#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/configurer/downloader' describe Puppet::Configurer::Downloader do require 'puppet_spec/files' include PuppetSpec::Files it "should require a name" do lambda { Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should require a path and a source at initialization" do lambda { Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new("name") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set the name, path and source appropriately" do dler = Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new("facts", "path", "source") dler.name.should == "facts" dler.path.should == "path" dler.source.should == "source" end it "should be able to provide a timeout value" do Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.should respond_to(:timeout) end it "should use the configtimeout, converted to an integer, as its timeout" do Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:configtimeout).returns "50" Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.timeout.should == 50 end describe "when creating the file that does the downloading" do before do @dler = Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new("foo", "path", "source") end it "should create a file instance with the right path and source" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:path] == "path" and opts[:source] == "source" } @dler.file end it "should tag the file with the downloader name" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:tag] == "foo" } @dler.file end it "should always recurse" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:recurse] == true } @dler.file end it "should always purge" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:purge] == true } @dler.file end it "should never be in noop" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:noop] == false } @dler.file end it "should always set the owner to the current UID" do Process.expects(:uid).returns 51 Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:owner] == 51 } @dler.file end it "should always set the group to the current GID" do Process.expects(:gid).returns 61 Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:group] == 61 } @dler.file end it "should always force the download" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:force] == true } @dler.file end it "should never back up when downloading" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:backup] == false } @dler.file end it "should support providing an 'ignore' parameter" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:ignore] == [".svn"] } @dler = Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new("foo", "path", "source", ".svn") @dler.file end it "should split the 'ignore' parameter on whitespace" do Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:ignore] == %w{.svn CVS} } @dler = Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new("foo", "path", "source", ".svn CVS") @dler.file end end describe "when creating the catalog to do the downloading" do before do @dler = Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new("foo", "/download/path", "source") end it "should create a catalog and add the file to it" do catalog = @dler.catalog catalog.resources.size.should == 1 catalog.resources.first.class.should == Puppet::Type::File catalog.resources.first.name.should == "/download/path" end it "should specify that it is not managing a host catalog" do @dler.catalog.host_config.should == false end end describe "when downloading" do before do @dl_name = tmpfile("downloadpath") source_name = tmpfile("source") File.open(source_name, 'w') {|f| f.write('hola mundo') } @dler = Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.new("foo", @dl_name, source_name) end it "should not skip downloaded resources when filtering on tags" do Puppet[:tags] = 'maytag' @dler.evaluate File.exists?(@dl_name).should be_true end it "should log that it is downloading" do Puppet.expects(:info) Timeout.stubs(:timeout) @dler.evaluate end it "should set a timeout for the download" do Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.expects(:timeout).returns 50 Timeout.expects(:timeout).with(50) @dler.evaluate end it "should apply the catalog within the timeout block" do catalog = mock 'catalog' @dler.expects(:catalog).returns(catalog) Timeout.expects(:timeout).yields catalog.expects(:apply) @dler.evaluate end it "should return all changed file paths" do trans = mock 'transaction' catalog = mock 'catalog' @dler.expects(:catalog).returns(catalog) catalog.expects(:apply).yields(trans) Timeout.expects(:timeout).yields resource = mock 'resource' resource.expects(:[]).with(:path).returns "/changed/file" trans.expects(:changed?).returns([resource]) @dler.evaluate.should == %w{/changed/file} end it "should yield the resources if a block is given" do trans = mock 'transaction' catalog = mock 'catalog' @dler.expects(:catalog).returns(catalog) catalog.expects(:apply).yields(trans) Timeout.expects(:timeout).yields resource = mock 'resource' resource.expects(:[]).with(:path).returns "/changed/file" trans.expects(:changed?).returns([resource]) yielded = nil @dler.evaluate { |r| yielded = r } yielded.should == resource end it "should catch and log exceptions" do Puppet.expects(:err) Timeout.stubs(:timeout).raises(Puppet::Error, "testing") lambda { @dler.evaluate }.should_not raise_error end end end