require 'abstract_unit' class ActsAsIndexedTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase fixtures :posts def teardown # need to do this to work with the :if Proc tests. Post.acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body] destroy_index end def test_adds_to_index original_post_count = Post.count assert_equal [], Post.find_with_index('badger') post = => 'badger', :body => 'Thousands of them!') assert assert_equal original_post_count + 1, Post.count assert_equal [], find_with_index_ids('badger') end def test_removes_from_index original_post_count = Post.count assert_equal [posts(:wikipedia_article_4).id], find_with_index_ids('album') assert Post.find(posts(:wikipedia_article_4).id).destroy assert_equal [], find_with_index_ids('album') assert_equal original_post_count - 1, Post.count end def test_search_returns_posts Post.with_query('album').each do |p| assert_equal Post, p.class end end def test_search_returns_post_ids find_with_index_ids('album').each do |pid| assert p = Post.find(pid) assert_equal Post, p.class end end # After a portion of a record has been removed # the portion removes should no longer be in the index. def test_updates_index p = Post.create(:title => 'A special title', :body => 'foo bar bla bla bla') assert find_with_index_ids('title').include?( p.update_attributes(:title => 'No longer special') assert !find_with_index_ids('title').include?( end def test_simple_queries queries = { nil => [], '' => [], 'ship' => [5,6], 'crane' => [6,5], 'foo' => [6], 'foo ship' => [6], 'ship foo' => [6] } run_queries(queries) end def test_negative_queries queries = { 'crane -foo' => [5], '-foo crane' => [5], '-foo' => [], # negative only edgecase. 're-entered' => [5] # actually a hyphen edgecase. } run_queries(queries) end def test_quoted_queries queries = { '"crane ship"' => [5], '"crane big"' => [6], 'foo "crane ship"' => [], '"crane badger"' => [] } run_queries(queries) end def test_negative_quoted_queries queries = { 'crane -"crane ship"' => [6], '-"crane big"' => [] # edgecase } run_queries(queries) end def test_scoped_negative_quoted_queries queries = { 'crane -"crane ship"' => [6], '-"crane big"' => [] } run_queries(queries) end def test_start_queries queries = { 'ship ^crane' => [5,6], '^crane ship' => [5,6], '^ship ^crane' => [5,6], '^crane ^ship' => [5,6], '^ship crane' => [5,6], 'crane ^ship' => [5,6], '^crane' => [6,5] , '^cran' => [6,5], '^cra' => [6,5], '^cr' => [6,4,5], '^c' => [5,2,1,3,6,4], '^notthere' => [] } run_queries(queries) end def test_start_quoted_queries queries = { '^"crane" ship' => [5,6], 'ship ^"crane"' => [5,6], '^"crane ship"' => [5], '^"crane shi"' => [5], '^"crane sh"' => [5], '^"crane s"' => [5], '^"crane "' => [6,5], '^"crane"' => [6,5], '^"cran"' => [6,5], '^"cra"' => [6,5], '^"cr"' => [6,4,5], '^"c"' => [5,2,1,3,6,4], } run_queries(queries) end # NOTE: This test always fails for Rails 2.3. A bug somewhere in either # Rails or the SQLite adaptor which causes the offset to be ignored. # The offending assertions are not run in CI as a result. def test_find_options # limit. assert_equal [6], Post.find_with_index('^cr', { :limit => 1 }, :ids_only => true) assert_equal [6], Post.find_with_index('^cr', { :limit => 1 }).map{ |r| } # offset assert_equal [4,5], Post.find_with_index('^cr', { :offset => 1 }, :ids_only => true) assert_equal [4,5], Post.find_with_index('^cr', { :offset => 1 }).map{ |r| } # limit and offset assert_equal [4], Post.find_with_index('^cr', { :limit => 1, :offset => 1 }, :ids_only => true) assert_equal [4], Post.find_with_index('^cr', { :limit => 1, :offset => 1 }).map{ |r| } # order assert_equal [6,5,4,3,2,1], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id desc' }).map{ |r| } assert_equal [1,2,3,4,5,6], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id' }).map{ |r| } # order and limit assert_equal [6,5,4], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id desc' , :limit => 3}).map{ |r| } assert_equal [1,2,3,4], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id', :limit => 4 }).map{ |r| } # order, limit and offset assert_equal [5,4,3], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id desc' , :limit => 3, :offset => 1}).map{ |r| } assert_equal [3,4], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id', :limit => 2, :offset => 2 }).map{ |r| } # order and offset unless ENV['CI'] && !Post.respond_to?