require 'spec_helper' module Spree describe Admin::StockTransfersController, :type => :controller do stub_authorization! let(:warehouse) { StockLocation.create(name: "Warehouse")} let(:ny_store) { StockLocation.create(name: "NY Store")} let(:la_store) { StockLocation.create(name: "LA Store")} context "#index" do let!(:stock_transfer1) { StockTransfer.create do |transfer| transfer.source_location_id = transfer.destination_location_id = end } let!(:stock_transfer2) { StockTransfer.create do |transfer| transfer.source_location_id = transfer.destination_location_id = transfer.finalized_at = transfer.closed_at = end } it "searches by stock location" do spree_get :index, :q => { :source_location_id_or_destination_location_id_eq => } expect(assigns(:stock_transfers).count).to eq 1 expect(assigns(:stock_transfers)).to include(stock_transfer1) end it "filters the closed stock transfers" do spree_get :index, :q => { :closed_at_null => '1' } expect(assigns(:stock_transfers)).to match_array [stock_transfer1] end it "doesn't filter any stock transfers" do spree_get :index, :q => { :closed_at_null => '0' } expect(assigns(:stock_transfers)).to match_array [stock_transfer1, stock_transfer2] end end context "#create" do let(:warehouse) { StockLocation.create(name: "Warehouse", active: false)} subject do spree_post :create, stock_transfer: { source_location_id:, description: nil } end context "user doesn't have read access to the selected stock location" do before do expect(controller).to receive(:authorize!) { raise CanCan::AccessDenied } end it "redirects to authorization_failure" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to('/unauthorized') end end context "valid parameters" do let!(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(controller).to receive(:try_spree_current_user) { user } end it "redirects to the edit page" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_stock_transfer_path(assigns(:stock_transfer))) end it "sets the created_by to the current user" do subject expect(assigns(:stock_transfer).created_by).to eq(user) end end end context "#receive" do let!(:transfer_with_items) { create(:receivable_stock_transfer_with_items) } let(:variant_1) { transfer_with_items.transfer_items[0].variant } let(:variant_2) { transfer_with_items.transfer_items[1].variant } let(:parameters) { { id: transfer_with_items.to_param } } subject do spree_get :receive, parameters end context 'stock transfer is not receivable' do before do transfer_with_items.update_attributes(finalized_at: nil, shipped_at: nil) end it 'redirects back to index' do subject expect(flash[:error]).to eq Spree.t(:stock_transfer_must_be_receivable) expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.admin_stock_transfers_path) end end context "no items have been received" do let(:parameters) do { id: transfer_with_items.to_param } end before { subject } it "doesn't assign received_items" do expect(assigns(:received_items)).to be_empty end end context "some items have been received" do let(:transfer_item) { transfer_with_items.transfer_items.first } let(:parameters) do { id: transfer_with_items.to_param, variant_search_term: variant_1.sku } end before do transfer_item.update_attributes(received_quantity: 1) subject end it "assigns received_items correctly" do expect(assigns(:received_items)).to match_array [transfer_item] end end end context "#finalize" do let!(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:transfer_with_items) { create(:receivable_stock_transfer_with_items, finalized_at: nil, shipped_at: nil) } before do allow(controller).to receive(:try_spree_current_user) { user } end subject do spree_put :finalize, id: transfer_with_items.to_param end context 'stock transfer is not finalizable' do before do transfer_with_items.update_attributes(finalized_at: end it 'redirects back to edit' do subject expect(flash[:error]).to eq Spree.t(:stock_transfer_cannot_be_finalized) expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_stock_transfer_path(transfer_with_items)) end end context "successfully finalized" do it "redirects to tracking_info" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.tracking_info_admin_stock_transfer_path(transfer_with_items)) end it "sets the finalized_by to the current user" do subject expect(transfer_with_items.reload.finalized_by).to eq(user) end it "sets the finalized_at date" do subject expect(transfer_with_items.reload.finalized_at).to_not be_nil end end context "error finalizing the stock transfer" do before do transfer_with_items.update_attributes(destination_location_id: nil) end it "redirects back to edit" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.edit_admin_stock_transfer_path(transfer_with_items)) end it "displays a flash error message" do subject expect(flash[:error]).to eq "Destination location can't be blank" end end end context "#close" do let!