package <%= activities_package %>; <% if !options[:singleton] || attributes.detect { |a| a.type == :belongs_to} -%> import java.util.List; <% end -%> import <%= events_package %>.<%= class_name %>Event; <% for attribute in attributes -%> <% if attribute.type == :belongs_to -%> import <%= models_package %>.<%= %>; <% end -%> <% end -%> import <%= models_package %>.<%= class_name %>; import <%= places_package %>.<%= class_name %>Place; <% for attribute in attributes -%> <% if attribute.type == :belongs_to -%> import <%= restservices_package %>.<%= %>RestService; <% end -%> <% end -%> import <%= restservices_package %>.<%= class_name.pluralize %>RestService; import <%= views_package %>.<%= class_name %>View; import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method; import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.MethodCallback; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import <%= gwt_rails_package %>.Notice; import <%= gwt_rails_package %>.events.ModelEvent.Action; <% unless options[:singleton] -%> import <%= gwt_rails_package %>.places.RestfulActionEnum; <% end -%> public class <%= class_name %>Activity extends AbstractActivity implements <%= class_name %>View.Presenter{ private final <%= class_name %>Place place; private final <%= class_name.pluralize %>RestService service; private final Notice notice; private final PlaceController placeController; private final <%= class_name %>View view; private EventBus eventBus; @Inject public <%= class_name %>Activity(@Assisted <%= class_name %>Place place, final Notice notice, final <%= class_name %>View view, <%= class_name.pluralize %>RestService service, PlaceController placeController<% for attribute in attributes -%> <% if attribute.type == :belongs_to -%> , <%= %>RestService <%= %>RestService<% end -%><% end -%>) { = place; this.notice = notice; this.view = view; this.service = service; this.placeController = placeController; <% for attribute in attributes -%> <% if attribute.type == :belongs_to -%> view.reset<%= %>(null); <%= %>RestService.index(new MethodCallback>>() { public void onSuccess(Method method, List<<%= %>> response) { view.reset<%= %>(response); } public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) { notice.setText("failed to load <%= %>"); } }); <% end -%> <% end -%> } public void start(AcceptsOneWidget display, EventBus eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; display.setWidget(view.asWidget()); view.setPresenter(this); <% if options[:singleton] -%> load(); <% else -%> switch(RestfulActionEnum.valueOf({ case EDIT: case SHOW: load(place.model == null ? : place.model.getId()); break; case NEW: notice.setText(null); view.edit(new <%= class_name %>()); break; case INDEX: default: load(); break; } <% end -%> view.reset(place.action); } public void goTo(Place place) { placeController.goTo(place); } <% unless options[:singleton] -%> public void load(){ view.setEnabled(false); service.index(new MethodCallback>>() { public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) { notice.setText("error loading list of <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %>: " + exception.getMessage()); view.reset(place.action); } public void onSuccess(Method method, List<<%= class_name %>> response) { eventBus.fireEvent(new <%= class_name %>Event(response, Action.LOAD)); notice.setText(null); view.reset(response); view.reset(place.action); } }); if(!notice.isVisible()){ notice.setText("loading list of <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %> . . ."); } } <% end -%> <% unless options[:singleton] -%> public void create() { <%= class_name %> model = view.flush(); view.setEnabled(false); service.create(model<% if attributes.detect{|a| a.type == :belongs_to} -%>.minimalClone()<% end -%>, new MethodCallback<<%= class_name %>>() { public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) { notice.setText("error creating <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %>: " + exception.getMessage()); view.reset(place.action); } public void onSuccess(Method method, <%= class_name %> response) { eventBus.fireEvent(new <%= class_name %>Event(response, Action.CREATE)); notice.setText(null); view.addToList(response); goTo(new <%= class_name %>Place(response.getId(), RestfulActionEnum.EDIT)); } }); notice.setText("creating <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %> . . ."); } <% end -%> public void load(<% unless options[:singleton] -%>int id<% end -%>) { view.setEnabled(false);<% unless options[:singleton] -%>id, <% end -%>new MethodCallback<<%= class_name %>>() { public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) { notice.setText("error loading <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %>: " + exception.getMessage()); view.reset(place.action); } public void onSuccess(Method method, <%= class_name %> response) { eventBus.fireEvent(new <%= class_name %>Event(response, Action.LOAD)); notice.setText(null); view.edit(response); view.reset(place.action); } }); if(!notice.isVisible()){ notice.setText("loading <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %> . . ."); } } public void save() { <%= class_name %> model = view.flush(); view.setEnabled(false); service.update(model<% if attributes.detect{|a| a.type == :belongs_to} -%>.minimalClone()<% end -%>, new MethodCallback<<%= class_name %>>() { public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) { notice.setText("error saving <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %>: " + exception.getMessage()); view.reset(place.action); } public void onSuccess(Method method, <%= class_name %> response) { eventBus.fireEvent(new <%= class_name %>Event(response, Action.UPDATE)); notice.setText(null); <% unless options[:singleton] -%> view.updateInList(response); <% end -%> view.edit(response); view.reset(place.action); } }); notice.setText("saving <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %> . . ."); } <% unless options[:singleton] -%> public void delete(final <%= class_name %> model){ view.setEnabled(false); service.destroy(model, new MethodCallback() { public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) { notice.setText("error deleting <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %>: " + exception.getMessage()); view.reset(place.action); } public void onSuccess(Method method, Void response) { eventBus.fireEvent(new <%= class_name %>Event(model, Action.DESTROY)); notice.setText(null); view.removeFromList(model); <%= class_name %>Place next = new <%= class_name %>Place(RestfulActionEnum.INDEX); if(placeController.getWhere().equals(next)){ view.reset(place.action); } else{ goTo(next); } } }); notice.setText("deleting <%= class_name.underscore.humanize %> . . ."); } <% end -%> }