require 'net/http' require 'ipaddr' require 'rexml/document' require 'yaml' require 'timeout' require 'logger' require 'base64' # do this just in case begin ActiveSupport.nil? rescue NameError require 'json/pure' end module Geokit class TooManyQueriesError < StandardError; end module Inflector extend self def titleize(word) humanize(underscore(word)).gsub(/\b([a-z])/u) { $1.capitalize } end def underscore(camel_cased_word) camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/u,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/u,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word) lower_case_and_underscored_word.to_s.gsub(/_id$/, "").gsub(/_/, " ").capitalize end def snake_case(s) return s.downcase if s =~ /^[A-Z]+$/u s.gsub(/([A-Z]+)(?=[A-Z][a-z]?)|\B[A-Z]/u, '_\&') =~ /_*(.*)/ return $+.downcase end def url_escape(s) s.gsub(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/nu) do '%' + $1.unpack('H2' * $1.size).join('%').upcase' ', '+') end def camelize(str) str.split('_').map {|w| w.capitalize}.join end end # Contains a range of geocoders: # # ### "regular" address geocoders # * Yahoo Geocoder - requires an API key. # * - may require authentication if performing more than the free request limit. # * - for Canada; may require authentication as well. # * Geonames - a free geocoder # # ### address geocoders that also provide reverse geocoding # * Google Geocoder - requires an API key. # # ### IP address geocoders # * IP Geocoder - geocodes an IP address using's web service. # * -- another IP address geocoder # # ### The Multigeocoder # * Multi Geocoder - provides failover for the physical location geocoders. # # Some of these geocoders require configuration. You don't have to provide it here. See the README. module Geocoders @@proxy_addr = nil @@proxy_port = nil @@proxy_user = nil @@proxy_pass = nil @@request_timeout = nil @@yahoo = 'REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_YAHOO_KEY' @@google = 'REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY' @@google_client_id = nil #only used for premier accounts @@google_premier_secret_key = nil @@geocoder_us = false @@geocoder_ca = false @@geonames = false @@provider_order = [:google,:us] @@ip_provider_order = [:geo_plugin,:ip] @@logger.level=Logger::INFO @@domain = nil def self.__define_accessors class_variables.each do |v| sym = v.to_s.delete("@").to_sym unless self.respond_to? sym module_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ def self.#{sym} value = if defined?(#{sym.to_s.upcase}) #{sym.to_s.upcase} else @@#{sym} end if value.is_a?(Hash) value = (self.domain.nil? ? nil : value[self.domain]) || value.values.first end value end def self.#{sym}=(obj) @@#{sym} = obj end EOS end end end __define_accessors # Error which is thrown in the event a geocoding error occurs. class GeocodeError < StandardError; end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Geocoder Base class -- every geocoder should inherit from this # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The Geocoder base class which defines the interface to be used by all # other geocoders. class Geocoder # Main method which calls the do_geocode template method which subclasses # are responsible for implementing. Returns a populated GeoLoc or an # empty one with a failed success code. def self.geocode(address, options = {}) res = do_geocode(address, options) return res.nil? ? : res end # Main method which calls the do_reverse_geocode template method which subclasses # are responsible for implementing. Returns a populated GeoLoc or an # empty one with a failed success code. def self.reverse_geocode(latlng) res = do_reverse_geocode(latlng) return res.success? ? res : end # Call the geocoder service using the timeout if configured. def self.call_geocoder_service(url) Timeout::timeout(Geokit::Geocoders::request_timeout) { return self.do_get(url) } if Geokit::Geocoders::request_timeout return self.do_get(url) rescue TimeoutError return nil end # Not all geocoders can do reverse geocoding. So, unless the subclass explicitly overrides this method, # a call to reverse_geocode will return an empty GeoLoc. If you happen to be using MultiGeocoder, # this will cause it to failover to the next geocoder, which will hopefully be one which supports reverse geocoding. def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng) return end # This will sign a raw url with a private key def self.sign_url(raw_url,private_key) uri = URI.parse(raw_url) url_to_sign = uri.path + "?" + uri.query decoded_key = Geocoder.urlsafe_decode64(private_key) sha1_digest ='sha1') signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(sha1_digest,decoded_key,url_to_sign) encoded_signature = Geocoder.urlsafe_encode64(signature) signed_url = "#{uri.scheme}://#{}#{uri.path}?