Feature: Manage Flags In order to value As a role I want feature Scenario: List all flags Given I am logged in When I get the first asset And I assign the flags "red blue green" to the asset When I get all flags Then the flags list should contain "red" Scenario: List flagged assets Given I am logged in When I get the first asset And I assign the flags "red blue green" to the asset When I get all flags Then the flags list should contain "red" Scenario: Count flags Given I am logged in Then the flag count should be "4" Scenario: Add flags to asset Given I am logged in And I get the first asset And I assign the flags "red blue green" to the asset Then the flags list should contain "red" Then the flags list should contain "blue" Then the flags list should contain "green" Scenario: Find all assets by flag Given I am logged in And I get the first asset And I assign the flag "red" to the asset And I find all assets with the flag "red" Then the assets list should contain "a5ef53eb-032e-4983-9828-ee72ee6c6bc2" Scenario: Get asset flags Given I am logged in And I get the first asset And I assign the flag "pear" to the asset And I get the flags for the asset Then the flags list should contain "pear"