require "autoremote/version" require "autoremote/exceptions" require 'sqlite3' require 'active_record' require 'net/http' ## Establish the database connection ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => ENV['HOME'] + '/.autoremote/devices.db' ) class Device < ActiveRecord::Base end ## Create the database table ActiveRecord::Schema.define do break if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists? 'devices' create_table :devices do |table| table.column :name, :string table.column :key, :string end end module AutoRemote REGCMD = "curl \"$(sudo ifconfig eth0 |grep \"inet addr\" |awk '{print $2}' |awk -F: '{print $2}')\"" MSGURL = "" VALIDATIONURL = "" ## Add a device def AutoRemote::addDevice( name, key ) ## Check if the name is taken if Device.find_by_name( name ) || Device.find_by_key(key) raise self::DeviceAlreadyExist# end ## Validate key url = URI.parse( VALIDATIONURL.sub( /%YOUR_KEY%/, key ) ) result = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) {|http| http.request( url.to_s ) ) } if result.body != "OK" raise self::InvalidKey end ## Save the device Device.create(:name => name, :key => key) return true end ## Remove a specific device def AutoRemote::removeDevice( name ) if device = Device.find_by_name(name) ## Remove the device return Device.delete( else raise self::DeviceNotFound end end ## Returns a list with all devices def AutoRemote::listDevices return Device.order("name").all end ## Returns one specific device def AutoRemote::getDevice( name ) return Device.find_by_name( name ) end ## Send a message to a device def AutoRemote::sendMessage( device, message ) if ! device.kind_of?( Device ) && ! ( device = Device.find_by_name( device ) ) raise self::DeviceNotFound elsif ! message.kind_of?( String ) raise TypeError, "Message must be a string" end hostname = `hostname`.strip ## Send the message url = URI.parse( MSGURL.sub( /%YOUR_KEY%/, device.key ).sub( /%MESSAGE%/, message ).sub( /%SENDER_ID%/, hostname ) ) result = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) {|http| http.request( url.to_s ) ) } ## Check result if result.body != "OK" raise self::InvalidKey end return true end ## Register on the device def AutoRemote::registerOnDevice( device, remotehost ) if ! device.kind_of?( Device ) && ! ( device = Device.find_by_name( device ) ) raise self::DeviceNotFound elsif ! remotehost.kind_of?( String ) || remotehost.length < 5 raise ArgumentError, "remotehost must be a string of 5 chars or more" end hostname = `hostname`.strip ## Perform the registration cmd = REGCMD.sub( /%YOUR_KEY%/, device.key ).sub(/%DISPLAY_NAME%/, hostname ).sub(/%UNIQUE_ID%/, hostname ).sub(/%PUBLIC_HOST%/, remotehost ) result = system(cmd) puts ## Check result if ! result raise self::AutoRemoteException, "Something went wrong when registering on the device" end return true end ## Define alases for some methods class << AutoRemote alias :saveDevice :addDevice alias :deleteDevice :removeDevice alias :sendMsg :sendMessage alias :regOnDevice :registerOnDevice end end