module SexpPath # The SexpQueryBuilder is the simplest way to build SexpPath queries. # # Typically, one access the SexpQueryBuilder through the helper method # Q? which accepts a block, and will return a SexpPath matcher. # # For example here is a SexpPath query that looks for s(:a): # # query = Q?{ s(:a) } # # A more interesting query might look for classes with names starting # in Test: # # query = Q?{ s(:class, m(/^Test\w+/ % 'name', _, _)) } # # This makes use of a SexpPath::Matcher::Pattern, two SexpPath::Matcher::Wild # matchers and SexpPath::Traverse#capture_as for capturing the name to a # variable 'name'. # # For more examples, see the various SexpQueryBuilder class methods, the # examples, and the tests supplied with SexpPath. # class SexpQueryBuilder class << self # This is the longhand method for create a SexpPath query, normally # one would use Q?{ ... }, however it is also possible to do: # #{ s() } # def do(&block) instance_eval(&block) end # Matches an S-Expression. # # example # s(:a) / Q?{ s(:a) } #=> [s(:a)] # s(:a) / Q?{ s() } #=> [] # s(:a, s(:b) / Q?{ s(:b) } #=> [s(:b)] # def s(*args)*args) end # Matches anything. # # example: # s(:a) / Q?{ _ } #=> [s(:a)] # s(:a, s(s(:b))) / Q?{ s(_) } #=> [s(s(:b))] # # Can also be called with +wild+ # s(:a) / Q?{ wild } #=> [s(:a)] # def wild() end alias_method :_, :wild def include(child) end # Matches any atom. # # example: # s(:a) / Q?{ s(atom) } #=> [s(:a)] # s(:a, s(:b)) / Q?{ s(atom) } #=> [s(:b)] # def atom end # Matches when any sub expression match # # example: # s(:a) / Q?{ any(s(:a), s(:b)) } #=> [s(:a)] # s(:a) / Q?{ any(s(:b), s(:c)) } #=> [] # def any(*args)*args) end # Matches when all sub expression match # # example: # s(:a) / Q?{ all(s(:a), s(:b)) } #=> [] # s(:a,:b) / Q?{ t(:a), include(:b)) } #=> [s(:a,:b)] # def all(*args)*args) end # Matches when sub expression does not match, see SexpPath::Matcher::Base#-@ # # example: # s(:a) / Q?{ is_not(s(:b)) } #=> [s(:a)] # s(:a) / Q?{ s(is_not :a) } #=> [] # def is_not(arg) end # Matches anything that has a child matching the sub expression # # example: # s(s(s(s(s(:a))))) / Q?{ child(s(:a)) } #=> [s(s(s(s(s(:a)))))] # def child(child) end # Matches anything having the same sexp_type, which is the first value in a Sexp. # # example: # s(:a, :b) / Q?{ t(:a) } #=> [s(:a, :b)] # s(:a, :b) / Q?{ t(:b) } #=> [] # s(:a, s(:b, :c)) / Q?{ t(:b) } #=> [s(:b, :c)] def t(name) end # Matches any atom who's string representation matches the patterns passed in. # # example: # s(:a) / Q?{ m('a') } #=> [s(:a)] # s(:a) / Q?{ m(/\w/,/\d/) } #=> [s(:a)] # s(:tests, s(s(:test_a), s(:test_b))) / Q?{ m(/test_\w/) } #=> [s(:test_a), s(:test_b)] def m(* patterns) patterns ={|p| p.is_a?(Regexp) ? p :"\\A"+Regexp.escape(p.to_s)+"\\Z")} regexp = Regexp.union(*patterns) end end end end