#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # This is an example of how to use the RETS client to login to a server and retrieve metadata. It # also makes use of passing blocks to client methods and demonstrates how to set the output format. # # You will need to set the necessary variables below. # ############################################################################################# # Settings require 'yaml' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash' settings_file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "settings.yml")) env = ENV['LISTING_ENV'] || 'development' settings = YAML.load_file(settings_file)[env].symbolize_keys ############################################################################################# $:.unshift 'lib' require 'rets4r' RETS4R::Client.new(settings[:url]) do |client| client.login(settings[:username], settings[:password]) do |login_result| if login_result.success? puts "Logged in successfully!" metadata = '' begin metadata = client.get_metadata(*ARGV) rescue puts "Unable to get metadata: '#{$!}'" end File.open('metadata.xml', 'w') do |file| file.write metadata end else puts "Unable to login: '#{login_result.reply_text}'." end end end