module Cmor module Core module Backend module Generators # Example: # # rails g cmor:core:backend:new --name=Cmor::Partners # class NewGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base desc 'Installs the initializer, routes and itsf_backend integration' source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) class_option :name, type: 'string', aliases: '-n' # Cmor::Faq class_option :author, type: 'string', aliases: '-ga' class_option :email, type: 'string', aliases: '-ge' def generate_engine empty_directory "engines/#{flat_path}" templates_dir = "#{__dir__}/templates/" Dir.glob("#{templates_dir}**/*").each do |f| next unless File.file?(f) f.gsub!(templates_dir, '') target = build_target_filename(f) template f, "engines/#{flat_path}/#{target}" end end def set_permissions chmod "engines/#{flat_path}/", 0755 end private def build_target_filename(f) if flat_filename_exceptions.include?(f) f.gsub("foo_bar", flat_path) else f.gsub('foo_bar', nested_path) end end def name @name ||= options[:name] end def nested_modules(options = nil) content = options.delete(:content) nm = '' s = name.split('::') nm << s.each_with_index.collect { |p,i| "#{ ' ' * (2 * i) }module #{p}\n" }.join nm << content.indent(s.size * 2) if content.present? (s.size - 1).downto(0) { |i| nm << "#{ ' ' * (2 * i) }end\n" } return nm end def nested_path @nested_path ||= name.underscore end def flat_path @flat_path ||= name.underscore.gsub('/', '_') end def flat_filename_exceptions %w(foo_bar.gemspec app/assets/javascripts/foo_bar.js app/assets/stylesheets/foo_bar.css lib/foo_bar.rb) end def gemspec { name: flat_path, authors: "[\"#{options[:author] || `git config`.chomp }\"]", email: "[\"#{options[:email] || `git config`.chomp }\"]" } end def cmor_version Cmor::VERSION end def mountpoint "/backend/#{"/_", "-")}-engine" end end end end end end