(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:transfer_with_items) { create(:receivable_stock_transfer_with_items) } before do allow(controller).to receive(:try_spree_current_user) { user } end subject do spree_put :close, id: transfer_with_items.to_param end context 'stock transfer is not receivable' do before do transfer_with_items.update_attributes(finalized_at: nil, shipped_at: nil) end it 'redirects back to receive' do subject expect(flash[:error]).to eq Spree.t(:stock_transfer_must_be_receivable) expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.receive_admin_stock_transfer_path(transfer_with_items)) end end context "successfully closed" do it "redirects back to index" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.admin_stock_transfers_path) end it "sets the closed_by to the current user" do subject expect(transfer_with_items.reload.closed_by).to eq(user) end it "sets the closed_at date" do subject expect(transfer_with_items.reload.closed_at).to_not be_nil end context "stock movements" do let(:source) { transfer_with_items.source_location } let(:destination) { transfer_with_items.destination_location } let(:transfer_item_1) { transfer_with_items.transfer_items[0] } let(:transfer_item_2) { transfer_with_items.transfer_items[1] } before do transfer_item_1.update_columns(received_quantity: 2) transfer_item_2.update_columns(received_quantity: 5) subject end it 'creates 2 stock movements' do expect(assigns(:stock_movements).length).to eq 2 end it 'sets the stock transfer as the originator of the stock movements' do subject originators = assigns(:stock_movements).map(&:originator) expect(originators).to match_array [transfer_with_items, transfer_with_items] end it 'only creates stock movements for the destination stock location' do subject locations = assigns(:stock_movements).map(&:stock_item).flat_map(&:stock_location) expect(locations).to match_array [destination, destination] end it 'creates the stock movements for the received quantities' do subject movement_for_transfer_item_1 = assigns(:stock_movements).find { |sm| sm.stock_item.variant == transfer_item_1.variant } expect(movement_for_transfer_item_1.quantity).to eq 2 movement_for_transfer_item_2 = assigns(:stock_movements).find { |sm| sm.stock_item.variant == transfer_item_2.variant } expect(movement_for_transfer_item_2.quantity).to eq 5 end end end context "error closing the stock transfer" do before do transfer_with_items.update_columns(destination_location_id: nil) end it "redirects back to receive" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.receive_admin_stock_transfer_path(transfer_with_items)) end it "displays a flash error message" do subject expect(flash[:error]).to eq "Destination location can't be blank" end end end context "#finish" do let(:stock_transfer) { Spree::StockTransfer.create(source_location: warehouse, destination_location: ny_store, created_by: create(:admin_user))} let(:transfer_variant) { create(:variant) } let(:warehouse_stock_item) { warehouse.stock_items.find_by(variant: transfer_variant) } let(:ny_stock_item) { ny_store.stock_items.find_by(variant: transfer_variant) } before do warehouse_stock_item.set_count_on_hand(1) stock_transfer.transfer_items.create!(variant: transfer_variant, expected_quantity: 1) end context "with transferable items" do it "marks the transfer shipped" do spree_put :ship, :id => stock_transfer.number expect(stock_transfer.reload.shipped_at).to_not be_nil expect(flash[:success]).to be_present end it "makes stock movements for the transferred items" do spree_put :ship, :id => stock_transfer.number expect(Spree::StockMovement.count).to eq 1 expect(warehouse_stock_item.reload.count_on_hand).to eq 0 end end context "with non-transferable items" do before { warehouse_stock_item.set_count_on_hand(0) } it "does not mark the transfer shipped" do spree_put :ship, :id => stock_transfer.number expect(stock_transfer.reload.shipped_at).to be_nil end it "errors and redirects to tracking_info page" do spree_put :ship, :id => stock_transfer.number expect(flash[:error]).to match /not enough inventory/ expect(response).to redirect_to(spree.tracking_info_admin_stock_transfer_path(stock_transfer)) end end end end end