#{uri.query}&signature=#{encoded_signature}".strip! signed_url end # This will provide url safe base64 decoding def self.urlsafe_decode64(raw_text) decoded_text = raw_text.gsub('-','+').gsub('_', '/') decoded_text = Base64.decode64(decoded_text) decoded_text end # This will provide url safe base64 encoding def self.urlsafe_encode64(raw_text) encoded_text = Base64.encode64(raw_text) encoded_text = encoded_text.gsub('+','-').gsub('/', '_') encoded_text end protected def self.logger() Geokit::Geocoders::logger end private # Wraps the geocoder call around a proxy if necessary. def self.do_get(url) uri = URI.parse(url) req = req.basic_auth(uri.user, uri.password) if uri.userinfo res = Net::HTTP::Proxy(GeoKit::Geocoders::proxy_addr, GeoKit::Geocoders::proxy_port, GeoKit::Geocoders::proxy_user, GeoKit::Geocoders::proxy_pass).start(, uri.port) { |http| http.get(uri.path + "?" + uri.query) } return res end # Adds subclass' geocode method making it conveniently available through # the base class. def self.inherited(clazz) class_name ='::').last src = <<-END_SRC def self.#{Geokit::Inflector.underscore(class_name)}(address, options = {}) #{class_name}.geocode(address, options) end END_SRC class_eval(src) end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Regular" Address geocoders # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Geocoder CA geocoder implementation. Requires the Geokit::Geocoders::GEOCODER_CA variable to # contain true or false based upon whether authentication is to occur. Conforms to the # interface set by the Geocoder class. # # Returns a response like: # # # 49.243086 # -123.153684 # class CaGeocoder < Geocoder private # Template method which does the geocode lookup. def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) raise ArgumentError(' requires a GeoLoc argument') unless address.is_a?(GeoLoc) url = construct_request(address) res = self.call_geocoder_service(url) return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) xml = res.body logger.debug " geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{xml}" # Parse the document. doc = = doc.elements['//latt'].text address.lng = doc.elements['//longt'].text address.success = true return address rescue logger.error "Caught an error during geocoding call: "+$! return end # Formats the request in the format acceptable by the CA geocoder. def self.construct_request(location) url = "" url += add_ampersand(url) + "stno=#{location.street_number}" if location.street_address url += add_ampersand(url) + "addresst=#{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(location.street_name)}" if location.street_address url += add_ampersand(url) + "city=#{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(}" if url += add_ampersand(url) + "prov=#{location.state}" if location.state url += add_ampersand(url) + "postal=#{}" if url += add_ampersand(url) + "auth=#{Geokit::Geocoders::geocoder_ca}" if Geokit::Geocoders::geocoder_ca url += add_ampersand(url) + "geoit=xml" '' + url end def self.add_ampersand(url) url && url.length > 0 ? "&" : "" end end # Geocoder Us geocoder implementation. Requires the Geokit::Geocoders::GEOCODER_US variable to # contain true or false based upon whether authentication is to occur. Conforms to the # interface set by the Geocoder class. class UsGeocoder < Geocoder private def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address query = (address_str =~ /^\d{5}(?:-\d{4})?$/ ? "zip" : "address") + "=#{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}" url = if GeoKit::Geocoders::geocoder_us "http://#{GeoKit::Geocoders::geocoder_us}" else "" end url = "#{url}?#{query}" res = self.call_geocoder_service(url) return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) data = res.body logger.debug " geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{data}" array = data.chomp.split(',') if array.length == 5,res.lng,,res.state, res.country_code='US' res.success=true return res elsif array.length == 6,res.lng,res.street_address,,res.state, res.country_code='US' res.success=true return res else " was unable to geocode address: "+address return end rescue logger.error "Caught an error during geocoding call: "+$! return end end # Yahoo geocoder implementation. Requires the Geokit::Geocoders::YAHOO variable to # contain a Yahoo API key. Conforms to the interface set by the Geocoder class. class YahooGeocoder < Geocoder private # Template method which does the geocode lookup. def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address url="{Geokit::Geocoders::yahoo}&location=#{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}" res = self.call_geocoder_service(url) return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) xml = res.body doc = logger.debug "Yahoo geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{xml}" if doc.elements['//ResultSet'] #basic['//Latitude'].text res.lng=doc.elements['//Longitude'].text res.country_code=doc.elements['//Country'].text res.provider='yahoo' #extended - false if not available['//City'].text if doc.elements['//City'] && doc.elements['//City'].text != nil res.state=doc.elements['//State'].text if doc.elements['//State'] && doc.elements['//State'].text != nil['//Zip'].text if