module LibXML module XML class Error # Verbose error handler VERBOSE_HANDLER = lambda do |error| STDERR << error.to_s << "\n" STDERR.flush end # Quiet error handler QUIET_HANDLER = lambda do |error| end def ==(other) eql?(other) end def eql?(other) self.code == other.code and self.domain == other.domain and self.message == other.message and self.level == other.level and self.file == other.file and self.line == other.line and self.str1 == other.str1 and self.str2 == other.str2 and self.str3 == other.str3 and self.int1 == other.int1 and self.int2 == other.int2 and self.ctxt == other.ctxt and self.node == other.node end def level_to_s case self.level when NONE '' when WARNING 'Warning:' when ERROR 'Error:' when FATAL 'Fatal error:' end end def domain_to_s const_map = domains = self.class.constants.grep(/XML_FROM/) domains.each do |domain| human_name = domain.gsub(/XML_FROM_/, '') const_map[self.class.const_get(domain)] = human_name end const_map[self.domain] end def code_to_s const_map = codes = self.class.constants - self.class.constants.grep(/XML_FROM/) - ["XML_ERR_NONE", "XML_ERR_WARNING", "XML_ERR_ERROR", "XML_ERR_FATAL"] codes.each do |code| human_name = code.gsub(/XML_ERR_/, '') const_map[self.class.const_get(code)] = human_name end const_map[self.code] end def to_s msg = super msg = msg ? msg.strip: '' if self.line sprintf("%s %s at %s:%d.", self.level_to_s, msg, self.file, self.line) else sprintf("%s %s.", self.level_to_s, msg) end end end end end LibXML::XML::Error.set_handler(&LibXML::XML::Error::VERBOSE_HANDLER)