Feature: before and after hooks As a developer using RSpec I want to execute arbitrary code before and after each example So that I can control the environment in which it is run This is supported by the before and after methods which each take a symbol indicating the scope, and a block of code to execute. before(:each) blocks are run before each example before(:all) blocks are run once before all of the examples in a group after(:each) blocks are run after each example after(:all) blocks are run once after all of the examples in a group Before and after blocks are called in the following order: before suite before all before each after each after all after suite Before and after blocks can be defined in the example groups to which they apply or in a configuration. When defined in a configuration, they can be applied to all groups or subsets of all groups defined by example group types. Scenario: define before(:each) block Given a file named "before_each_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" class Thing def widgets @widgets ||= [] end end describe Thing do before(:each) do @thing = Thing.new end describe "initialized in before(:each)" do it "has 0 widgets" do @thing.should have(0).widgets end it "can get accept new widgets" do @thing.widgets << Object.new end it "does not share state across examples" do @thing.should have(0).widgets end end end """ When I run "rspec ./before_each_spec.rb" Then I should see "3 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: define before(:all) block in example group Given a file named "before_all_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" class Thing def widgets @widgets ||= [] end end describe Thing do before(:all) do @thing = Thing.new end describe "initialized in before(:all)" do it "has 0 widgets" do @thing.should have(0).widgets end it "can get accept new widgets" do @thing.widgets << Object.new end it "shares state across examples" do @thing.should have(1).widgets end end end """ When I run "rspec ./before_all_spec.rb" Then I should see "3 examples, 0 failures" When I run "rspec ./before_all_spec.rb:15" Then I should see "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: define before and after blocks in configuration Given a file named "befores_in_configuration_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:each) do @before_each = "before each" end config.before(:all) do @before_all = "before all" end end describe "stuff in before blocks" do describe "with :all" do it "should be available in the example" do @before_all.should == "before all" end end describe "with :each" do it "should be available in the example" do @before_each.should == "before each" end end end """ When I run "rspec ./befores_in_configuration_spec.rb" Then I should see "2 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: before/after blocks are run in order Given a file named "ensure_block_order_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" describe "before and after callbacks" do before(:all) do puts "before all" end before(:each) do puts "before each" end after(:each) do puts "after each" end after(:all) do puts "after all" end it "gets run in order" do end end """ When I run "rspec ./ensure_block_order_spec.rb" Then I should see matching /before all\nbefore each\nafter each\n.after all/ Scenario: before/after blocks defined in config are run in order Given a file named "configuration_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:suite) do puts "before suite" end config.before(:all) do puts "before all" end config.before(:each) do puts "before each" end config.after(:each) do puts "after each" end config.after(:all) do puts "after all" end config.after(:suite) do puts "after suite" end end describe "ignore" do example "ignore" do end end """ When I run "rspec configuration_spec.rb" Then I should see matching: """ before suite before all before each after each .after all after suite """ Scenario: before/after all blocks are run once Given a file named "before_and_after_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "before and after callbacks" do before(:all) do puts "outer before all" end example "in outer group" do end after(:all) do puts "outer after all" end describe "nested group" do before(:all) do puts "inner before all" end example "in nested group" do end after(:all) do puts "inner after all" end end end """ When I run "rspec ./before_and_after_all_spec.rb" Then I should see "2 examples, 0 failures" Then I should see matching /outer before all\n.inner before all\n.inner after all\nouter after all\n\n\n\nFinished/ When I run "rspec ./before_and_after_all_spec.rb:14" Then I should see "1 example, 0 failures" Then I should see matching /outer before all\ninner before all\n.inner after all\nouter after all\n\n\n\nFinished/ When I run "rspec ./before_and_after_all_spec.rb:6" Then I should see "1 example, 0 failures" Then I should see matching /outer before all\n.outer after all\n\n\n\nFinished/ Scenario: nested examples have access to state set in outer before(:all) Given a file named "before_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "something" do before :all do @value = 123 end describe "nested" do it "access state set in before(:all)" do @value.should eq(123) end describe "nested more deeply" do it "access state set in before(:all)" do @value.should eq(123) end end end describe "nested in parallel" do it "access state set in before(:all)" do @value.should == 123 end end end """ When I run "rspec before_all_spec.rb" Then I should see "3 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: before/after all blocks have access to state Given a file named "before_and_after_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "before and after callbacks" do before(:all) do @outer_state = "set in outer before all" end example "in outer group" do @outer_state.should eq("set in outer before all") end describe "nested group" do before(:all) do @inner_state = "set in inner before all" end example "in nested group" do @outer_state.should eq("set in outer before all") @inner_state.should eq("set in inner before all") end after(:all) do @inner_state.should eq("set in inner before all") end end after(:all) do # p @outer_state.nil? @outer_state.should eq("set in outer before all") end end """ When I run "rspec ./before_and_after_all_spec.rb" Then I should see "2 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: exception in before(:each) is captured and reported as failure Given a file named "error_in_before_each_spec.rb" with: """ describe "error in before(:each)" do before(:each) do raise "this error" end it "is reported as failure" do end end """ When I run "rspec ./error_in_before_each_spec.rb" Then I should see "1 example, 1 failure" And I should see "this error"