doc.elements['//Zip'] && doc.elements['//Zip'].text != nil res.street_address=doc.elements['//Address'].text if doc.elements['//Address'] && doc.elements['//Address'].text != nil res.precision=doc.elements['//Result'].attributes['precision'] if doc.elements['//Result'] # set the accuracy as google does (added by Andruby) res.accuracy=%w{unknown country state state city zip zip+4 street address building}.index(res.precision) res.success=true return res else "Yahoo was unable to geocode address: "+address return end rescue "Caught an error during Yahoo geocoding call: "+$! return end end # Another geocoding web service # class GeonamesGeocoder < Geocoder private # Template method which does the geocode lookup. def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address # geonames need a space seperated search string address_str.gsub!(/,/, " ") params = "/postalCodeSearch?placename=#{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}&maxRows=10" if(GeoKit::Geocoders::geonames) url = "{params}&username=#{GeoKit::Geocoders::geonames}" else url = "{params}" end res = self.call_geocoder_service(url) return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) xml=res.body logger.debug "Geonames geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{xml}" if(doc.elements['//geonames/totalResultsCount'].text.to_i > 0) # only take the first result['//code/lat'].text if doc.elements['//code/lat'] res.lng=doc.elements['//code/lng'].text if doc.elements['//code/lng'] res.country_code=doc.elements['//code/countryCode'].text if doc.elements['//code/countryCode'] res.provider='genomes'['//code/name'].text if doc.elements['//code/name'] res.state=doc.elements['//code/adminName1'].text if doc.elements['//code/adminName1']['//code/postalcode'].text if doc.elements['//code/postalcode'] res.success=true return res else "Geonames was unable to geocode address: "+address return end rescue logger.error "Caught an error during Geonames geocoding call: "+$! end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Address geocoders that also provide reverse geocoding # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Google geocoder implementation. Requires the Geokit::Geocoders::GOOGLE variable to # contain a Google API key. Conforms to the interface set by the Geocoder class. class GoogleGeocoder < Geocoder private # Template method which does the reverse-geocode lookup. def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng) latlng=LatLng.normalize(latlng) res = self.call_geocoder_service("{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(latlng.ll)}&output=xml&key=#{Geokit::Geocoders::google}&oe=utf-8") # res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse("{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}&output=xml&key=#{Geokit::Geocoders::google}&oe=utf-8")) return unless (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) || res.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK)) xml = res.body logger.debug "Google reverse-geocoding. LL: #{latlng}. Result: #{xml}" return self.xml2GeoLoc(xml) end # Template method which does the geocode lookup. # # Supports viewport/country code biasing # # ==== OPTIONS # * :bias - This option makes the Google Geocoder return results biased to a particular # country or viewport. Country code biasing is achieved by passing the ccTLD # ('uk' for, for example) as a :bias value. For a list of ccTLD's, # look here: By default, the geocoder # will be biased to results within the US (ccTLD .com). # # If you'd like the Google Geocoder to prefer results within a given viewport, # you can pass a Geokit::Bounds object as the :bias value. # # ==== EXAMPLES # # By default, the geocoder will return Syracuse, NY # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse').country_code # => 'US' # # With country code biasing, it returns Syracuse in Sicily, Italy # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse', :bias => :it).country_code # => 'IT' # # # By default, the geocoder will return Winnetka, IL # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka').state # => 'IL' # # When biased to an bounding box around California, it will now return the Winnetka neighbourhood, CA # bounds = Geokit::Bounds.normalize([34.074081, -118.694401], [34.321129, -118.399487]) # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka', :bias => bounds).state # => 'CA' def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) bias_str = options[:bias] ? construct_bias_string_from_options(options[:bias]) : '' address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address res = self.call_geocoder_service("{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}&output=xml#{bias_str}&key=#{Geokit::Geocoders::google}&oe=utf-8") return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) xml = res.body logger.debug "Google geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{xml}" return self.xml2GeoLoc(xml, address) end def self.construct_bias_string_from_options(bias) if bias.is_a?