module RailsBase class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? before_action :set_time_zone before_action :is_timeout_error? before_action :admin_reset_impersonation_session! before_action :footer_mode_case before_action :populate_admin_actions, if: -> { RailsBase.config.admin.enable_actions? } after_action :capture_admin_action include ApplicationHelper include AppearanceHelper include CaptureReferenceHelper def set_time_zone return unless RailsBase.config.user.tz_user_defined? return if current_user.nil? # esape this since this is not signed offset = cookies[TIMEZONE_OFFSET_COOKIE].to_i cookie_tz = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[((offset * -1) / 60.0)] if session_tz = session[TIMEZONE_SESSION_NAME] # if session exists if cookie_tz && session_tz != # if cookie exists and cookie_tz does not match, update db and session current_user.update_tz(tz_name: session[TIMEZONE_SESSION_NAME] = end else # if session timezone does not exist, attempt to push to DB and set to session current_user.update_tz(tz_name: session[TIMEZONE_SESSION_NAME] = end Thread.current[TIMEZONE_THREAD_NAME] = session[TIMEZONE_SESSION_NAME] end def is_timeout_error? return if current_user || !params.keys.include?('timeout') flash[:notice] = nil flash[:alert] = 'Your session expired. Please sign in again to continue.' end def admin_impersonation_session? return false if current_user.nil? return false unless encrypted_val = session[RailsBase::Authentication::Constants::ADMIN_REMEMBER_REASON].presence token = admin_get_token(encrypted_val: encrypted_val) if token.failure? logger.warn "Failed to parse encrypted token. Either expired or was not present" flash[:alert] = 'Failed to retrieve Session token. Retry action' redirect_to RailsBase.url_routes.admin_base_path return false else "Found original_admin_user_id" @original_admin_user_id = token.user_id end true end def admin_reset_impersonation_session! return unless admin_impersonation_session? # at this point we know there is an impersonation admin_user = User.find @original_admin_user_id admin_set_token_on_session(admin_user: admin_user, other_user: current_user) end def admin_user? return if RailsBase.config.admin.view_admin_page?(current_user) session.clear sign_out(current_user) flash[:alert] = 'Unauthorized action. You have been signed out' redirect_to RailsBase.url_routes.unauthenticated_root_path end def populate_admin_actions return if session[RailsBase::Authentication::Constants::ADMIN_REMEMBER_REASON].present? return if current_user.nil? return unless request.fullpath == RailsBase.url_routes.authenticated_root_path @__admin_actions_array = AdminAction.get_cache_items(user: current_user, alltime: true) end def capture_admin_action # ToDo: Turn this into a service # ToDo: All admin actions come there here: Allow this to be confirugable on or off _controller = ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize("#{params[:controller]}_controller") admin_user = if _controller == RailsBase::AdminController.to_s current_user else @original_admin_user_id ? User.find(@original_admin_user_id) : nil end # Means we are not in the admin controller or we are not impersonating return if admin_user.nil? || @_admin_action_struct == false # Admin action for all routes (RailsBase::Admin::ActionHelper.actions.dig(RailsBase::Admin::ActionHelper::ACTIONS_KEY) || []).each do |helper| Rails.logger.warn("Admin Action for every action") request, params: params, admin_user: admin_user, user: current_user, struct: @_admin_action_struct) end # Admin action for all controller routes object = RailsBase::Admin::ActionHelper.actions.dig(_controller, RailsBase::Admin::ActionHelper::CONTROLLER_ACTIONS_KEY) || [] object.each do |helper| Rails.logger.warn("Admin Action for #{_controller}") request, params: params, admin_user: admin_user, user: current_user, struct: @_admin_action_struct) end # Admin action for all controller action specific routes (RailsBase::Admin::ActionHelper.actions.dig(_controller, params[:action].to_s) || []).each do |helper| Rails.logger.warn("Admin Action for #{_controller}##{params[:action]}") request, params: params, admin_user: admin_user, user: current_user, struct: @_admin_action_struct) end end protected def admin_get_token(encrypted_val:) params = { mfa_randomized_token: encrypted_val, purpose: RailsBase::Authentication::Constants::ADMIN_REMEMBER_REASON, } end def admin_set_token_on_session(admin_user:, other_user:) if != #dont do this if you are yourself logger.warn { "Admin user [#{}] is impersonating user #{}" } params = { user: admin_user, purpose: RailsBase::Authentication::Constants::ADMIN_REMEMBER_REASON, expires_at: RailsBase::Authentication::Constants::ADMIN_MAX_IDLE_TIME.from_now } encrpytion = session[RailsBase::Authentication::Constants::ADMIN_REMEMBER_REASON] = encrpytion.encrypted_val end end def configure_permitted_parameters added_attrs = [:phone_number, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me] devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit :sign_up, keys: added_attrs devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit :account_update, keys: added_attrs end end end