# ronin-unhexdump 1 "May 2022" Ronin "User Manuals" ## SYNOPSIS `ronin unhexdump` [*options*] [*FILE*]` ## DESCRIPTION Un-hexdumps a hexdump back into it's original raw data. Supports a variety of formats, bases, and encodings. ## ARGUMENTS *FILE* The optional path to the file to un-hexdump. ## OPTIONS `-o`, `--output` *FILE* Optional path to the output file. `-t`, `--type` *TYPE* The binary data type to decode the data as. Must be one of the following: * `int8` * `uint8` * `char` * `uchar` * `byte` * `int16` * `int16_le` * `int16_be` * `int16_ne` * `uint16` * `uint16_le` * `uint16_be` * `uint16_ne` * `short` * `short_le` * `short_be` * `short_ne` * `ushort` * `ushort_le` * `ushort_be` * `ushort_ne` * `int32` * `int32_le` * `int32_be` * `int32_ne` * `uint32` * `uint32_le` * `uint32_be` * `uint32_ne` * `int` * `long` * `long_le` * `long_be` * `long_ne` * `uint` * `ulong` * `ulong_le` * `ulong_be` * `ulong_ne` * `int64` * `int64_le` * `int64_be` * `int64_ne` * `uint64` * `uint64_le` * `uint64_be` * `uint64_ne` * `long_long` * `long_long_le` * `long_long_be` * `long_long_ne` * `ulong_long` * `ulong_long_le` * `ulong_long_be` * `ulong_long_ne` * `float` * `float_le` * `float_be` * `float_ne` * `double` * `double_le` * `double_be` * `double_ne` `-b`, `--base` `2`|`8`|`10`|`16` The numeric base to print hexdumped numbers in. `-A`, `--address-base` `2`|`8`|`10`|`16` The numeric base to print the index addresses in. `--[no-]named-chars` Enables parsing of `od`-style named characters (ex: `nul`). `-h`, `--help` Prints help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO ronin-hexdump(1), hexdump(1), od(1)