(String) or bias.is_a?(Symbol) # country code biasing "&gl=#{bias.to_s.downcase}" elsif bias.is_a?(Bounds) # viewport biasing "&ll=#{}&spn=#{bias.to_span.ll}" end end def self.xml2GeoLoc(xml, address="") if doc.elements['//kml/Response/Status/code'].text == '200' geoloc = nil # Google can return multiple results as //Placemark elements. # iterate through each and extract each placemark as a geoloc doc.each_element('//Placemark') do |e| extracted_geoloc = extract_placemark(e) # g is now an instance of GeoLoc if geoloc.nil? # first time through, geoloc is still nil, so we make it the geoloc we just extracted geoloc = extracted_geoloc else # second (and subsequent) iterations, we push additional # geolocs onto "geoloc.all" geoloc.all.push(extracted_geoloc) end end return geoloc elsif doc.elements['//kml/Response/Status/code'].text == '620' raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError else "Google was unable to geocode address: "+address return end rescue Geokit::TooManyQueriesError # re-raise because of other rescue raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError, "Google returned a 620 status, too many queries. The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period or has submitted too many requests in too short a period of time. If you're sending multiple requests in parallel or in a tight loop, use a timer or pause in your code to make sure you don't send the requests too quickly." rescue logger.error "Caught an error during Google geocoding call: "+$! return end # extracts a single geoloc from a //placemark element in the google results xml def self.extract_placemark(doc) res = coordinates=doc.elements['.//coordinates'].text.to_s.split(',') #basics[1] res.lng=coordinates[0] res.country_code=doc.elements['.//CountryNameCode'].text if doc.elements['.//CountryNameCode'] res.provider='google' #extended -- false if not not available = doc.elements['.//LocalityName'].text if doc.elements['.//LocalityName'] res.state = doc.elements['.//AdministrativeAreaName'].text if doc.elements['.//AdministrativeAreaName'] res.province = doc.elements['.//SubAdministrativeAreaName'].text if doc.elements['.//SubAdministrativeAreaName'] res.full_address = doc.elements['.//address'].text if doc.elements['.//address'] # google provides it = doc.elements['.//PostalCodeNumber'].text if doc.elements['.//PostalCodeNumber'] res.street_address = doc.elements['.//ThoroughfareName'].text if doc.elements['.//ThoroughfareName'] = doc.elements['.//CountryName'].text if doc.elements['.//CountryName'] res.district = doc.elements['.//DependentLocalityName'].text if doc.elements['.//DependentLocalityName'] # Translate accuracy into Yahoo-style token address, street, zip, zip+4, city, state, country # For Google, 1=low accuracy, 8=high accuracy address_details=doc.elements['.//*[local-name() = "AddressDetails"]'] res.accuracy = address_details ? address_details.attributes['Accuracy'].to_i : 0 res.precision=%w{unknown country state state city zip zip+4 street address building}[res.accuracy] # google returns a set of suggested boundaries for the geocoded result if suggested_bounds = doc.elements['//LatLonBox'] res.suggested_bounds = Bounds.normalize( [suggested_bounds.attributes['south'], suggested_bounds.attributes['west']], [suggested_bounds.attributes['north'], suggested_bounds.attributes['east']]) end res.success=true return res end end class GoogleGeocoder3 < Geocoder private # Template method which does the reverse-geocode lookup. def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng) latlng=LatLng.normalize(latlng) res = self.call_geocoder_service("{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(latlng.ll)}") return unless (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) || res.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK)) json = res.body logger.debug "Google reverse-geocoding. LL: #{latlng}. Result: #{json}" return self.json2GeoLoc(json) end # Template method which does the geocode lookup. # # Supports viewport/country code biasing # # ==== OPTIONS # * :bias - This option makes the Google Geocoder return results biased to a particular # country or viewport. Country code biasing is achieved by passing the ccTLD # ('uk' for, for example) as a :bias value. For a list of ccTLD's, # look here: By default, the geocoder # will be biased to results within the US (ccTLD .com). # # If you'd like the Google Geocoder to prefer results within a given viewport, # you can pass a Geokit::Bounds object as the :bias value. # # ==== EXAMPLES # # By default, the geocoder will return Syracuse, NY # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse').country_code # => 'US' # # With country code biasing, it returns Syracuse in Sicily, Italy # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Syracuse', :bias => :it).country_code # => 'IT' # # # By default, the geocoder will return Winnetka, IL # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka').state # => 'IL' # # When biased to an bounding box around