# Cross Compiling configuration for the Sega Dreamcast # This configuration requires KallistiOS (KOS) # https://dreamcast.wiki # # Tested on GNU/Linux, MinGW-w64/MSYS2, Cygwin, macOS and MinGW/MSYS (see below) # MRuby::CrossBuild.new("dreamcast") do |conf| toolchain :gcc # Support for DreamSDK (based on MinGW/MSYS) # To compile mruby with DreamSDK, RubyInstaller for Windows should be installed DREAMSDK_HOME = ENV["DREAMSDK_HOME"] MSYS_ROOT = !(DREAMSDK_HOME.nil? || DREAMSDK_HOME.empty?) ? "#{DREAMSDK_HOME}/msys/1.0" : "" # Setting paths DREAMCAST_PATH = "#{MSYS_ROOT}/opt/toolchains/dc" KOS_PATH = "#{DREAMCAST_PATH}/kos" BIN_PATH = "#{DREAMCAST_PATH}/sh-elf/bin" # C compiler # Flags were extracted from KallistiOS environment files conf.cc do |cc| cc.command = "#{BIN_PATH}/sh-elf-gcc" cc.include_paths << ["#{KOS_PATH}/include", "#{KOS_PATH}/kernel/arch/dreamcast/include", "#{KOS_PATH}/addons/include", "#{KOS_PATH}/../kos-ports/include"] cc.flags << ["-O2", "-fomit-frame-pointer", "-ml", "-m4-single-only", "-ffunction-sections", "-fdata-sections", "-Wall", "-g", "-fno-builtin", "-ml", "-m4-single-only", "-Wl,-Ttext=0x8c010000", "-Wl,--gc-sections", "-T#{KOS_PATH}/utils/ldscripts/shlelf.xc", "-nodefaultlibs"] cc.compile_options = %Q[%{flags} -o "%{outfile}" -c "%{infile}"] cc.defines << %w(_arch_dreamcast) cc.defines << %w(_arch_sub_pristine) end # C++ compiler conf.cxx do |cxx| cxx.command = conf.cc.command.dup cxx.include_paths = conf.cc.include_paths.dup cxx.flags = conf.cc.flags.dup cxx.flags << %w(-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions) cxx.defines = conf.cc.defines.dup cxx.compile_options = conf.cc.compile_options.dup end # Linker # There is an issue when making the mruby library with KallistiOS: # 'newlib_kill.o' and 'newlib_getpid.o' aren't found so they are explicitly # specified here at least for now. conf.linker do |linker| linker.command="#{BIN_PATH}/sh-elf-gcc" linker.flags << ["#{MSYS_ROOT}/opt/toolchains/dc/kos/kernel/build/newlib_kill.o", "#{MSYS_ROOT}/opt/toolchains/dc/kos/kernel/build/newlib_getpid.o", "-Wl,--start-group -lkallisti -lc -lgcc -Wl,--end-group"] linker.library_paths << ["#{KOS_PATH}/lib/dreamcast", "#{KOS_PATH}/addons/lib/dreamcast", "#{KOS_PATH}/../kos-ports/lib"] end # Archiver conf.archiver do |archiver| archiver.command = "#{BIN_PATH}/sh-elf-ar" archiver.archive_options = 'rcs "%{outfile}" %{objs}' end # No executables conf.bins = [] # Do not build executable test conf.build_mrbtest_lib_only # Disable C++ exception conf.disable_cxx_exception # Gems from core # removing mruby-io conf.gem :core => "mruby-metaprog" conf.gem :core => "mruby-pack" conf.gem :core => "mruby-sprintf" conf.gem :core => "mruby-print" conf.gem :core => "mruby-math" conf.gem :core => "mruby-time" conf.gem :core => "mruby-struct" conf.gem :core => "mruby-compar-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-enum-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-string-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-numeric-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-array-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-hash-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-range-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-proc-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-symbol-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-random" conf.gem :core => "mruby-object-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-objectspace" conf.gem :core => "mruby-fiber" conf.gem :core => "mruby-enumerator" conf.gem :core => "mruby-enum-lazy" conf.gem :core => "mruby-toplevel-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-kernel-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-class-ext" conf.gem :core => "mruby-compiler" end