# Net::SSH::Session A wrapper on top of `Net::SSH` and `Net::SSH::Shell` to provide a set of tools for ssh sessions ## Install Install with rubygems: ``` gem install net-ssh-session ``` Install with bundler: ``` gem 'net-ssh-session', :github => 'sosedoff/net-ssh-session' ``` ## Usage Basic usage: ```ruby require 'net/ssh/session' # Establish a connection session = Net::SSH::Session.new(host, user, password) session.open # If you want to set a connection timeout in seconds # it will raise Timeout::Error session.open(10) # Execute a remote command result = session.run("free -m") # Net::SSH::SessionCommand helpers result.success? # => true result.failure? # => false result.exit_code # => 0 result.output # => command output text result.duration # => execution time, seconds # Capture command output session.capture('cat /etc/lsb-release') # File helpers session.file_exists?('/path') session.directory_exists?('/path') session.read_file('/path') # Process helpers session.process_exists?(PID) session.kill_process(PID) # => true session.kill_process(PID, 'SIGINT') # => false session.last_exit_code # => 1 # Environment helpers session.env('RAILS_ENV') # => production session.export('RAILS_ENV', 'production') session.export_hash( 'RAILS_ENV' => 'test', 'RACK_ENV' => 'test' ) # Execute a batch of commands session.run_multiple( 'git clone git@foobar.com:project.git', 'cd project', 'bundle install', 'rake test' ) # Execute by calling a method session.ping("-c 5", "google.com") session.df('-h') # Execute as sudo session.sudo("whoami") # Execute with time limit (10s) begin session.with_timeout(10) do session.run('some long job') end rescue Timeout::Error puts "Operation took too long :(" end # Execute a long command and show ongoing process session.run("rake test") do |str| puts str end # Get history, returns an array with Net::SSH::SessionCommand objects session.history.each do |cmd| puts cmd.to_s # => I, [2012-11-08T00:10:48.229986 #51878] INFO -- : [bundle install --path .bundle] => 10, 35 bytes if cmd.success? # do your thing end end # Close current session session.close ``` ## Advanced Usage ### Running multiple commands By default multiple command execution will not break if one of the commands fails. If you want to break the chain on the first failure, supply `:break => true` option: ```ruby session.run_multiple(commands, :break => true) ``` To get each command result after execution, you can supply a block: ```ruby session.run_multiple(commands) do |cmd| puts "Original command: #{cmd.command}" puts "Exit code: #{cmd.exit_code}" puts "Output: #{cmd.output}" end ``` ### Using session logger If you want to log command execution for the whole session you can assign a logger: ```ruby require 'logger' require 'net/ssh/session' s = Net::SSH::Session.new(host, user, password) s.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) s.open s.run("cd /tmp") s.run("git clone git://github.com/sosedoff/net-ssh-session.git") s.run("bundle install --path .bundle") s.close ``` Since the logger is set to write to `STDOUT` you'll see something like this: ``` I, [2012-11-08T00:10:47.605916 #51878] INFO -- : [cd /tmp] => 0, 0 bytes I, [2012-11-08T00:10:48.038294 #51878] INFO -- : [git clone git://github.com/sosedoff/net-ssh-session.git] => 0, 7795 bytes I, [2012-11-08T00:10:48.229986 #51878] INFO -- : [bundle install --path .bundle] => 10, 35 bytes ``` ### Execution history By default each session command (`Net::SSH::SessionCommand`) will be recorded in session history. Example how to skip history tracking: ```ruby require 'net/ssh/session' s = Net::SSH::Session.new(host, user, password) s.open # Run commands with no history s.run("export RAILS_ENV=test", :history => false) r.run("mysqlcheck --repair mysql proc -u root", :history => false) # Rest will be recorded s.run("git clone git://github.com/sosedoff/net-ssh-session.git") s.run("bundler install --path .") s.close ``` You can also disable histroy for the whole session: ```ruby Net::SSH::Session.new(host, user, password, :history => false) ``` ## Credits Library code was extracted and modified from multiple sources: - Dan Sosedoff (@sosedoff) - Mitchell Hashimoto (@mitchellh) - Michael Klishin (@michaelklishin) - Sven Fuchs (@svenfuchs) - Travis-CI (@travis-ci)