California, it will now return the Winnetka neighbourhood, CA # bounds = Geokit::Bounds.normalize([34.074081, -118.694401], [34.321129, -118.399487]) # Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.geocode('Winnetka', :bias => bounds).state # => 'CA' def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) res = res = self.call_geocoder_service(self.geocode_url(address,options)) return if !res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) json = res.body logger.debug "Google geocoding. Address: #{address}. Result: #{json}" return self.json2GeoLoc(json, address) end # Determine the Google API url based on the google api key, or based on the client / private key for premier users def self.geocode_url(address,options = {}) bias_str = options[:bias] ? construct_bias_string_from_options(options[:bias]) : '' address_str = address.is_a?(GeoLoc) ? address.to_geocodeable_s : address if !Geokit::Geocoders::google_client_id.nil? && !Geokit::Geocoders::google_premier_secret_key.nil? url = "{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}#{bias_str}&client=#{Geokit::Geocoders::google_client_id}&sensor=false&oe=utf-8" Geokit::Geocoders::Geocoder.sign_url(url,Geokit::Geocoders::google_premier_secret_key) else "{Geokit::Inflector::url_escape(address_str)}#{bias_str}" end end def self.construct_bias_string_from_options(bias) if bias.is_a?(String) or bias.is_a?(Symbol) # country code biasing "®ion=#{bias.to_s.downcase}" elsif bias.is_a?(Bounds) # viewport biasing Geokit::Inflector::url_escape("&bounds=#{bias.sw.to_s}|#{}") end end def self.json2GeoLoc(json, address="") ret=nil begin results=::ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json) rescue NameError => e results=JSON.parse(json) end if results['status'] == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT' raise Geokit::TooManyQueriesError end if results['status'] == 'ZERO_RESULTS' return end # this should probably be smarter. if !results['status'] == 'OK' raise Geokit::Geocoders::GeocodeError end # location_type stores additional data about the specified location. # The following values are currently supported: # "ROOFTOP" indicates that the returned result is a precise geocode # for which we have location information accurate down to street # address precision. # "RANGE_INTERPOLATED" indicates that the returned result reflects an # approximation (usually on a road) interpolated between two precise # points (such as intersections). Interpolated results are generally # returned when rooftop geocodes are unavailable for a street address. # "GEOMETRIC_CENTER" indicates that the returned result is the # geometric center of a result such as a polyline (for example, a # street) or polygon (region). # "APPROXIMATE" indicates that the returned result is approximate # these do not map well. Perhaps we should guess better based on size # of bounding box where it exists? Does it really matter? accuracy = { "ROOFTOP" => 9, "RANGE_INTERPOLATED" => 8, "GEOMETRIC_CENTER" => 5, "APPROXIMATE" => 4 } results['results'].sort_by{|a|accuracy[a['geometry']['location_type']]}.reverse.each do |addr| res.provider = 'google3' res.success = true res.full_address = addr['formatted_address'] addr['address_components'].each do |comp| case when comp['types'].include?("street_number") res.street_number = comp['short_name'] when comp['types'].include?("route") res.street_name = comp['long_name'] when comp['types'].include?("locality") = comp['long_name'] when comp['types'].include?("administrative_area_level_1") res.state = comp['short_name'] res.province = comp['short_name'] when comp['types'].include?("postal_code") = comp['long_name'] when comp['types'].include?("country") res.country_code = comp['short_name'] = comp['long_name'] when comp['types'].include?("administrative_area_level_2") res.district = comp['long_name'] end end if res.street_name res.street_address=[res.street_number,res.street_name].join(' ').strip end res.accuracy = accuracy[addr['geometry']['location_type']] res.precision=%w{unknown country state state city zip zip+4 street address building}[res.accuracy] # try a few overrides where we can if res.street_name && res.precision=='city' res.precision = 'street' res.accuracy = 7 end['geometry']['location']['lat'].to_f res.lng=addr['geometry']['location']['lng'].to_f addr['geometry']['viewport']['northeast']['lat'].to_f, addr['geometry']['viewport']['northeast']['lng'].to_f ) addr['geometry']['viewport']['southwest']['lat'].to_f, addr['geometry']['viewport']['southwest']['lng'].to_f ) res.suggested_bounds =,ne) if ret ret.all.push(res) else ret=res end end return ret end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IP Geocoders # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provides geocoding based upon an IP address. The underlying web service is class GeoPluginGeocoder < Geocoder private def self.do_geocode(ip, options = {}) return unless /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})?