require 'fileutils' require 'rscm/changes' require 'rscm/path_converter' require 'rscm/annotations' class String # Turns a String into a Time or an int def to_identifier if(self =~ /20\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/) # Assume it's a timestamp string - convert to time. Time.parse_ymdHMS(self) else # Assume it's an arbitrary integer. self.to_i end end end class Time def to_s self.ymdHMS end end module RSCM # This class defines the RSCM API. The documentation of the various methods # uses CVS' terminology. # # Some of the methods in this API use +from_identifier+ and +to_identifier+. # These identifiers can be either a UTC Time (according to the SCM's clock) # or a String representing a label (according to the SCM's label system). # # If +from_identifier+ or +to_identifier+ are +nil+ they respectively represent # epoch or the infinite future. # # Most of the methods take a mandatory +checkout_dir+ - even if this may seem # unnecessary. The reason is that some SCMs require a working copy to be checked # out in order to perform certain operations. In order to develop portable code, # you should always pass in a non +nil+ value for +checkout_dir+. # class AbstractSCM include FileUtils @@classes = [] def self.register(cls) @@classes << cls unless @@classes.index(cls) end def self.classes @@classes end # Load all sources under scm, so SCM classes can register themselves Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/scm/*.rb"].each do |src| load(src) end # TODO: Make changesets yield changesets as they are determined, to avoid # having to load them all into memory before the method exits. Careful not to # use yielded changesets to do another scm hit - like get diffs. Some SCMs # might dead lock on this. Implement a guard for that. # TODO: Add some visitor support here too? public # Whether the physical SCM represented by this instance exists. # def exists? # The default implementation assumes yes - override if it can be # determined programmatically. true end # Whether or not this SCM is transactional. # def transactional? false end # Creates a new 'central' repository. This is intended only for creation of 'central' # repositories (not for working copies). You shouldn't have to call this method if a central repository # already exists. This method is used primarily for testing of RSCM, but can also # be used if you *really* want to create a central repository. # # This method should throw an exception if the repository cannot be created (for # example if the repository is 'remote' or if it already exists). # def create end # Whether a repository can be created. # def can_create? false end # Recursively imports files from a directory # def import(dir, message) end # The display name of this SCM # def name # Should be overridden by subclasses to display a nicer name end # Gets the label for the working copy currently checked out in +checkout_dir+. # def label(checkout_dir) end # Open a file for edit - required by scms that checkout files in read-only mode e.g. perforce # def edit(file) end # Checks out or updates contents from an SCM to +checkout_dir+ - a local working copy. # If this is a distributed SCM, this method should create a 'working copy' repository # if one doesn't already exist. # # The +to_identifier+ parameter may be optionally specified to obtain files up to a # particular time or label. +time_label+ should either be a Time (in UTC - according to # the clock on the SCM machine) or a String - reprsenting a label. # # This method will yield the relative file name of each checked out file, and also return # them in an array. Only files, not directories, should be yielded/returned. # # This method should be overridden for SCMs that are able to yield checkouts as they happen. # For some SCMs this is not possible, or at least very hard. In that case, just override # the checkout_silent method instead of this method (should be protected). def checkout(checkout_dir, to_identifier=Time.infinity) # :yield: file # the OS doesn't store file timestamps with fractions. before_checkout_time = - 1 # We expect subclasses to implement this as a protected method (unless this whole method is overridden). checkout_silent(checkout_dir, to_identifier) files = Dir["#{checkout_dir}/**/*"] added = [] files.each do |file| added << file if File.mtime(file).utc > before_checkout_time end ignore_paths.each do |regex| added.delete_if{|path| path =~ regex} end added_file_paths = added.find_all do |path| File.file?(path) end relative_added_file_paths = to_relative(checkout_dir, added_file_paths) relative_added_file_paths.each do |path| yield path if block_given? end relative_added_file_paths end # Returns a ChangeSets object for the period specified by +from_identifier+ # and +to_identifier+. See AbstractSCM for details about the parameters. # def changesets(checkout_dir, from_identifier, to_identifier=Time.infinity) # Should be overridden by subclasses changesets = changesets.add( "up/the/chimney", "DamageControl", "The #{name} SCM class in #{__FILE__} doesn't\n" + "correctly implement the changesets method. This is\n" + "not a real changeset, but a hint to the developer to go and implement it.\n\n" + "Do It Now!", "999", ) ) changesets end # Whether the working copy in +checkout_dir+ is in synch with the central # repository since +from_identifier+. # def uptodate?(checkout_dir, from_identifier) # Suboptimal algorithm that works for all SCMs. # Subclasses can override this to increase efficiency. changesets(checkout_dir, from_identifier).empty? end # Whether the project is checked out from the central repository or not. # Subclasses should override this to check for SCM-specific administrative # files if appliccable def checked_out?(checkout_dir) File.exists?(checkout_dir) end # Whether triggers are supported by this SCM def supports_trigger? # The default implementation assumes no - override if it can be # determined programmatically. false end # Installs +trigger_command+ in the SCM. # The +install_dir+ parameter should be an empty local # directory that the SCM can use for temporary files # if necessary (CVS needs this to check out its administrative files). # Most implementations will ignore this parameter. # def install_trigger(trigger_command, install_dir) end # Uninstalls +trigger_command+ from the SCM. # def uninstall_trigger(trigger_command, install_dir) end # Whether the command denoted by +trigger_command+ is installed in the SCM. # def trigger_installed?(trigger_command, install_dir) end # The command line to run in order to check out a fresh working copy. # def checkout_commandline(to_identifier=Time.infinity) end # The command line to run in order to update a working copy. # def update_commandline(to_identifier=Time.infinity) end # Returns/yields an IO containing the unified diff of the change. def diff(checkout_dir, change, &block) return(yield("Diff not implemented")) end def ==(other_scm) return false if self.class != other_scm.class self.instance_variables.each do |var| return false if self.instance_eval(var) != other_scm.instance_eval(var) end true end protected # Takes an array of +absolute_path+s and turn them into an array # of paths relative to +dir+ # def to_relative(dir, absolute_paths) dir = File.expand_path(dir) absolute_paths.collect{|p| File.expand_path(p)[dir.length+1..-1]} end end end