module Workarea module Metrics class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Document::Taggable include Mongoid::Timestamps store_in client: :metrics # _id will be the customer's email address field :_id, type: String, default: -> { } field :first_order_at, type: Time field :last_order_at, type: Time field :orders, type: Integer, default: 0 field :revenue, type: Float, default: 0.0 field :discounts, type: Float, default: 0.0 field :frequency, type: Float field :average_order_value, type: Float field :orders_percentile, type: Integer field :revenue_percentile, type: Integer field :frequency_percentile, type: Integer field :average_order_value_percentile, type: Integer field :cancellations, type: Integer, default: 0 field :refund, type: Float, default: 0.0 field :admin, type: Boolean, default: false index(first_order_at: 1) index(last_order_at: 1) index(orders: 1) index(revenue: 1) index(frequency: 1) index(average_order_value: 1) index(updated_at: 1) scope :with_purchases, -> { where( => 0, => 0) } scope :ordered_since, ->(time) { where(:last_order_at.gte => time) } scope :by_orders_percentile, ->(range) { where(orders_percentile: range) } scope :by_frequency_percentile, ->(range) { where(frequency_percentile: range) } scope :by_revenue_percentile, ->(range) { where(revenue_percentile: range) } scope :by_average_order_value_percentile, ->(range) { where(average_order_value_percentile: range) } scope :full_price, -> { where(discounts: 0) } embeds_one :viewed, class_name: 'Workarea::Metrics::Affinity', inverse_of: :user, autobuild: true embeds_one :purchased, class_name: 'Workarea::Metrics::Affinity', inverse_of: :user, autobuild: true class << self def save_order(email:, revenue:, discounts: 0, at: Time.current) revenue_in_default_currency = revenue.to_m.exchange_to(Money.default_currency).to_f discounts_in_default_currency = discounts.to_m.exchange_to(Money.default_currency).to_f metrics = find_or_create_by(id: email) first_order_at = [at, metrics.first_order_at].compact.min last_order_at = [at, metrics.last_order_at].compact.max metrics.update!(first_order_at: first_order_at, last_order_at: last_order_at) orders: 1, revenue: revenue_in_default_currency, discounts: discounts_in_default_currency ) end def save_cancellation(email:, refund:, at: Time.current) refund_in_default_currency = refund.to_m.exchange_to(Money.default_currency).to_f collection.update_one( { _id: email }, { '$inc' => { cancellations: 1, refund: refund_in_default_currency, revenue: refund_in_default_currency } } ) end def save_affinity(id:, action:, **data) return if data.blank? || data.values.all?(&:blank?) collection.update_one( { _id: id }, { '$set' => { updated_at: Time.current.utc }, '$push' => data.each_with_object({}) do |(field, values), update| update["#{action}.#{field}"] = { '$each' => Array.wrap(values), '$slice' => Workarea.config.max_affinity_items } end }, upsert: true ) end def best scoped .with_purchases .by_frequency_percentile(81..100) .by_revenue_percentile(81..100) .order_by(revenue: :desc, orders: :desc, last_order_at: :desc, id: :asc) end end # Use calculated value for real-time display, the aggregated value used # in insights we be recalculated weekly. def average_order_value return nil if revenue / orders.to_f end def merge!(other) # To recalculate average_order_value self.orders += other.orders self.revenue += other.revenue update = { '$set' => { average_order_value: average_order_value, updated_at: Time.current.utc }, '$inc' => { orders: other.orders, revenue: other.revenue, discounts: other.discounts, cancellations: other.cancellations, refund: other.refund } } update['$min'] = { first_order_at: other.first_order_at.utc } if other.first_order_at.present? update['$max'] = { last_order_at: other.last_order_at.utc } if other.last_order_at.present? self.class.collection.update_one({ _id: id }, update, upsert: true) self.class.save_affinity( id: id, action: 'viewed', product_ids: other.viewed.product_ids, category_ids: other.viewed.category_ids, search_ids: other.viewed.search_ids ) self.class.save_affinity( id: id, action: 'purchased', product_ids: other.purchased.product_ids, category_ids: other.purchased.category_ids, search_ids: other.purchased.search_ids ) reload end end end end