# Beta ## 0.1.21.beta - Fix issue with iterative flattening function when dealing with empty collections. ## 0.1.20.beta - Rewrite flattening function to no longer be recursive, to help avoid maxing out the stack. - Added a configurable value `flattening_max_key_count` to create a limit on how large of a record we can flatten. It limits the maximum amount of keys we can have in the final flattened record. Defaults to unlimited. ## 0.1.19.beta - Undo a change to nested value flattening functionality to keep existing formatting. This change can be re-enabled by setting the `fix_deep_flattening_delimiters` configuration option to true. ## 0.1.18.beta - Add metrics for successfully sent and failed logstash events, and retries. - Make array flattening optional during nested value flattening with the `flatten_nested_arrays` configuration option. ## 0.1.17.beta - Catch errors relating to Bignum conversions present in the ``json`` library and manually convert to string as a workaround. ## 0.1.16.beta - Fix race condition in ``register()`` method. ## 0.1.15.beta - Only call ``send_status`` method at the end of ``multi_receive()`` if there is at least one record in the batch when ``report_status_for_empty_batches`` config option is set to ``false``. - Update ``register()`` method to use a separate short-lived client session for sending initial client status. ## 0.1.14.beta - Add configurable max retries for requests when running into errors. - Add ability to send messages to the dead letter queue if we exhaust all retries and if it is configured. - Log truncated error body for all errors to help with debugging. ## 0.1.13 - Fix synchronization of status message sending code to avoid duplicate logs. ## 0.1.12 - Add logging of successful request retries after an error for additional clarity. - Add debug level logging of request body on error. ## 0.1.11.beta - Fixes to retry mechanisms. - More thorough catching of events, preferring to retry requests rather than crashing the plugin. ## 0.1.10.beta - Switch to shared concurrency to allow the use of multiple worker threads for increased throughput. - Switch HTTP client library to `manticore` to work better with new shared concurrency. ## 0.1.9 - Add support for logging status messages with metrics to stdout in addition to sending this data to Scalyr by setting ``log_status_messages_to_stdout`` config option. By default those lines are logged under INFO log level and you may need to enable / configure pluggin logging as per https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/logging.html. - Update metric reporting code to round float values to 4 decimal points so we also record sub millisecond values for per event metrics. ## 0.1.8 - Add additional metrics. - Correctly handle flatten_nested_values_duration metric - Add support for setting sampling rate for per event level metrics. It defaults to %5 (``0.05``.) - Status log line format has been updated so it doesn't include comma between key=value pair to make parser definition a bit simpler. ## 0.1.7 - Tracking of new statistics such as `multi_receive` method duration and batch sizes. - Addition of percentiles for both existing and new stats. - Add ability to define a parser name for status messages using the `status_parser` configuration option. ## 0.1.6 - Allow for a customer delimiter when flattening values using the `flatten_nested_values_delimiter` configuration option ## 0.1.2 - Remove special treatment of `origin` field in favor of `serverHost` - Change concurrency type to `single` to help guarantee one-time ordered delivery in Scalyr - Change default compression to `deflate` - Don't use aggregator hostname as `serverHost` by default - Update upload request format to match latest Scalyr API - Add `User-Agent` header to Scalyr requests # Alpha ## 0.0.4 - Docs: Set the default_codec doc attribute. ## 0.0.3 - Docs: Add documentation template ## 0.0.2 - Add encoding: utf-8 to spec files. This can help prevent issues during testing. ## 0.0.1 - Plugins were updated to follow the new shutdown semantic, this mainly allows Logstash to instruct input plugins to terminate gracefully, instead of using Thread.raise on the plugins' threads. Ref: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/3895 - Dependency on logstash-core update to 2.0