#!/usr/bin/env ruby # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize $LOAD_PATH.push File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'fastlane' require 'commander' require 'fastlane/new_action' HighLine.track_eof = false class FastlaneApplication include Commander::Methods def run program :version, Fastlane::VERSION program :description, [ "CLI for 'fastlane' - Connect all iOS deployment tools into one streamlined workflow.\n", "\tRun using `fastlane [platform] [lane_name]`", "\tTo pass values to the lanes use `fastlane [platform] [lane_name] key:value key2:value2`"].join("\n") program :help, 'Author', 'Felix Krause <fastlane@krausefx.com>' program :help, 'Website', 'https://fastlane.tools' program :help, 'GitHub', 'https://github.com/krausefx/fastlane' program :help_formatter, :compact command :run do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane run [lane]' c.description = 'Drive the fastlane for a specific environment. Pass the lane name and optionally the platform first' c.option '--env STRING', String, 'Add environment to use with `dotenv`' c.action do |args, options| if Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path Fastlane::CommandLineHandler.handle(args, options) else create = agree('Could not find fastlane in current directory. Would you like to set it up? (y/n)'.yellow, true) Fastlane::Setup.new.run if create end end end command :init do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane init' c.description = 'Helps you setting up fastlane based on your existing tools.' c.action do |args, options| Fastlane::Setup.new.run end end command :new_action do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane new_action' c.description = 'Create a new custom action for fastlane.' c.action do |args, options| Fastlane::NewAction.run end end command :lanes do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane lanes' c.description = 'Lists all available lanes and shows their description' c.action do |args, options| require 'fastlane/lane_list' path = File.join(Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path || '.', 'Fastfile') Fastlane::LaneList.output(path) end end command :list do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane list' c.description = 'Lists all available lanes without description' c.action do |args, options| ff = Fastlane::FastFile.new(File.join(Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path || '.', 'Fastfile')) puts "\nAvailable lanes:".green ff.runner.available_lanes.each do |lane| puts "- #{lane}" end puts "\nExecute using `fastlane [lane_name]`".yellow end end command :docs do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane docs' c.description = 'Generate a markdown based documentation based on the Fastfile' c.option '-f', '--force', 'Overwrite the existing README.md in the ./fastlane folder' c.action do |args, options| path = File.join(Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path || '.', 'README.md') if File.exist? path and !options.force return nil unless agree('Found existing ./fastlane/README.md. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n)', true) end ff = Fastlane::FastFile.new(File.join(Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path || '.', 'Fastfile')) require 'fastlane/docs_generator' Fastlane::DocsGenerator.run(path, ff) end end command :actions do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane actions' c.description = 'Lists all available fastlane actions' c.option '--platform STRING', String, 'Only show actions available on the given platform' c.action do |args, options| require 'fastlane/actions_list' Fastlane::ActionsList.run(filter: args.first, platform: options.platform) end end command :action do |c| c.syntax = 'fastlane action [tool_name]' c.description = 'Shows more information for a specific command' c.action do |args, options| require 'fastlane/actions_list' Fastlane::ActionsList.run(filter: args.first) end end default_command :run run! end end begin FastlaneCore::UpdateChecker.start_looking_for_update('fastlane') FastlaneApplication.new.run ensure FastlaneCore::UpdateChecker.show_update_status('fastlane', Fastlane::VERSION) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize