# frozen_string_literal: true require 'thread_safe' require 'jsonapi/include_directive' require 'active_model/serializer/collection_serializer' require 'active_model/serializer/array_serializer' require 'active_model/serializer/error_serializer' require 'active_model/serializer/errors_serializer' require 'active_model/serializer/concerns/caching' require 'active_model/serializer/fieldset' require 'active_model/serializer/lint' # ActiveModel::Serializer is an abstract class that is # reified when subclassed to decorate a resource. module ActiveModel class Serializer undef_method :select, :display # These IO methods, which are mixed into Kernel, # sometimes conflict with attribute names. We don't need these IO methods. # @see #serializable_hash for more details on these valid keys. SERIALIZABLE_HASH_VALID_KEYS = [:only, :except, :methods, :include, :root].freeze extend ActiveSupport::Autoload eager_autoload do autoload :Adapter autoload :Null autoload :Attribute autoload :Link autoload :Association autoload :Reflection autoload :BelongsToReflection autoload :HasOneReflection autoload :HasManyReflection end include ActiveSupport::Configurable include Caching # @param resource [ActiveRecord::Base, ActiveModelSerializers::Model] # @return [ActiveModel::Serializer] # Preferentially returns # 1. resource.serializer_class # 2. ArraySerializer when resource is a collection # 3. options[:serializer] # 4. lookup serializer when resource is a Class def self.serializer_for(resource_or_class, options = {}) if resource_or_class.respond_to?(:serializer_class) resource_or_class.serializer_class elsif resource_or_class.respond_to?(:to_ary) config.collection_serializer else resource_class = resource_or_class.class == Class ? resource_or_class : resource_or_class.class options.fetch(:serializer) { get_serializer_for(resource_class, options[:namespace]) } end end # @see ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter.lookup # Deprecated def self.adapter ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter.lookup(config.adapter) end class << self extend ActiveModelSerializers::Deprecate deprecate :adapter, 'ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter.configured_adapter' end # @api private def self.serializer_lookup_chain_for(klass, namespace = nil) lookups = ActiveModelSerializers.config.serializer_lookup_chain Array[*lookups].flat_map do |lookup| lookup.call(klass, self, namespace) end.compact end # Used to cache serializer name => serializer class # when looked up by Serializer.get_serializer_for. def self.serializers_cache @serializers_cache ||= ThreadSafe::Cache.new end # @api private # Find a serializer from a class and caches the lookup. # Preferentially returns: # 1. class name appended with "Serializer" # 2. try again with superclass, if present # 3. nil def self.get_serializer_for(klass, namespace = nil) return nil unless config.serializer_lookup_enabled cache_key = ActiveSupport::Cache.expand_cache_key(klass, namespace) serializers_cache.fetch_or_store(cache_key) do # NOTE(beauby): When we drop 1.9.3 support we can lazify the map for perfs. lookup_chain = serializer_lookup_chain_for(klass, namespace) serializer_class = lookup_chain.map(&:safe_constantize).find { |x| x && x < ActiveModel::Serializer } if serializer_class serializer_class elsif klass.superclass get_serializer_for(klass.superclass) else nil # No serializer found end end end # @api private def self.include_directive_from_options(options) if options[:include_directive] options[:include_directive] elsif options[:include] JSONAPI::IncludeDirective.new(options[:include], allow_wildcard: true) else ActiveModelSerializers.default_include_directive end end # @api private def self.serialization_adapter_instance @serialization_adapter_instance ||= ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::Attributes end # Preferred interface is ActiveModelSerializers.config # BEGIN DEFAULT CONFIGURATION config.collection_serializer = ActiveModel::Serializer::CollectionSerializer config.serializer_lookup_enabled = true # @deprecated Use {#config.collection_serializer=} instead of this. Is # compatibility layer for ArraySerializer. def config.array_serializer=(collection_serializer) self.collection_serializer = collection_serializer end # @deprecated Use {#config.collection_serializer} instead of this. Is # compatibility layer for ArraySerializer. def config.array_serializer collection_serializer end config.default_includes = '*' config.adapter = :attributes config.key_transform = nil config.jsonapi_pagination_links_enabled = true config.jsonapi_resource_type = :plural config.jsonapi_namespace_separator = '-'.freeze config.jsonapi_version = '1.0' config.jsonapi_toplevel_meta = {} # Make JSON API top-level jsonapi member opt-in # ref: http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-top-level config.jsonapi_include_toplevel_object = false config.jsonapi_use_foreign_key_on_belongs_to_relationship = false config.include_data_default = true # For configuring how serializers are found. # This should be an array of procs. # # The priority of the output is that the first item # in the evaluated result array will take precedence # over other possible serializer paths. # # i.e.: First match wins. # # @example output # => [ # "CustomNamespace::ResourceSerializer", # "ParentSerializer::ResourceSerializer", # "ResourceNamespace::ResourceSerializer" , # "ResourceSerializer"] # # If CustomNamespace::ResourceSerializer exists, it will be used # for serialization config.serializer_lookup_chain = ActiveModelSerializers::LookupChain::DEFAULT.dup config.schema_path = 'test/support/schemas' # END DEFAULT CONFIGURATION with_options instance_writer: false, instance_reader: false do |serializer| serializer.class_attribute :_attributes_data # @api private self._attributes_data ||= {} end with_options instance_writer: false, instance_reader: true do |serializer| serializer.class_attribute :_reflections self._reflections ||= {} serializer.class_attribute :_links # @api private self._links ||= {} serializer.class_attribute :_meta # @api private serializer.class_attribute :_type # @api private end def self.inherited(base) super base._attributes_data = _attributes_data.dup base._reflections = _reflections.dup base._links = _links.dup end # @return [Array] Key names of declared attributes # @see Serializer::attribute def self._attributes _attributes_data.keys end # BEGIN SERIALIZER MACROS # @example # class AdminAuthorSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer # attributes :id, :name, :recent_edits def self.attributes(*attrs) attrs = attrs.first if attrs.first.class == Array attrs.each do |attr| attribute(attr) end end # @example # class AdminAuthorSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer # attributes :id, :recent_edits # attribute :name, key: :title # # attribute :full_name do # "#{object.first_name} #{object.last_name}" # end # # def recent_edits # object.edits.last(5) # end def self.attribute(attr, options = {}, &block) key = options.fetch(:key, attr) _attributes_data[key] = Attribute.new(attr, options, block) end # @param [Symbol] name of the association # @param [Hash any>] options for the reflection # @return [void] # # @example # has_many :comments, serializer: CommentSummarySerializer # def self.has_many(name, options = {}, &block) # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName associate(HasManyReflection.new(name, options, block)) end # @param [Symbol] name of the association # @param [Hash any>] options for the reflection # @return [void] # # @example # belongs_to :author, serializer: AuthorSerializer # def self.belongs_to(name, options = {}, &block) associate(BelongsToReflection.new(name, options, block)) end # @param [Symbol] name of the association # @param [Hash any>] options for the reflection # @return [void] # # @example # has_one :author, serializer: AuthorSerializer # def self.has_one(name, options = {}, &block) # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName associate(HasOneReflection.new(name, options, block)) end # Add reflection and define {name} accessor. # @param [ActiveModel::Serializer::Reflection] reflection # @return [void] # # @api private def self.associate(reflection) key = reflection.options[:key] || reflection.name self._reflections[key] = reflection end private_class_method :associate # Define a link on a serializer. # @example # link(:self) { resource_url(object) } # @example # link(:self) { "http://example.com/resource/#{object.id}" } # @example # link :resource, "http://example.com/resource" # @example # link(:callback, if: :internal?), { "http://example.com/callback" } # def self.link(name, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! # For compatibility with the use case of passing link directly as string argument # without block, we are creating a wrapping block _links[name] = Link.new(name, options, block || ->(_serializer) { args.first }) end # Set the JSON API meta attribute of a serializer. # @example # class AdminAuthorSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer # meta { stuff: 'value' } # @example # meta do # { comment_count: object.comments.count } # end def self.meta(value = nil, &block) self._meta = block || value end # Set the JSON API type of a serializer. # @example # class AdminAuthorSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer # type 'authors' def self.type(type) self._type = type && type.to_s end # END SERIALIZER MACROS attr_accessor :object, :root, :scope # `scope_name` is set as :current_user by default in the controller. # If the instance does not have a method named `scope_name`, it # defines the method so that it calls the +scope+. def initialize(object, options = {}) self.object = object self.instance_options = options self.root = instance_options[:root] self.scope = instance_options[:scope] return if !(scope_name = instance_options[:scope_name]) || respond_to?(scope_name) define_singleton_method scope_name, -> { scope } end def success? true end # Return the +attributes+ of +object+ as presented # by the serializer. def attributes(requested_attrs = nil, reload = false) @attributes = nil if reload @attributes ||= self.class._attributes_data.each_with_object({}) do |(key, attr), hash| next if attr.excluded?(self) next unless requested_attrs.nil? || requested_attrs.include?(key) hash[key] = attr.value(self) end end # @param [JSONAPI::IncludeDirective] include_directive (defaults to the # +default_include_directive+ config value when not provided) # @return [Enumerator] def associations(include_directive = ActiveModelSerializers.default_include_directive, include_slice = nil) include_slice ||= include_directive return Enumerator.new {} unless object Enumerator.new do |y| (self.instance_reflections ||= self.class._reflections.deep_dup).each do |key, reflection| next if reflection.excluded?(self) next unless include_directive.key?(key) association = reflection.build_association(self, instance_options, include_slice) y.yield association end end end # @return [Hash] containing the attributes and first level # associations, similar to how ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON is used # in ActiveRecord::Base. def serializable_hash(adapter_options = nil, options = {}, adapter_instance = self.class.serialization_adapter_instance) adapter_options ||= {} options[:include_directive] ||= ActiveModel::Serializer.include_directive_from_options(adapter_options) resource = attributes_hash(adapter_options, options, adapter_instance) relationships = associations_hash(adapter_options, options, adapter_instance) resource.merge(relationships) end alias to_hash serializable_hash alias to_h serializable_hash # @see #serializable_hash def as_json(adapter_opts = nil) serializable_hash(adapter_opts) end # Used by adapter as resource root. def json_key root || _type || object.class.model_name.to_s.underscore end def read_attribute_for_serialization(attr) if respond_to?(attr) send(attr) else object.read_attribute_for_serialization(attr) end end # @api private def attributes_hash(_adapter_options, options, adapter_instance) if self.class.cache_enabled? fetch_attributes(options[:fields], options[:cached_attributes] || {}, adapter_instance) elsif self.class.fragment_cache_enabled? fetch_attributes_fragment(adapter_instance, options[:cached_attributes] || {}) else attributes(options[:fields], true) end end # @api private def associations_hash(adapter_options, options, adapter_instance) include_directive = options.fetch(:include_directive) include_slice = options[:include_slice] associations(include_directive, include_slice).each_with_object({}) do |association, relationships| adapter_opts = adapter_options.merge(include_directive: include_directive[association.key], adapter_instance: adapter_instance) relationships[association.key] = association.serializable_hash(adapter_opts, adapter_instance) end end protected attr_accessor :instance_options, :instance_reflections end end