= Common View Helpers A set of view helpers Gemini uses in all of our Rails applications. == Installation gem install common_view_helpers == Summary # Use words if within the last week, otherwise use date # Show year if not this year time_ago_in_words_or_date(date, options={}) # Output an easily styleable key-value pair info_pair(label, value) # Give this helper an array, and get back a string of
  • elements. # The first item gets a class of first and the last, well.. last. # This makes it easier to apply CSS styles to lists, be they ordered or unordered. # http://zeke.tumblr.com/post/98025647/a-nice-little-view-helper-for-generating-list-items convert_to_list_items(items) # This works just like link_to, but with one difference.. # If the link is to the current page, a class of 'active' is added link(name, options={}, html_options={}) # Absolute path to an image image_url(source) # e.g. http://localhost:3000, or https://productionserver.com base_url # Generate a list of column name-value pairs for an AR object list_model_columns(obj) # Javascript friendly (escaped) string js_string(string) # Generates a URL and automatically adds http:// if not already there # Useful alongside link() when linking to user submitted addresses urlify(address) == Copyright & Licensing Copyright (c) 2010 {Gemini SBS}[http://geminisbs.com], released under the MIT license == Authors * {Zeke Sikelianos}[http://github.com/zeke] * {Mauricio Gomes}[http://github.com/mgomes]