# Official Docker image This is an official Docker image for [sidekiq-prometheus-exporter](https://github.com/Strech/sidekiq-prometheus-exporter) gem. It combines some approaches which were already published as images by other devs and at the same time brings more flexibility for the stock configuration and applies recommended Docker best practices. :warning: The Docker image currently supports **only** standards metrics. ## Supported ENVs Required - `REDIS_URL` - [RFC 3986 generic URI][rfc3986], exclusive with `REDIS_HOST` - `REDIS_HOST` - a Redis host, exclusive with `REDIS_URL` (default: `localhost`) Optional - `REDIS_PORT` - a Redis port (default: `6379`) - `REDIS_PASSWORD` - a Redis password (if you need one) - `REDIS_DB_NUMBER` - a Redis database number (default: `0`) - `REDIS_NAMESPACE` - a Redis [namespace][namespace] name (if you have separated sidekiq) - `REDIS_SENTINELS` - a list of comma separated Redis urls (like `REDIS_URL`, but for sentinels) - `REDIS_SENTINEL_ROLE` - a role within the [sentinel][sentinel] to connect (default: `master`) :bulb: Note, that `REDIS_URL` and `REDIS_HOST` are exclusive. Since `REDIS_HOST` is more atomic value it will be checked after `REDIS_URL`. :bulb: `REDIS_SENTINELS` will be parsed with `URI`, because of that it's mandatory for them to be formatted with protocol `redis://...`. ## Examples If you don't have a running Redis instance, you can quickly spin an empty to practice. ```bash $ docker run -d --rm --name redis-instance redis ``` and then run an exporter ```bash $ docker run -it --rm \ --link redis-instance \ -p 9292:9292 \ -e REDIS_URL=redis://redis-instance \ strech/sidekiq-prometheus-exporter ``` [rfc3986]: https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/redis [namespace]: https://github.com/resque/redis-namespace [sentinel]: https://github.com/redis/redis-rb/tree/v4.1.3#sentinel-support