{% assign file = page.fileName %} {% assign lang = page.lang %} {% assign folder = page.folderName %} {% assign aboutData = site.data[folder][lang][file] %} {% include head/index.html %} {% include header/index.html %}
{%- if site.monumetricId and page.url != '/' and page.lang == "en" -%}
{%- endif -%}

About us

Welcome to {{ page.companyName}}

We are here to help you. Ping us your queries at care@{{ page.companyName}}.{{page.domain}}

{%- if site.monumetricId and page.url != '/' and page.lang == "en" -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% assign posts = site.posts | where_exp:"post","post.url != page.url" %} {% assign authors = "" | split: "," %} {% for post in site.posts %} {% if post.author %} {% unless authors contains post.author %} {% assign authors = authors | push: post.author %} {% endunless %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Our website currently has {{ site.pages | size }} features
Languages Supported
Our website currently supports 22 languages.
Blog Posts
We currently have {{ site.posts | size }} blog posts on our website.
We have {{ authors.size }} authors on our website
Total Visitors
{% include footer/index.html %} {% include script.html %}