require "jive/signed_request/version" require "base64" require "openssl" require "cgi" require "time" module Jive # :nodoc: module SignedRequest # :nodoc: module_function # Sign a string with a secret # # Sign a string with a secret and get the signature # # * *Args* : # - +string+ -> the string to sign # - +secret+ -> the secret to use # * *Returns* : # - the signature # * *Raises* : # - +ArgumentError+ -> if no algorithm passed and algorithm could not be derived from the string # def sign(string, secret, algorithm = nil) plain = ::Base64.decode64(secret.gsub(/\.s$/,'')) # if no override algorithm passed try and extract from string if algorithm.nil? paramMap = ::CGI.parse string if !paramMap.has_key?("algorithm") raise ArgumentError, "missing algorithm" end algorithm = paramMap["algorithm"].first.gsub(/^hmac/i,'') end hmac = ::OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(algorithm, plain, string) Base64::encode64(hmac).gsub(/\n$/,'') end # Authenticate an authorization header # # Authenticates that an authorization header sent by Jive is valid given an apps secret # # * *Args* : # - +authorization_header+ -> the entire Authorization header sent by Jive # - +client_secret+ -> the client secret to authenticate the header with # * *Returns* : # - the signature # * *Raises* : # - +ArgumentError+ -> if the authorization_header does not contain JiveEXTN # - +ArgumentError+ -> if the heauthorization_header does not contain all the required parameters # - +ArgumentError+ -> if the heauthorization_header has expired (more than 5 minutes old) # def authenticate(authorization_header, client_secret) # Validate JiveEXTN part of header if !authorization_header.match(/^JiveEXTN/) raise ArgumentError, "Jive authorization header is not properly formatted, must start with JiveEXTN" end paramMap = ::CGI.parse authorization_header.gsub(/^JiveEXTN\s/,'') # Validate all parameters are passed from header if !paramMap.has_key?("algorithm") || !paramMap.has_key?("client_id") || !paramMap.has_key?("jive_url") || !paramMap.has_key?("tenant_id") || !paramMap.has_key?("timestamp") || !paramMap.has_key?("signature") raise ArgumentError, "Jive authorization header is partial" end # Validate timestamp is still valid timestamp =["timestamp"].first.to_i/1000) secondsPassed = - timestamp if secondsPassed < 0 || secondsPassed > (5*60) raise ArgumentError, "Jive authorization is rejected since it's #{ secondsPassed } seconds old (max. allowed is 5 minutes)" end self.sign(authorization_header.gsub(/^JiveEXTN\s/,'').gsub(/\&signature[^$]+/,''), client_secret) === paramMap["signature"].first end # Validates an app registration # # Validates an app registration came from where it claims via jiveSignatureURL # # * *Args* : # - +validationBlock+ -> the request body of the registration # - +args+ -> additional arguments # * *Returns* : # - boolean # def validate_registration(validationBlock, *args) options = ((args.last.is_a?(Hash)) ? args.pop : {}) require "open-uri" require "net/http" require "openssl" jive_signature_url = validationBlock[:jiveSignatureURL] jive_signature = validationBlock[:jiveSignature] validationBlock.delete(:jiveSignature) if !validationBlock[:clientSecret].nil? validationBlock[:clientSecret] = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(validationBlock[:clientSecret]) end uri = URI.parse(jive_signature_url) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if http.use_ssl? && !options[:verify_ssl] buffer = '' validationBlock = validationBlock.sort (validationBlock.respond_to?(:to_h) ? validationBlock.to_h : Hash[validationBlock] ).each_pair { |k,v| buffer = "#{buffer}#{k}:#{v}\n" } request = request.body = buffer request["X-Jive-MAC"] = jive_signature request["Content-Type"] = "application/json" response = http.request(request) (response.code.to_i === 204) end end end