module Conjur module WebServer require 'rack/streaming_proxy' class APIProxy < Rack::StreamingProxy::Proxy class Request < Rack::StreamingProxy::Request def initialize env path = env["PATH_INFO"] path =~ /^\/([^\/]+)(.*)/ app = $1 path_remainder = $2 new_url = case app when 'authn', 'authz', 'audit', 'pubkeys' [ Conjur.configuration.send("#{app}_url"), path_remainder ].join else [ Conjur.configuration.send("core_url"), path ].join end if query = env["QUERY_STRING"] new_url = [ new_url, query ].join('?') end super new_url.to_s, end end Rack::StreamingProxy::Proxy.set_default_configuration def initialize super nil end def call env request = request.http_request['Authorization'] = authorization_header response = rewrite_response(env, response.status, response.headers, response) end def rewrite_response(*args) env, status, headers, body = args source_request = headers = Hash[*headers.flat_map { |k, v| [capitalize_header(k), v] }] headers.delete 'Transfer-Encoding' # let Puma handle chunking # Rewrite location if location = headers["Location"] headers["Location"] = location.gsub(Conjur.configuration.service_url, "http://#{}:#{source_request.port}") end [ status, headers, body ] end protected def authorization_header require 'conjur/authn' require 'base64' token = Conjur::Authn.authenticate "Token token=\"#{Base64.strict_encode64(token.to_json)}\"" end def perform_request(env) triplet = super(env) [ env ] + triplet end private def capitalize_header hdr hdr.split('-').map(&:capitalize).join('-') end end end end # Rack::StreamingProxy by default doesn't handle closing, which leads to stale # (but still running) connections. Handle the close by quitting the child # (it will close connection with upstream automatically). class Rack::StreamingProxy::Response def initialize piper @piper = piper @client_http_version = '1.0' receive end def close @piper.signal :QUIT end end