require 'alchemy/shell' namespace :alchemy do namespace :tidy do desc "Tidy up Alchemy database." task :up do Rake::Task['alchemy:tidy:cells'].invoke Rake::Task['alchemy:tidy:element_positions'].invoke Rake::Task['alchemy:tidy:content_positions'].invoke end desc "Creates missing cells for pages." task :cells => :environment do if !File.exist? Rails.root.join('config/alchemy/cells.yml') puts "No page cell definitions found." else cells = Alchemy::Cell.definitions page_layouts = Alchemy::PageLayout.all if cells && page_layouts Alchemy::Tidy.create_missing_cells(page_layouts, cells) else puts "No page layouts or cell definitions found." end end end desc "Fixes element positions." task :element_positions => [:environment] do Alchemy::Tidy.update_element_positions end desc "Fixes content positions." task :content_positions => [:environment] do Alchemy::Tidy.update_content_positions end end end module Alchemy class Tidy extend Shell def self.create_missing_cells(page_layouts, cells) page_layouts.each do |layout| next if layout['cells'].blank? cells_for_layout = { |cell| layout['cells'].include? cell['name'] } Alchemy::Page.where(page_layout: layout['name']).each do |page| cells_for_layout.each do |cell_for_layout| cell = Alchemy::Cell.find_or_initialize_by(name: cell_for_layout['name'], page_id: cell.elements << { |element| cell_for_layout['elements'].include?( } if cell.new_record? log "Creating cell #{} for page #{}" else log "Cell #{} for page #{} already present", :skip end end end end end def self.update_element_positions Alchemy::Page.all.each do |page| if page.elements.any? puts "\n## Updating element positions of page `#{}`" end page.elements.group_by(&:cell_id).each do |cell_id, elements| elements.each_with_index do |element, idx| position = idx + 1 if element.position != position log "Updating position for element ##{} to #{position}" element.update_column(:position, position) else log "Position for element ##{} is already correct (#{position})", :skip end end end end end def self.update_content_positions Alchemy::Element.all.each do |element| if element.contents.any? puts "\n## Updating content positions of element `#{}`" end element.contents.group_by(&:essence_type).each do |essence_type, contents| puts "-> Contents of type `#{essence_type}`" contents.each_with_index do |content, idx| position = idx + 1 if content.position != position log "Updating position for content ##{} to #{position}" content.update_column(:position, position) else log "Position for content ##{} is already correct (#{position})", :skip end end end end end end end