@category = N_("Toolkit") @title = N_("Slide Footer Info") @abstract = N_("Toolkit to display information at the header") @description = N_("Displays information with a line at the header of slides.") @parameters = { "@slide_header_info_line_color" => { :default => "#666", :description => N_("Line color."), }, "@slide_header_info_line_width" => { :default => "screen_y(0.1)", :description => N_("Line width."), }, "@slide_header_info_line_pattern" => { :default => N_("white <-> black gradation"), :description => N_("Line fill pattern. @slide_header_info_line_color " \ "is ignored if this parameter is specified."), }, "@slide_header_info_text_size" => { :default => "screen_size(1.5 * Pango::SCALE)", :description => N_("Text size."), }, "@slide_header_info_x_margin" => { :default => "screen_x(1)", :description => N_("x-axis margin."), }, "@slide_header_info_text_color" => { :default => "#666", :description => N_("Text color."), }, "@slide_header_info_text_over_line" => { :default => "false", :description => N_("Whether show a text over line or not."), }, "@slide_header_info_base_y" => { :default => "@margin_top", :description => N_("Base y-axis position to stroke line."), }, "@slide_header_info_uninstall" => { :default => "false", :description => N_("Whether uninstall this theme or not."), } }