing in basic commands produces a string @builder.image_block do @builder.background "red" end @builder.image_block do @builder.background "blue" end assert_equal ['\(', "-background", "red", '\)', '\(', "-background", "blue", '\)'], @builder.to_a end def test_option_builder_with_hex_colors @builder.background "#000000" assert_equal %w[-background #000000], @builder.to_a end def test_option_builder @builder.strip @builder.repage assert_equal %w[-strip -repage], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_chaining_commands assert_equal %w[-strip -repage], @builder.strip.repage.to_a end def test_opt_builder_interpreting_bang_suffix # Bang (!) indicates the plus version of commands @builder.repage @builder.repage! assert_equal %w[-repage +repage], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_pushing_raw_data # Treats an array of raw data as different arguments @builder << ["leave this data", "alone"] assert_equal ["leave this data", "alone"], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_complex_command_arg @builder.extent "256x256+0+0" @builder.crop "64x64" assert_equal %w[-extent 256x256+0+0 -crop 64x64], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_multi_arg_command_quoting # Multi-argument commands should not be quoted together @builder.set "comment", 'the "best" comment' assert_equal ["-set", "comment", "the \"best\" comment"], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_with_custom_commands_and_raw_data # Accepts raw data as-is @builder.opt1 @builder << "a ! b !" @builder.opt2 assert_equal ["-opt1", "a ! b !", "-opt2"], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_file_and_files # File and files are helper methods @builder.files "source.jpg", "source2.jpg" @builder.append @builder.crop "64x64" @builder.file "dest%d.jpg" assert_equal %w[source.jpg source2.jpg -append -crop 64x64 dest%d.jpg], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_file_preserves_whitespace @builder.file "probably on windows.jpg" assert_equal ["probably on windows.jpg"], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_comment @builder.comment "white space" @builder.comment "w&b" @builder.crop "6x6^" assert_equal ["-comment", "white space", "-comment", "w&b", "-crop", "6x6^"], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_comment_with_quoted_elements @builder.comment 'Fred "Woot" Rook' assert_equal ["-comment", "Fred \"Woot\" Rook"], @builder.to_a end def test_opt_builder_blob_writes_data_to_temp_file @builder.blob "binary data" filename = @builder.to_a.first, "rb") do |f| assert_equal "binary data", end end def test_opt_builder_label # label for text should use 'label:"the string"' if specified [%w[mylabel mylabel], ['my " label', '"my \" label"'], ["Rock it, cuz i said so!", '"Rock it, cuz i said so!"'], ["it's like this", '"it\'s like this"'], ["\#$%^&*", '"#$%^&*"']].each do |labels| b = b.label labels[0] assert_equal ["label:#{labels[1]}"], b.to_a end end end