function [] = Merit220Stats(statsdir, images, image_boldreps, conditions, regressors, job_mfile) % List of open inputs % fMRI model specification: Directory - cfg_entry % fMRI model specification: Scans % fMRI model specification: Multiple Conditions File - cfg_entry % fMRI model specification: Multiple Regressors File - cfg_entry % fMRI model specification: Scans % fMRI model specification: Multiple Conditions File - cfg_entry % fMRI model specification: Multiple Regressors File - cfg_entry spm('defaults', 'FMRI'); % statsdir = '/private/tmp/mrt00015_stats/' % images = { 'swamrt00015_task1.nii' 'swamrt00015_task2.nii' } % image_boldreps = {164 164} % regressors = { 'mrt00015_faces3_recognitionA.mat' 'mrt00015_faces3_recognitionB.mat' } % job_mfile = '/private/tmp/mrt00015_stats/Merit220Stats_job.m' nrun = 1; % enter the number of runs here % jobfile = {'/private/tmp/mrt00015_proc/Merit220_Stats_job.m'}; jobfile = {job_mfile}; jobs = repmat(jobfile, 1, nrun); inputs = cell(5, nrun); % Load the first conditions file to get the length of the names. eval(['load ' conditions{1}]); switch numel(names) case 2 % New, Old fcontrast_vector = [1 0 0 1 ]; tcontrast_1_vector = [-1 1]; tcontrast_2_vector = [1 -1]; case 4 % New_correct, New_incorrect, Old_correct, Old_incorrect fcontrast_vector = [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ]; tcontrast_1_vector = [-1 0 1 0]; tcontrast_2_vector = [ 1 0 -1 0]; case 5 % New_correct, New_incorrect, Old_correct, Old_incorrect, Misses fcontrast_vector = [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ]; tcontrast_1_vector = [-1 0 1 0]; tcontrast_2_vector = [ 1 0 -1 0]; otherwise error('Incorrect number of conditions detected: %d', numel(conditions)); end for crun = 1:nrun inputs{1, crun} = { statsdir }; % fMRI model specification: Directory - cfg_entry % fMRI model specification: Directory - cfg_entry for index = 1:length(images) offset = (index - 1) .* 3; inputs{offset + 2, crun} = CreateFunctionalVolumeStruct(statsdir, images{index}, image_boldreps{index}); % fMRI model specification: Scans - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 3, crun} = { strcat(statsdir, conditions{index} ) }; % fMRI model specification: Multiple Conditions File - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 4, crun} = { strcat(statsdir, regressors{index} ) }; % fMRI model specification: Multiple Regressors File - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 5, crun} = 'Omnibus F'; % fMRI model specification: Omnibus Title - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 6, crun} = fcontrast_vector; % fMRI model specification: Omnibus Contrast - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 7, crun} = 'PV > NV'; % fMRI model specification: T Contrast 1 Title - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 8, crun} = tcontrast_1_vector; % fMRI model specification: T Contrast 1 Vector - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 9, crun} = 'NV > PV'; % fMRI model specification: T Contrast 2 Title - cfg_entry inputs{offset + 10, crun} = tcontrast_2_vector; % fMRI model specification: T Contrast 2 Vector - cfg_entry end end spm_jobman('serial', jobs, '', inputs{:});