$/.match(ip) response = self.call_geocoder_service("{ip}") return response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) ? parse_xml(response.body) : rescue logger.error "Caught an error during GeoPluginGeocoder geocoding call: "+$! return end def self.parse_xml(xml) xml = geo = geo.provider='geoPlugin' = xml.elements['//geoplugin_city'].text geo.state = xml.elements['//geoplugin_region'].text geo.country_code = xml.elements['//geoplugin_countryCode'].text = xml.elements['//geoplugin_latitude'].text.to_f geo.lng = xml.elements['//geoplugin_longitude'].text.to_f geo.success = !! && ! return geo end end # Provides geocoding based upon an IP address. The underlying web service is a # which sources their data through a combination of publicly available information as well # as community contributions. class IpGeocoder < Geocoder # A number of non-routable IP ranges. # # -- # Sources for these: # RFC 3330: Special-Use IPv4 Addresses # The bogon list: NON_ROUTABLE_IP_RANGES = [''), # "This" Network''), # Private-Use Networks''), # Public-Data Networks''), # Loopback''), # Link local''), # Private-Use Networks''), # Test-Net''), # Private-Use Networks''), # Network Interconnect Device Benchmark Testing''), # Multicast'') # Reserved for future use ].freeze private # Given an IP address, returns a GeoLoc instance which contains latitude, # longitude, city, and country code. Sets the success attribute to false if the ip # parameter does not match an ip address. def self.do_geocode(ip, options = {}) return unless /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})?$/.match(ip) return if self.private_ip_address?(ip) url = "{ip}&position=true" response = self.call_geocoder_service(url) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) ? parse_body(response.body) : rescue logger.error "Caught an error during HostIp geocoding call: "+$! return end # Converts the body to YAML since its in the form of: # # Country: UNITED STATES (US) # City: Sugar Grove, IL # Latitude: 41.7696 # Longitude: -88.4588 # # then instantiates a GeoLoc instance to populate with location data. def self.parse_body(body) # :nodoc: yaml = YAML.load(body) res = res.provider = 'hostip', res.state = yaml['City'].split(', ') country, res.country_code = yaml['Country'].split(' (') = yaml['Latitude'] res.lng = yaml['Longitude'] res.country_code.chop! res.success = !( =~ /\(.+\)/) res end # Checks whether the IP address belongs to a private address range. # # This function is used to reduce the number of useless queries made to # the geocoding service. Such queries can occur frequently during # integration tests. def self.private_ip_address?(ip) return NON_ROUTABLE_IP_RANGES.any? { |range| range.include?(ip) } end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The Multi Geocoder # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provides methods to geocode with a variety of geocoding service providers, plus failover # among providers in the order you configure. When 2nd parameter is set 'true', perform # ip location lookup with 'address' as the ip address. # # Goal: # - homogenize the results of multiple geocoders # # Limitations: # - currently only provides the first result. Sometimes geocoders will return multiple results. # - currently discards the "accuracy" component of the geocoding calls class MultiGeocoder < Geocoder private # This method will call one or more geocoders in the order specified in the # configuration until one of the geocoders work. # # The failover approach is crucial for production-grade apps, but is rarely used. # 98% of your geocoding calls will be successful with the first call def self.do_geocode(address, options = {}) geocode_ip = /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/.match(address) provider_order = geocode_ip ? Geokit::Geocoders::ip_provider_order : Geokit::Geocoders::provider_order provider_order.each do |provider| begin klass = Geokit::Geocoders.const_get "#{Geokit::Inflector::camelize(provider.to_s)}Geocoder" res = klass.send :geocode, address, options return res if res.success? rescue logger.error("Something has gone very wrong during geocoding, OR you have configured an invalid class name in Geokit::Geocoders::provider_order. Address: #{address}. Provider: #{provider}") end end # If we get here, we failed completely. end # This method will call one or more geocoders in the order specified in the # configuration until one of the geocoders work, only this time it's going # to try to reverse geocode a geographical point. def self.do_reverse_geocode(latlng) Geokit::Geocoders::provider_order.each do |provider| begin klass = Geokit::Geocoders.const_get "#{Geokit::Inflector::camelize(provider.to_s)}Geocoder" res = klass.send :reverse_geocode, latlng return res if res.success? rescue logger.error("Something has gone very wrong during reverse geocoding, OR you have configured an invalid class name in Geokit::Geocoders::provider_order. LatLng: #{latlng}. Provider: #{provider}") end end # If we get here, we failed completely. end end end end