"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.AnyTypeAnnotation = AnyTypeAnnotation; exports.ArrayTypeAnnotation = ArrayTypeAnnotation; exports.BooleanTypeAnnotation = BooleanTypeAnnotation; exports.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.DeclareClass = DeclareClass; exports.DeclareFunction = DeclareFunction; exports.DeclareInterface = DeclareInterface; exports.DeclareModule = DeclareModule; exports.DeclareTypeAlias = DeclareTypeAlias; exports.DeclareVariable = DeclareVariable; exports.FunctionTypeAnnotation = FunctionTypeAnnotation; exports.FunctionTypeParam = FunctionTypeParam; exports.InterfaceExtends = InterfaceExtends; exports._interfaceish = _interfaceish; exports.InterfaceDeclaration = InterfaceDeclaration; exports.IntersectionTypeAnnotation = IntersectionTypeAnnotation; exports.MixedTypeAnnotation = MixedTypeAnnotation; exports.NullableTypeAnnotation = NullableTypeAnnotation; exports.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation = NullLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.NumberTypeAnnotation = NumberTypeAnnotation; exports.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation = StringLiteralTypeAnnotation; exports.StringTypeAnnotation = StringTypeAnnotation; exports.ThisTypeAnnotation = ThisTypeAnnotation; exports.TupleTypeAnnotation = TupleTypeAnnotation; exports.TypeofTypeAnnotation = TypeofTypeAnnotation; exports.TypeAlias = TypeAlias; exports.TypeAnnotation = TypeAnnotation; exports.TypeParameterInstantiation = TypeParameterInstantiation; exports.ObjectTypeAnnotation = ObjectTypeAnnotation; exports.ObjectTypeCallProperty = ObjectTypeCallProperty; exports.ObjectTypeIndexer = ObjectTypeIndexer; exports.ObjectTypeProperty = ObjectTypeProperty; exports.QualifiedTypeIdentifier = QualifiedTypeIdentifier; exports.UnionTypeAnnotation = UnionTypeAnnotation; exports.TypeCastExpression = TypeCastExpression; exports.VoidTypeAnnotation = VoidTypeAnnotation; // istanbul ignore next function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj["default"] = obj; return newObj; } } var _types = require("../../types"); var t = _interopRequireWildcard(_types); /** * Prints AnyTypeAnnotation. */ function AnyTypeAnnotation() { this.push("any"); } /** * Prints ArrayTypeAnnotation, prints elementType. */ function ArrayTypeAnnotation(node, print) { print.plain(node.elementType); this.push("["); this.push("]"); } /** * Prints BooleanTypeAnnotation. */ function BooleanTypeAnnotation() { this.push("bool"); } /** * Prints BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation. */ function BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node) { this.push(node.value ? "true" : "false"); } /** * Prints DeclareClass, prints node. */ function DeclareClass(node, print) { this.push("declare class "); this._interfaceish(node, print); } /** * Prints DeclareFunction, prints id and id.typeAnnotation. */ function DeclareFunction(node, print) { this.push("declare function "); print.plain(node.id); print.plain(node.id.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation); this.semicolon(); } /** * Prints DeclareInterface. */ function DeclareInterface(node, print) { this.push("declare "); this.InterfaceDeclaration(node, print); } /** * Prints DeclareModule, prints id and body. */ function DeclareModule(node, print) { this.push("declare module "); print.plain(node.id); this.space(); print.plain(node.body); } /** * Prints DeclareTypeAlias. */ function DeclareTypeAlias(node, print) { this.push("declare "); this.TypeAlias(node, print); } /** * Prints DeclareVariable, prints id and id.typeAnnotation. */ function DeclareVariable(node, print) { this.push("declare var "); print.plain(node.id); print.plain(node.id.typeAnnotation); this.semicolon(); } /** * Prints FunctionTypeAnnotation, prints typeParameters, params, and rest. */ function FunctionTypeAnnotation(node, print, parent) { print.plain(node.typeParameters); this.push("("); print.list(node.params); if (node.rest) { if (node.params.length) { this.push(","); this.space(); } this.push("..."); print.plain(node.rest); } this.push(")"); // this node type is overloaded, not sure why but it makes it EXTREMELY annoying if (parent.type === "ObjectTypeProperty" || parent.type === "ObjectTypeCallProperty" || parent.type === "DeclareFunction") { this.push(":"); } else { this.space(); this.push("=>"); } this.space(); print.plain(node.returnType); } /** * Prints FunctionTypeParam, prints name and typeAnnotation, handles optional. */ function FunctionTypeParam(node, print) { print.plain(node.name); if (node.optional) this.push("?"); this.push(":"); this.space(); print.plain(node.typeAnnotation); } /** * Prints InterfaceExtends, prints id and typeParameters. */ function InterfaceExtends(node, print) { print.plain(node.id); print.plain(node.typeParameters); } /** * Alias InterfaceExtends printer as ClassImplements, * and InterfaceExtends printer as GenericTypeAnnotation. */ exports.ClassImplements = InterfaceExtends; exports.GenericTypeAnnotation = InterfaceExtends; /** * Prints interface-like node, prints id, typeParameters, extends, and body. */ function _interfaceish(node, print) { print.plain(node.id); print.plain(node.typeParameters); if (node["extends"].length) { this.push(" extends "); print.join(node["extends"], { separator: ", " }); } if (node.mixins && node.mixins.length) { this.push(" mixins "); print.join(node.mixins, { separator: ", " }); } this.space(); print.plain(node.body); } /** * Prints InterfaceDeclaration, prints node. */ function InterfaceDeclaration(node, print) { this.push("interface "); this._interfaceish(node, print); } /** * Prints IntersectionTypeAnnotation, prints types. */ function IntersectionTypeAnnotation(node, print) { print.join(node.types, { separator: " & " }); } /** * Prints MixedTypeAnnotation. */ function MixedTypeAnnotation() { this.push("mixed"); } /** * Prints NullableTypeAnnotation, prints typeAnnotation. */ function NullableTypeAnnotation(node, print) { this.push("?"); print.plain(node.typeAnnotation); } /** * Prints NullLiteralTypeAnnotation, prints value. */ function NullLiteralTypeAnnotation() { this.push("null"); } /** * Prints NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation, prints value. */ var _types2 = require("./types"); exports.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation = _types2.Literal; /** * Prints NumberTypeAnnotation. */ function NumberTypeAnnotation() { this.push("number"); } /** * Prints StringLiteralTypeAnnotation, prints value. */ function StringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node) { this.push(this._stringLiteral(node.value)); } /** * Prints StringTypeAnnotation. */ function StringTypeAnnotation() { this.push("string"); } /** * Prints ThisTypeAnnotation, prints this. */ function ThisTypeAnnotation() { this.push("this"); } /** * Prints TupleTypeAnnotation, prints types. */ function TupleTypeAnnotation(node, print) { this.push("["); print.join(node.types, { separator: ", " }); this.push("]"); } /** * Prints TypeofTypeAnnotation, prints argument. */ function TypeofTypeAnnotation(node, print) { this.push("typeof "); print.plain(node.argument); } /** * Prints TypeAlias, prints id, typeParameters, and right. */ function TypeAlias(node, print) { this.push("type "); print.plain(node.id); print.plain(node.typeParameters); this.space(); this.push("="); this.space(); print.plain(node.right); this.semicolon(); } /** * Prints TypeAnnotation, prints typeAnnotation, handles optional. */ function TypeAnnotation(node, print) { this.push(":"); this.space(); if (node.optional) this.push("?"); print.plain(node.typeAnnotation); } /** * Prints TypeParameterInstantiation, prints params. */ function TypeParameterInstantiation(node, print) { this.push("<"); print.join(node.params, { separator: ", ", iterator: function iterator(node) { print.plain(node.typeAnnotation); } }); this.push(">"); } /** * Alias TypeParameterInstantiation printer as TypeParameterDeclaration */ exports.TypeParameterDeclaration = TypeParameterInstantiation; /** * Prints ObjectTypeAnnotation, prints properties, callProperties, and indexers. */ function ObjectTypeAnnotation(node, print) { // istanbul ignore next var _this = this; this.push("{"); var props = node.properties.concat(node.callProperties, node.indexers); if (props.length) { this.space(); print.list(props, { separator: false, indent: true, iterator: function iterator() { if (props.length !== 1) { _this.semicolon(); _this.space(); } } }); this.space(); } this.push("}"); } /** * Prints ObjectTypeCallProperty, prints value, handles static. */ function ObjectTypeCallProperty(node, print) { if (node["static"]) this.push("static "); print.plain(node.value); } /** * Prints ObjectTypeIndexer, prints id, key, and value, handles static. */ function ObjectTypeIndexer(node, print) { if (node["static"]) this.push("static "); this.push("["); print.plain(node.id); this.push(":"); this.space(); print.plain(node.key); this.push("]"); this.push(":"); this.space(); print.plain(node.value); } /** * Prints ObjectTypeProperty, prints static, key, and value. */ function ObjectTypeProperty(node, print) { if (node["static"]) this.push("static "); print.plain(node.key); if (node.optional) this.push("?"); if (!t.isFunctionTypeAnnotation(node.value)) { this.push(":"); this.space(); } print.plain(node.value); } /** * Prints QualifiedTypeIdentifier, prints qualification and id. */ function QualifiedTypeIdentifier(node, print) { print.plain(node.qualification); this.push("."); print.plain(node.id); } /** * Prints UnionTypeAnnotation, prints types. */ function UnionTypeAnnotation(node, print) { print.join(node.types, { separator: " | " }); } /** * Prints TypeCastExpression, prints expression and typeAnnotation. */ function TypeCastExpression(node, print) { this.push("("); print.plain(node.expression); print.plain(node.typeAnnotation); this.push(")"); } /** * Prints VoidTypeAnnotation. */ function VoidTypeAnnotation() { this.push("void"); }