require 'assert' require 'ns-options/namespace' class NsOptions::Namespace class BaseTests < Assert::Context desc "NsOptions::Namespace" setup do @name = "something" @namespace = end subject{ @namespace } should have_reader :__name__, :__data__ should have_imeths :option, :opt, :namespace, :ns should have_imeths :option_type_class, :opt_type_class should have_imeths :required_set?, :valid? should have_imeths :has_option?, :has_namespace? should have_imeths :define, :build_from, :reset, :apply, :to_hash, :each should "know its name" do assert_equal @name, subject.__name__ end should "contain its name key in its inspect output" do assert_included ":something", subject.inspect end should "contain its to_hash representation in its inspect output" do assert_included subject.to_hash.inspect, subject.inspect end should "still work if to_hash raises an exception" do subject.option(:something, :default => proc{ raise 'test' }) output = nil assert_nothing_raised{ output = subject.inspect } assert_includes "error getting inspect details", output end should "know its option type class" do assert_equal Object, subject.option_type_class end should "set its option type class" do subject.option_type_class(String) assert_equal String, subject.option_type_class end end class OptionTests < BaseTests desc "when adding an option named `something`" setup do @added_opt = @namespace.option('something', Fixnum, { :default => 1 }) end should "have added an option to the namespace" do assert subject.has_option? :something opt = subject.__data__.child_options[:something] assert_equal 'something', assert_equal Fixnum, opt.type_class assert_equal 1, opt.rules[:default] end should "return the option it added" do assert_kind_of NsOptions::Option, @added_opt option = subject.__data__.child_options[:something] assert_equal option, @added_opt end should "advise on the option name" do not_recommended_warn = NsOptions::TestOutput.capture do subject.option 'to_hash' end assert_match 'WARNING: ', not_recommended_warn subject.option 'opt1' duplicate_warn = NsOptions::TestOutput.capture do subject.option 'opt1' end assert_match 'WARNING: ', duplicate_warn end should "respond to a reader/writer named after the option name" do assert_responds_to :something, subject assert_responds_to :something=, subject end should "return the option using the reader" do assert_equal subject.__data__.child_options.get(:something), subject.something end should "be writable through the defined writer" do assert_nothing_raised{ subject.something = 2 } assert_equal 2, subject.something end should "be writable through the reader with args" do assert_nothing_raised{ subject.something 3 } assert_equal 3, subject.something end should "raise CoerceError when writing values not coercable to the type class" do err = begin subject.something = "can't be coerced to a Fixnum!" rescue Exception => err err end assert_equal NsOptions::Option::CoerceError, err.class assert_included 'test/unit/namespace_tests.rb:', err.backtrace.first end end class NamespaceTests < BaseTests desc "when adding a namespace named `something`" setup do @namespace.namespace('something') do option :something_else end end should "know that it has the child namespace" do assert subject.has_namespace? :something ns = subject.something assert_kind_of NsOptions::Namespace, ns assert_equal 'something', ns.__name__ assert ns.has_option? :something_else end should "respond to a reader named after the namespace name" do assert_responds_to :something, subject end should "return the namespace using the reader" do assert_equal subject.__data__.child_namespaces[:something], subject.something end should "define on the namespace if it is called with a block" do ns = subject.something assert_not ns.has_option? :defined_later subject.something { option :defined_later } assert ns.has_option? :defined_later end should "advise on the namespace name" do not_recommended_warn = NsOptions::TestOutput.capture do subject.namespace 'to_hash' end assert_match 'WARNING: ', not_recommended_warn subject.namespace 'opt1' duplicate_warn = NsOptions::TestOutput.capture do subject.namespace 'opt1' end assert_match 'WARNING: ', duplicate_warn end end class DynamicOptionNamespaceWriterTests < BaseTests should "write non-pre-defined values as Object options" do assert_not subject.has_option? :not_pre_defined assert_responds_to :not_pre_defined=, subject assert_not_responds_to :not_pre_defined, subject assert_nothing_raised { subject.not_pre_defined = 123 } assert subject.has_option? :not_pre_defined assert_responds_to :not_pre_defined, subject assert_equal 123, subject.not_pre_defined assert_equal Object, subject.__data__.child_options['not_pre_defined'].type_class end should "raise NoMethodError when writing namespace values" do subject.namespace('something') assert_raises NoMethodError do subject.something = 'a value' end assert_raises NoMethodError do subject.something = {:a => 'value'} end end end class EqualityTests < BaseTests desc "when compared for equality" setup do @named_values = {:some => 'value', 'another' => 'value'} @namespace.apply(@named_values) end should "be equal to another namespace with the same named values" do other_ns ='other_something') other_ns.apply(@named_values) assert_equal other_ns, subject end should "not be equal to another namespace with different values" do other_ns ='other_something') other_ns.apply({:other => 'data'}) assert_not_equal other_ns, subject end should "not be equal to other things" do assert_not_equal 1, subject assert_not_equal @named_values, subject end end end