(:where) # Rails < 3 does not respond to arel methods. assert_equal [5,4,3,2,1], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id desc' , :offset => 1}).map{ |r| } assert_equal [3,4,5,6], Post.find_with_index('^c', { :order => 'id', :offset => 2 }).map{ |r| } end end def test_should_error_when_ids_only_combined_with_finder_options expected_message = "ids_only can not be combined with find option keys other than :offset or :limit" error = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Post.find_with_index('foo', { :order => 'id' }, :ids_only => true) end assert_equal(expected_message, error.message) error = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Post.find_with_index('bar', { 'order' => 'id' }, :ids_only => true) end assert_equal(expected_message, error.message) end # When a atom already in a record is duplicated, it removes # all records with that same atom from the index. def test_update_record_bug p = Post.find(6) assert p.update_attributes(:body => p.body + ' crane') assert_equal 2, find_with_index_ids('crane').size assert_equal 2, find_with_index_ids('ship').size end # If an if proc is supplied, the index should only be created if the proc evaluated true def test_create_if Post.acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body], :if => { |post| post.visible } original_post_count = Post.count assert_equal [], Post.find_with_index('badger', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}) p = => 'badger', :body => 'thousands of them!', :visible => true) assert assert_equal original_post_count + 1, Post.count assert_equal [], Post.find_with_index('badger', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}) original_post_count = Post.count assert_equal [], Post.find_with_index('unicorns') p = => 'unicorns', :body => 'there are none', :visible => false) assert assert_equal original_post_count + 1, Post.count assert_equal [], Post.find_with_index('unicorns', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}) end # If an index already exists, and an if proc is supplied, and the proc is true, it should still appear in the index def test_update_if_update Post.acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body], :if => { |post| post.visible } destroy_index assert_equal 1, Post.find_with_index('crane', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size p = Post.find(6) assert p.update_attributes(:visible => true) assert_equal 1, Post.find_with_index('crane', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size end # If an index already exists, and an if proc is supplied, and the proc is false, it should no longer appear in the index def test_update_if_remove Post.acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body], :if => { |post| post.visible } destroy_index assert_equal 1, Post.find_with_index('crane', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size p = Post.find(6) assert p.update_attributes(:visible => false) assert_equal 0, Post.find_with_index('crane',{},{ :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size end # If an index doesn't exist, and an if proc is supplied, and the proc is true, it should appear in the index def test_update_if_add Post.acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body], :if => { |post| post.visible } destroy_index assert_equal 1, Post.find_with_index('crane', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size p = Post.find(5) assert p.update_attributes(:visible => true) assert_equal 2, Post.find_with_index('crane',{},{ :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size end # If an index doesn't exist, and an if proc is supplied, and the proc is false, then nothing happens def test_update_if_not_in Post.acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body], :if => { |post| post.visible } destroy_index assert_equal 1, Post.find_with_index('crane', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size p = Post.find(5) assert p.update_attributes(:visible => false) assert_equal 1, Post.find_with_index('crane',{},{ :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size end def test_case_insensitive Post.acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body], :case_sensitive => true destroy_index assert_equal 1, Post.find_with_index('Ellis', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size assert_equal 0, Post.find_with_index('ellis', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size assert_equal 3, Post.find_with_index('The', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size assert_equal 5, Post.find_with_index('the', {}, { :no_query_cache => true, :ids_only => true}).size end def test_queries_across_field_boundaries assert_equal [], Post.find_with_index('"Ellis Julien"', { :limit => 1 }, :ids_only => true) assert_equal [], Post.find_with_index('"myself crane"', { :limit => 1 }, :ids_only => true) end private def run_queries(queries) queries.each do |query, expected_results| actual_results = find_with_index_ids(query) message = "#{expected_results.inspect} expected for find_with_index(#{query.inspect}) but was\n#{actual_results.inspect}" assert expected_results == actual_results, message actual_results = find_with_index_ids_only(query) message = "#{expected_results.inspect} expected for find_with_index(#{query.inspect}, {}, :ids_only => true) but was\n#{actual_results.inspect}" assert expected_results == actual_results, message actual_results = find_with_query(query) message = "#{expected_results.inspect} expected for with_query(#{query.inspect}) but was\n#{actual_results.inspect}" assert expected_results.sort == actual_results.sort, message end end def find_with_index_ids(query) Post.find_with_index(query).map { |r| } end def find_with_index_ids_only(query) Post.find_with_index(query, {}, :ids_only => true) end def find_with_query(query) Post.with_query(query).map { |r| } end end