# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, SoundCloud Ltd., Rany Keddo, Tobias Bielohlawek, Tobias # Schmidt require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/integration_helper' require 'lhm' describe Lhm do include IntegrationHelper before(:each) { connect_master! } describe "changes" do before(:each) do table_create(:users) end it "should add a column" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.add_column(:logins, "INT(12) DEFAULT '0'") end slave do table_read(:users).columns["logins"].must_equal({ :type => "int(12)", :is_nullable => "YES", :column_default => '0' }) end end it "should copy all rows" do 23.times { |n| execute("insert into users set reference = '#{ n }'") } Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.add_column(:logins, "INT(12) DEFAULT '0'") end slave do count_all(:users).must_equal(23) end end it "should remove a column" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.remove_column(:comment) end slave do table_read(:users).columns["comment"].must_equal nil end end it "should add an index" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.add_index([:comment, :created_at]) end slave do index_on_columns?(:users, [:comment, :created_at]).must_equal(true) end end it "should add an index with a custom name" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.add_index([:comment, :created_at], :my_index_name) end slave do index?(:users, :my_index_name).must_equal(true) end end it "should add an index on a column with a reserved name" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.add_index(:group) end slave do index_on_columns?(:users, :group).must_equal(true) end end it "should add a unqiue index" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.add_unique_index(:comment) end slave do index_on_columns?(:users, :comment, :unique).must_equal(true) end end it "should remove an index" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.remove_index([:username, :created_at]) end slave do index_on_columns?(:users, [:username, :created_at]).must_equal(false) end end it "should remove an index with a custom name" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.remove_index(:reference, :index_users_on_reference) end slave do index?(:users, :index_users_on_reference).must_equal(false) end end it "should apply a ddl statement" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.ddl("alter table %s add column flag tinyint(1)" % t.name) end slave do table_read(:users).columns["flag"].must_equal({ :type => "tinyint(1)", :is_nullable => "YES", :column_default => nil }) end end it "should change a column" do Lhm.change_table(:users, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.change_column(:comment, "varchar(20) DEFAULT 'none' NOT NULL") end slave do table_read(:users).columns["comment"].must_equal({ :type => "varchar(20)", :is_nullable => "NO", :column_default => "none" }) end end it "should change the last column in a table" do table_create(:small_table) Lhm.change_table(:small_table, :atomic_switch => false) do |t| t.change_column(:id, "int(5)") end slave do table_read(:small_table).columns["id"].must_equal({ :type => "int(5)", :is_nullable => "NO", :column_default => "0" }) end end describe "parallel" do it "should perserve inserts during migration" do 50.times { |n| execute("insert into users set reference = '#{ n }'") } insert = Thread.new do 10.times do |n| connect_master! execute("insert into users set reference = '#{ 100 + n }'") sleep(0.17) end end sleep 2 options = { :stride => 10, :throttle => 97, :atomic_switch => false } Lhm.change_table(:users, options) do |t| t.add_column(:parallel, "INT(10) DEFAULT '0'") end insert.join slave do count_all(:users).must_equal(60) end end it "should perserve deletes during migration" do 50.times { |n| execute("insert into users set reference = '#{ n }'") } delete = Thread.new do 10.times do |n| execute("delete from users where id = '#{ n + 1 }'") sleep(0.17) end end sleep 2 options = { :stride => 10, :throttle => 97, :atomic_switch => false } Lhm.change_table(:users, options) do |t| t.add_column(:parallel, "INT(10) DEFAULT '0'") end delete.join slave do count_all(:users).must_equal(40) end end end end end